Should September 11th be a national holiday?


  • Concetta Bonetti - 7 years ago

    Not so much a holiday, that symbolizes some kind of festivity, but more a national day of remembrance for those lost, and those they left behind.

  • Mark - 7 years ago

    Just NO. Holidays are NOT for this. To set a holiday for an attack... seriously? What are you people thinking. There is no valid reason that anyone should consider a holiday for the event. We do not have holidays for other terrorist attacks, why this one? Why would you give attention to the terrorists in such a fashion? I am blown away that so many people have voted yes. Please do not think that I am insensitive to the loss of life or to the tradegdy that our country suffered. I am acutely aware. However, no one should consider it a holiday. It WILL be REMEMBERED forever. Stop for a moment and think of what decorations you would hang on that day... hmmm. Nothing, huh... yeah. Didn't think so. Wow, that holiday party with your friends is going to be great. Hope you enjoy your day off work. WAKE UP AND STOP DRINKING THE KOOL AID!!!! Is this even being considered at a government level? Geeez.

  • Chandler Man - 7 years ago

    I remember 9/11, know where I was and can relive the entire day, and weeks after, just like the day JFK was killed or RFK, we don't have dedicated holidays for those murders. I do not want to make it a national holiday. I agree with the premise of why celebrate a day 3,000 people were murdered. Dec 7 has been remembered for 70 years, and we don't need a holiday for that.
    I thought it was the opinion of America NOT to give the terrorists any additional attention, by making it a holiday, we are doing just that. As well as giving banks, gov't offices, and other businesses, as well as schools an excuse not to go about our daily business while ignoring the terrorists. We don't have to ignore the outcome, but we need to move forward and become a better country despite what happened 16 years ago.

  • Kelly Hazzard - 7 years ago

    I think it's a great idea. Yes, it involves tragedy. But it is also the day Americans came together. I don't think it would be forgotten over the years. I think it should be here as a reminder that yes we were attacked, but we still stood tall and didn't let it break us. We are true Americans

  • Scott - 7 years ago

    Dec 7th has always been remembered.....without making it a holiday

    I say never forget 9/11
    But in my opinion it should not be a holiday

  • TractorLover - 7 years ago

    Just to remind her majesty mayor Barry, aka Hillary Jr. These were radical muslims that perpetuated this act against the ideals of America. So we don't need anymore of these unvetted sanctuary seekers in our beautiful city. No matter how big your liberal heart is, if you insist, move them into a 'mother in law' apartment at your home.

  • Stovepipe - 7 years ago

    Milennials would just make it another day to sleep in, go to Starbucks and complain about capitalism.

  • Susan - 7 years ago

    I think making 9/11 a national holiday would be an excellent idea. For those who were close to the attacks, or lost loved one, this day can be very difficult for them. Flashbacks and general somber can make it difficult to concentrate. I try to take off most years so that I can watch the reading of the names and reflect, but some years I have to be at work that day and it is always a bit difficult. The people lost, those who risked and gave their lives to protect others, they all deserve our respect and this would be a great way to show it.

  • Alan - 7 years ago

    Why would we have a holiday for a day we were attacked ? It's a day to remember like Pearl Harbor day. A holiday is a day of celebration. Why would we celebrate a day when 3000 people were murdered ?

  • Sherry - 7 years ago

    We should never forget the horrible terrorist act committed by Muslim terrorists who highjacked airplanes and crashed them into the twin towers than two other the pentagon and the last one Americans prevented the terrorist from achieving hitting their final target.

  • Todd - 7 years ago

    As someone who was an adult, and affected by losing two colleagues from work on that horrible day, I do wish we did more to slow down on that day, and truly remember the loss our nation experienced. I love the idea of a Patriots Day where it's a day of remembering the fallen, as there is no real day set aside to commemorate so many that have given their lives that were civilians. However, I'm afraid as time would move on, that many would forget; especially as new generations come along and treat it just like we do Decoration Day, Independence Day, etc. It would just be a day to be off work, have a cook-out, etc.

  • Dean Taylor - 7 years ago

    As a first responder, absolutely.

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