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Bump stock: Should it be banned?


  • Kenneth - 7 years ago

    I do not believe it would effect the criminal....they will get it whether it is legal or not.

  • Linda Berry - 7 years ago

    I am a Constitutional Activist and of course a concealed carry gun owner...however.....i see no positive in bump stocks so agree it should be banned.

  • Mark Neubeck - 7 years ago

    AR's not arm's

  • Mark Neubeck - 7 years ago

    ATF already approved the Bumpfire stock and the Surefire stock as well. The issue in our country is pure evil, one example of evil is even during a tragedy like the hurricanes people are being robbed, assaulted and many other crimes. The stocks do not alter the trigger assembly so therefore do not make the Arm's and AK's machine guns.

  • Rob Bertram - 7 years ago

    With a bump stock the shooter is,actually less accurate. You're more accurate if you shoot in 3 or 4 round burst. Its hard to control an automatic weapon. Plus criminals do not follow the rules!!! Only law abiding citizens will be hurt by these bans. Plus what's next the rifles themselves or all guns???

  • Marcia Crabtree - 7 years ago

    I voted to ban the bump stock even though I am a gun owner. NO ONE (civilian) should have automatic rifles. The only place those should be used is in war through our Military. What these gun activists don't want to understand is you can't correct "mentally deranged" people by taking guns away. If they can get their hands on poisons, or search on the internet on how to make bombs or other weapons of mass destruction, owns a steak knife, drives a car, or even owns a lighter to set fire to a building that they have barricaded the doors shut on. It's not going to stop .. People don't think for themselves anymore .. common sense isn't taught .. The younger generation of people have been handed everything. Government has been allowed to take over peoples lives for way to long .. creating weak minded people who are led around like lost sheep .. think it's time to go back to the basic's ..

  • Dan - 7 years ago

    We are surrounded by hundreds and thousands of objects, weapons, machines, etc that could kill or harm someone. It's mental stability; it's our values; it's our respect for each other & our country; it's enforcing current laws that makes a difference.

    ATF also knows it will have a mess on their hands when all of the manufacturers' file lawsuits. Nothing in the design or performance has changed between now and 2010 when approved by the ATF. Decision has to be black & white, not rooted in knee-jerk feelings and lobbied pressure.

    If they truly "ban" bump stocks, they are setting us up for a treasure trove of future bans & regulations on any other modification that makes something more lethal.

    Politically, I think the NRA did the right thing by putting the ball back into the ATF's court.

  • Ken - 7 years ago

    Killing people with or without a gun/bumpstock or truck or bomb is already against the law! Why is it so hard for people to understand that passing more laws will not change a persons mind about breaking that law?

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