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Have you ever left a job to pursue a dream?

Total Votes: 44
1 Comment

  • BrooklynShoeBabe - 7 years ago

    After 5 years as a journalist, I decided that this childhood dream of mine wasn't what I wanted. Although I was still paying off student loans from my undergraduate degree, I decided to go back to school and a get a Master's in Library Science. I worked in journalism for another 5 years while pursuing my degree at night and on the weekends. Now, I've been a librarian for over 12 years. I deal with finicky public, emotional disturbed individuals, whining kids, entitled parents, a city/state/federal government that doesn't appreciate the intrinsic value of a public library, and a salary that only looks good on paper until you have to pay your bills including student loans. However, I LOVE MY JOB. I wouldn't give it up. Connecting children with books or opening their eyes to knowledge is a feeling I can't describe. It's magical. I've had kids throw themselves around me with bear hugs and parents come back to thank me. That's some an amazing feeling to impact someone's life like that.

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