Do you support Vice President Pence leaving the Colts game because players protested during the national anthem?


  • AMS - 7 years ago

    I'm shocked that people in the south do not understand the perspective of black Americans, NOT! The south is more racist, sexist, and homophobic than any other part of the country. Sure, other parts of the country have cases of racism, sexism, and homophobia, but it is nothing compared to its prevalence in the south. The South is like 2-3 decades behind the rest of the country. It is also the most religious part of the country. Coincidence?

  • Confused - 7 years ago

    I can not understand why people are taking a stand ( or should I say knee) on this protest and the disrespect it shows to our country and flag. While you may have a legitimate concern or point of view about police and the black community the flag represents more than a singular issue.

    Continue to fight for your cause, however not at the expense of those who feel strongly on what the flag represents to them. For many military people who risk their life for our freedom the flag is a deep rooted symbolism of what they stand for and risk their lives to defend.

    The flag also is a symbol of all the opportunity this country provides the many who live in this great nation. The flag even represents your rights to protest and freedom of speech to voice your opinion. Kneeling is a show of disrespect of the very thing those kneeling are in protest.

    Exercise your right to voice your opinion and continue to use freedom of speach to try and make a difference for your cause. Just pleas stop doing it at the expense of others who have a deep rooted belief of what the flag stands for.

  • Marcita - 7 years ago

    It was Pence’s right to walk out just like it’s the player’s right to kneel. Was not Pence’s right to waist over 200,000 of taxpayers money.

  • Snowflake ❄️❄️❄️ - 7 years ago

    All "Make America Great Again" ever meant was "Make America how it was prior to Civil Rights"....the Trump base is nothing more than poor, disenfranchised white men (and women) who feel that blacks and hispanics are to blame for their crappy lives. I mean, reading through some of these posts, some of y'all just need to go ahead and admit loud and proud that you are racist as hell, own that if you are so proud to be that way. You are mad because you can't run around screaming "white power", you don't think it's fair, poor you blah blah blah. How can anyone say that these players have nothing to protest, that there isnt a HUGE problem with racism in this country, when all one has to do is read through the comments on any news article and find black and white proof that it does exist?Some people seem to think it's acceptable to be loud and proud with your "white pride" and your passive aggressive back handed racist comments, because it's "Trumps America now"....let me give you a tip: ITS NOT. It's not acceptable. And all you are doing is proving that your an @$$hole. I just find it ironically hilarious that those who make fun of us "libtards" for getting triggered and being special snowflakes and all, are now the same ones who have completely lost their sh** over who's kneeling during the anthem at an NFL about being triggered and needing a safe place, lol.

  • Snowflake ❄️❄️❄️ - 7 years ago

    This whole thing was simply a ploy by Cheeto In Chief and his lackey Pence to try and stir that pot some more, and distract us from the fact that he can't get anything passed even having a Republican run House AND Senate, as well as the fact that Trump is going to tweet our way right into WWIII. Pence and Trump knew that players would kneel, and knew Pence would walk out. Stirring that pot. As for some NFL players and owners taking a knee during the National Anthem, they have outright said that they are NOT protesting the flag or our country. They have plainly stated what they are protesting, and it's violence against Blacks in America. Those players have a national stage, they used their positions on that stage to bring awareness to an issue, to start a conversation. Well they succeeded whether you like it or not. It's ridiculous for Trump and all his special snowflake followers to try and tell those protesting "Nope, sorry, Im going to tell you what you are protesting, even though you have already made clear what the protest is about." Can y'all not just use a little common sense and see what is really going on? Because common sense would tell you that these players are protected under the 1st Ammendment to have freedom of speech and the right to PEACEFUL PROTEST, and Trump is only making a big deal out of this now because he needs the distraction and he needed to throw his followers a bone, make them feel like he is so proud of this country and that he's a good little patriot.....5 military deferments would say otherwise, but I guess that's where common sense would come in to play. PSL holders think they are making a difference by not attending the games and burning their tickets....doesn't matter a bit because they have already paid a pretty penny for those PSLs, the NFL teams don't care if they are in that stadium or not, they've already got the PSL holders money.

  • Brett Crystal - 7 years ago

    This poll should be an easy "Yes" for most people. He absolutely has the right to do it, and I support that, however the effectiveness of it is what I question. He, and the president, certainly knew about the protests for at least the last year, yet tickets were still purchased (or gifted). If they're not willing to support the NFL for these reasons, it is contradictory that they had already shown their "support" by getting the tickets and physically going to the game. It doesn't matter that he left early, but it was an obvious waste of our taxpayer dollars for him to travel out of his way to stage a spectacle.

  • Machelle Bates - 7 years ago

    At Blame Trump, Sonny and Heather Melton saved lives for a living. They got no karma! They definitely were heroes and you are sick! #TN PROUD. And roll on TRUMP TRAIN!

  • Joe Sixpack - 7 years ago

    Watch white flight from the NFL. National Felon League.

  • Joe Sixpack - 7 years ago

    No surprise taht the Antifa and Black Lives Matter people on this forum celebrate Las Vegas. This has nothing to do with "injustice," and everything to do about the hatred of whites. BOYCOTT NFL!

  • Blame Trump - 7 years ago

    I support/stand with the NFL. Screw Pence...Trump and all the others commenting here. You people really have no idea why Paddock claimed 59 lives. You whites are finally getting what you dished out. Karma is a BYTCH!!!! Take note he shot up a bunch of white racist Republicans/Hillbillies

  • 101st - 7 years ago

    Their right to kneel. His right to walk out. My right to never attend or watch Pro football again. Why is this so difficult to understand? Why waste so much energy arguing about it?

  • Lisa - 7 years ago

    This protest has always been about racial injustice. People who REFUSE to see the problem had to find a way to justify their discomfort. Bigly sad!

  • Military Brat - 7 years ago

    I Totally Support What Vice President Pence did! In fact, I wish a LOT More fans would do the same thing!! I am SICK of this FAKE Liberal Outrage by a Bunch Of Overpaid Crybaby SJWs in the NFL! I Own 4 Titan’s PSLs and Season Tickets and I have since the team came to Nashville as the “Oilers” and I attended their games at Vanderbilt Stadium....... a True Titan’s Fan Here, but now I am DONE!! I have taken Your Advice, Delanie Walker, and I NO Longer Attend Your Games!! The Entire “Racial Injusti” ordeal is CRAP!! This is just Another way for the Black Folks to Continue to use the Race/Victim Cards!! And as far as their Fists in the air goes....... That is the sign for “Black Power” and a sign that the Black Panthers HATE/Racist Group uses and should NOT be allowed on that field that MY Tax Dollars Pay For!!! Wake Up Liberals, you’re being Used for a FAKE Cause with a FAKE Narrative!! Smdh

  • Mark Davis - 7 years ago

    By chance, I caught the Pence story tonight. I certainly was not looking for any NFL news. Don't want to hear a word of it. Posted two weeks ago that I am through with the owners and NFL bosses' hypocrisy. The NFL rules say players must stand on the sideline, with helmet in their left hand and not talk during the anthem, or they can be subject to fines or penalties. But the Cowboys were not permitted to wear a small emblem on their helmets to honor five Dallas policemen murdered in the streets by cowardly anarchists. You can be sure if they did wear the emblem, they would have been fined or punished. And there are other similar shameful examples of NFL hypocrisy. Keep politics out of the stadium! But it doesn't matter, I quit watching two weeks ago, and I don't expect to ever come back.

    Thank you, Mike. I am proud of your quiet protest for a belief that used to be the norm in our morally crumbling country.

  • Connie - 7 years ago

    Where was all this outrage a year ago when a few player peacefully took a knee. Was not a problem until someone decide to change the reason for taking a knee to make it a way to try and discredit the NFL which he has a beef with because they did not want involved in their league.

  • James - 7 years ago

    Dr Martin Luther King JR said in his I Have A Dream speech in 1963 that someday a man would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. So to all the NFL players that want to kneel and shake your fist at our flag and national anthem I day your character sucks. If you want to help the so called injustice become a roll model and show some respect.

  • Sandra Reid - 7 years ago

    Any athlete who refuses to stand in honor of our flag, our anthem, and those men and women who fought for and paid for our freedom, because freedom is not free, should denounce their citizenship and move to another country to play their game. I am sure they could could get multimillion dollar contracts to play ball elsewhere.

  • Stacey - 7 years ago

    I totally support our president and vice president. The football teams should give people back their money for tickets. Enough people do this and they will show respect. We the people are the reason they are rich.

  • Sara Yahola - 7 years ago

    If Pence was so set on walking out if the players were kneeling, Why did the military officer standing next to him NOT salute nor place his hand over HIS heart? double standard????

  • Sandi - 7 years ago

    So proud of our Vice President. He has my vote if he rubs for the Predidency!!

  • Chitro - 7 years ago

    Acknowledge and address the biased judgment, unfair treatment, and persecution against the minorities in the US... otherwise, you are accepting racism as a way of this nation... not acknowledging the reasons for the protest is the real disrespect to the anthem or the flag for what they truely represent...

  • Jack - 7 years ago

    There would be a huge Tsunami affect going all the way back to high school football if the people of America would stand up individually and would stop supporting the millionaire football players, That already have been PAYED

  • Haywood Bass - 7 years ago

    What a great day not watching football again. Spent time with the family, however it was raining. Delanie told me “bye”, so see ya later Delanie.

  • Jack - 7 years ago

    Stop supporting the nfl and see what happens

  • joe - 7 years ago

    How much tax payer money was wasted on this PR stunt?

  • Stacey - 7 years ago

    It is not the "Trump" anthem or the flag of the United States of "Trump". Presidents come and go but not the spirit and symbols of America. I see the NFL protesting by disrespecting America not Trump. Love football and wish we could keep the protests outside the gate and spend a little time together as just American sports fans.

  • BENTON BROWN - 7 years ago

    I support our President and Vice President, our nation and everything it stands for. What I do not support is the disrespect that the NFL is showing to our country. Everyone has taken this event and twisted it to support other causes and problems, that's fine but let us understand that is NOT why the disrespectful football player started kneeling. He started kneeling because of a song that he interpreted to be in support of something that it is not. Our national anthem has been played since the United States was created and no person or organization has protested it until know. Can anyone explain that? It has been played in almost every country in the world, in front of billions of people, and preformed by thousands of artists and every day citizens with absolutely no regret or second thought. This football player claims that it supports racism and that he will not honor it. If he believes that, then fine he has that right, but he should keep it to himself and not push his beliefs onto others. Just because he has a national platform doesn't mean he should use it to push what he claims as racism. To me he is just spreading hatred. This country has enough of that! If you really want to stop racism stop talking about it! The great Mr. Morgan Freeman gave an interview to Don Lemon of CNN. Two well accomplished, extremely educated black men, sat down on national television and they both agreed, the way to stop racism in this country is to stop talking about it. ( watch it on YouTube) Stop adding fuel to a fire that was put out decades ago. stop fanning a flame that was dying at the birth of our nation. Yes there have been actions taken by a few people that should not have taken place but that does not promote racism, that promotes hatred! The Civil War ended slavery, Civil rights brought equality, Dr. Martin Luther King's dream came true! We the citizens of the United States overwhelmingly elected a black president, where was the racism in that? When someone joins a movement, support the movement, the ORGINAL movement and be willing to take in stride every repercussion that comes with it, the First amendment gives us the freedom of speech, but before you speak be prepared to back it up with facts! I support Vice President Pence in his action to leave the game! I support OUR president and I support every person who stands and continues to stand for our national anthem! I DO NOT support the NFL and will boycott every game and sponsor until this disrespect ends. and I challenge all Americans to see past the hatred and disrespect to OUR nation and those who fight everyday to protect us and stand for OUR national anthem! I support or military men and women, I support our First Responders, Our Police Officers and Fire Fighters, I support our President and Vice President, I salute OUR flag, and I stand and place my right hand over my heart EVERY time the Star Spangled Banner plays and I will until the day I die. I WILL STAND FOR OUR FLAG AND I WILL KNEEL ONLY BEFORE GOD! I challenge each and everyone who reads this to do the same!

  • Todd - 7 years ago

    It is a disgrace to see NFL players beating their chest, taking a knee and drawing attention to themselves on game day. They are employees of their respective teams and should honor the contract they have signed. If they choose to speak out on a topic dear to them as individuals, other venues outside of game day would be more appropriate. I am a huge NFL fan but will not watch or support the NFL until the stupidity has ended. Let's just play football again guys!

  • Doug Gilbert - 7 years ago

    I see you…
    I see you, professional football player, as you kneel down during the playing of the National Anthem…
    I see you, with your arm raised in protest…
    I see you thinking you are doing something to unite people over social and racial injustice.
    I see you…
    But, more than that here is what I really see…
    I see a man pushing the wheels of his wheelchair as he returns home from a foreign land unable to function as he once did, due to fighting to protect you as you kneel on the ground.
    I see a young widow, dressed carefully in black, mourning the remains of her husband, hugging a coffin on the tarmac of an airport. I see that same woman clutching a perfectly folded flag to her bosom as taps is played at his graveside. I see her young son, tears streaming down his face knowing his father would never come home again.
    I see graveyards full of tombstones, here and overseas, with names of those fallen, with dates showing a much too early death. I see so many, from so many different wars and conflicts, crosses and stones. They are too numerous to count.
    I see the sacrifices made, the hearts broken, the tears shed, the shattered lives all in the name of freedom… all in the name of that red, white and blue piece of cloth that you choose to protest.
    Social and racial injustice? You who make millions of American dollars for playing a game in a country where you have more opportunity to make a better life for you and your family than anywhere in the world? Really? The hypocrisy of it astounds me.
    First of all, if you really want to protest, give your money and time to make changes. Give to those less fortunate than you. Help those people get an education, buy them food and shelter. Show them opportunities to make better decisions. Teach them that they have a purpose in life.
    If you really want to protest injustices…
    Protest the treatment of veterans, who have to wait extremely long periods of time for healthcare, who are living under interstate bridges, in boxes, who are committing suicide. Today over twenty of them will take their lives out of hopelessness and despair.
    There is no greater injustice than that.
    Protest the loss of religious rights as some atheist complained so much that public prayer by a group of young players on an athletic field is not allowed.
    When I see that flag, when I hear that song, when I sing those words, I give homage to those who died for this land, who continue to protect this land, who don’t know if and when they will ever see their loved ones again. Some say that they died for your freedom so that you can take a knee. I say they died for your freedom so you can stand proudly and be thankful that God has blessed you enough that you can live in a country of so much opportunity.
    Go ahead…
    Go ahead and kneel…
    Go ahead and be ungrateful.
    I am watching…
    As are millions and millions of others.
    We don’t see a protest of unity… we see a protest of disgraceful ignorance.
    This is so well said by another I could not possibly do any better

  • Alan Schwartz - 7 years ago

    The players were protesting the racism and sexism of the Trump administration not the flag. Pence's actions show the pettiness of Trump and Pence.

  • Kathy - 7 years ago

    Trump and Pence are both pushing the false narrative that the players are protesting the flag and the country. They are NOT! They are protesting social injustice, something the 'president' cares nothing about. This is just a ploy to further divide the country and distract us from his treasonous behavior in the campaign. Impeachment can't come soon enough for this clown!

  • Toni A Corbin - 7 years ago

    Wow,a stunt that cost so much money and it was staged by drumpf...shameful ,esp.when so many vets ,homeless,and hurricane victims need our help.

  • Bill Sullivan - 7 years ago

    I'd support him spending his money to support whatever he desires. I don't like him wasting tax payer money for a political ploy. Anyone who supports wasting our tax money needs to have their head examined.

  • Jonathan Spicer - 7 years ago

    The whole thing was a set up in advance to try and make more hay out of a protest against social inequality about the flag and respecting the military. BTW,How is taking 5 draft deferments respectful to flag and military,as well as country. Seems our "Dear Leader is a bit of a hypocrite and by association so is "Preacher" Pence!

  • Art Perdue - 7 years ago

    Time for the NFL to put a end to this disrespectful action. Their contract specifically states the players MUST honor the flag.Enfore the contract !!!

  • Sjw warrior - 7 years ago

    Instead of blaming the police for your life decisions why not stop kneeling and go out and teach your people to not glorify violence and being thugs? Dont carry unregistered firearms and break the law and I promise the police won’t bother you . The system is not racist just a bunch of liberal
    Cry baby cucks who always got their way have taken over. If you hate the police next time you’re in Trouble just call a crackhead!

  • Amanda weaver - 7 years ago

    They are racist bitches

  • Amanda weaver - 7 years ago

    I don't support anything him or the Cheeto do they not racist bitches

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