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Who Will Cheat First - Liam or Steffy?


  • Steven - 7 years ago

    Steffy is quite the “ho” can’t decide who she wants so Bill is just another Spencer to bone ????!! Bill is playing her like a fiddle, and she sopping it up like gravy!! He is just acting like he’s remorseful till he gets what he wants then he’ll be back to business as usual. And Wyatt acting so self righteous, wait till Bill finds out he’s doing the horizontal mambo with his ex ,his head will explode

  • Steven - 7 years ago

    Steffy is quite the “ho” can’t decide who she wants so Bill is just another Spencer to bone ????!! Bill is playing her like a fiddle, and she sopping it up like gravy!! He is just acting like he’s remorseful till he gets what he wants then he’ll be back to business as usual. And Wyatt acting so self righteous, wait till Bill finds out he’s doing the horizontal mambo with his ex ,his head will explode

  • Teresa - 7 years ago

    That would be Beyond gross that would mean she has been with both his sons and now the father nasty

  • Yvette McCann - 7 years ago

    Steffy loves the Spencer men. She did

  • Margaret - 7 years ago

    Steffy and Bill, Whoa!!!! That would be a great edge of seat cant stand it anymore and can't wait till the next espisode excitement. Steffy and Liam are boring, Bill and Steffy would be exciting, there are so many characters tha would hate it? Liam, Ridge, Katie, Brooke, Eric and Wyatt. there could be so many ways to play that. Excitement, Excitement, Excitement, Excitement

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