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Who Won the Sanders & Klobuchar vs. Graham & Cassidy Debate?

Total Votes: 5,751

  • sheri - 7 years ago

    You should have separated Bernie from Klobuchar. She was more of the same ACA. She is funded by United Heath so she is not going to offend the insurance companies. Bernie won hands down. Klobuchar is just trying to piggy back off of his popularity.

  • Cristel jones - 7 years ago

    Republicans are bunch of liar, they don't care for the middle class or poor individuals. The republicans are after to destroy Obamacare

  • Karla Ruthford - 7 years ago

    Bernie won the debate hands down. Was very disappointed that Klobuchar did not promote Medicare for all. However Bernie and Klobuchar have plans in motion to transition from the ACA to a more improved ACA. CASSIDY reminded me of a snake oil salesman. While Graham did not sound convincing or trustful.

  • Daniel - 7 years ago

    There simply is no good reason to beleive that our state governments could possibly fix our Healthcare system, with less money.
    The Democrats were good at naming all of the Health organizations against the bill. They should have gone further, to tell us who the Republican donors are, who are pushing this Bill for there own special interests.

  • George Watson - 7 years ago

    While it was comforting to see how weak the Republican case really is, it was disappointing to note that the Democrats have already decided not to support Sanders 'Medicare for All', despite that being the only real solution to controlling costs and delivering quality services to all Americans. The Democrats, paid by Wall Street, will continue to sandbag economic reform, economic justice, and the progressive agenda in general against the better interests of the American people. Sanders has made his deal with the devil, hoping that talk is enough. It isn't, and he has made it more difficult for those still willing to fight the good fight.

  • Johnny - 7 years ago

    I just think the amount of money being taken away by the Republican bill speaks volumes.
    So many people have relied on Obamacare for Dr Appointments and the thought of not being able to afford what the republicans vetsion of Healthcare. There are very serious concerns when both sides wii not participate togather to put togather something that they can agree on.

    Just my take!

  • Jesus Carpio - 7 years ago

    Republicans argue single payer would cost too much yet said nothing of the $700 billion budget just approved for the DOD. I know they will argue that the military expense is justified for the security of this country. However, consider that the US is the only nation that has military outposts all over the world. As long as we have perceived threats, then we are justified to keep an aggressive posture. China would be willing to remove the North Korean leader if the US removed its military bases from South Korea. That would be a win win for everyone except the military industrial complex.

  • Robert - 7 years ago

    I don't believe in republicans, since the young bush. Republicans brought the Great Recession. They're a bunch of crafts. They only care on themselves and the rich

  • Lena Garner - 7 years ago

    Republicans are liars

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