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Grade the Season 4 premiere of 'black-ish':


  • Bliss Omm - 7 years ago

    I LOVED the courageous voices ... actors, writers, showrunners and producers at ABC that make it possible for these TRUE AND COMPELLING stories to be told! We, African Americans, need platforms like these to be share our various stories and be heard. It will help to show our similarities and differences and encourage open conversations between races which will help us heal our divisions.

  • Opal Lee - 7 years ago

    Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah (from Handel's Messiah) is what I began singing (I can't carry a tune in a bucket) as "blackish" progressed this evening. That's how moving the production was.
    I'm Opal Lee a 91 year old in Ft. Worth, TX who has chaired the Juneteenth Celebrations in our city for over 40 years. Yes there may have been some things I would have said differently, but it was great to have a national stage to make such an acknowledgement and hopefully drive some conversations and action. They did mention Texas which is where the holiday originated. It would have been great if they let viewers know that 45 of the 50 states have it as a recognized state holiday and we are working to make it a National Day of Observance (a factoid the music guy could have thrown in). I've taken it as a personal challenge to do something about it and embarked on a walk to DC ( to talk to the President (Obama first, now Trump). The discomfort is real, but as someone who lived through the torching our her home at age 13 on June 19, 1939 because we moved into a white neighborhood ( I know that healing and forgiveness of our past can come through acknowledgment of the truth of what happened and the Freedom that finally came.

    I really like the question Junior ask, "I'm free. Now what? What does that mean?" I've often wondered how the slaves settled that question in themselves at that time. The Cast tackled it with their own style making it "hip" and relative to today's generation, but I'm sure it was exciting and fearful as they planned their next steps.

    Overall, I'm happy with what they put together. I hope this is like a big rock in the pond that causes some positive ripples for long awaited acknowledgement. We continue to work to make Juneteenth a unifying holiday of education and fun so that the discomfort with others decreases and real conversations can be had.

    As I start my 92nd year, my work is not finished but the lift I got from this show will go a long way toward getting me back on the battlefield. Our plan is to confer with Juneteenth coordinators in each of the states to press their senators to take the lead in making the holiday come to fruition. My prayer is that it will happen in my lifetime (I can dream can't I).

  • Kev - 7 years ago

    Maybe I missed something, but I don't think they ever really gave a proper explanation of what Juneteenth is. It is true that is when all slavery ended, but specifically it is when the news reached Texas. As someone who lives in Texas, where it is an official state holiday, it irked me for this not to have been mentioned.

  • JustMeJordanW - 7 years ago

    It was alright. I mean I understand Dre's feelings on slavery but he could've been more subtle rather than flying off the handle about it.

  • Sweet - 7 years ago

    I learned something tonight. Thank you.

  • Wayne J. Hilliard - 7 years ago

    I was so proud to watch and know that my dear daughter and granddaughter were watching it too...and learning, along with me!! It was an excellent example of creative, informative entertainment, at its best!! LOVED IT, TOTALLY!! "Blach*ish rules!!!

  • Gwendolyn Taylor - 7 years ago

    Tonight's show was excellent. I applaud you and give you a standing ovation for addressing an issue that has been avoided for far too long!! Great job.

  • Steve Parlato - 7 years ago

    It is so good to have Black-ish back. In these crazy times, the show has deepened its sharp social commentary. I eagerly tune in to be entertained by the talented cast (and who knew they had such musical chops?), but also to face the truth of the ways in which our country continues to fail people of color. It is funny, moving, and sometimes uncomfortable. And as Ruby said tonight "White people don't like to be uncomfortable." You know what, though? Discomfort is often a sign of growth and essential for progress. I hope other white viewers will tune in for the right balance of humor, social commentary, and yeah, discomfort. It might just do the broken country some good. P.S. They totally should've taken home some Emmys.

  • dan - 7 years ago

    Awful, I may never watch again. It is a Sitcom Not a Musical very disappointed

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