Should parents be jailed if their children are guilty of bullying?


  • jenise German - 7 years ago

    do folks not realize why the kids are bullies. gov.took away the right to raise your kids like we use to . i take time to tell mine why bullying is a bad idea but i also tell them dont let others run over you either. raise a child up the way it should go and when its older it will not depart from it . there is hope when you teach them right but in schools now its ridiculou .

  • Gary - 7 years ago

    DML-I voted NO, I think a better option is to make them perform two days (the first time) of community service together at the same place. I do not think there would be a second time

  • Sarah McRoberts - 7 years ago

    This is a tough one. I was bullied so bad in school it almost pushed me to the point of suicide. My son was continually bullied by the same kid and at one point actually held down while the kid kicked him and all the school did was make him stay inside during one recess!!! I am a firm believer that kids learn bullying somewhere and many times that's at home. None of my kids would EVER bully anyone because I TAUGHT them it was not acceptable behavior, even among themselves. Many parents today just let their kids do whatever and the video games are their baby sitter. If they had repercussions for not parenting their kids maybe there wouldn't be so many bullies out there.

  • Melanie - 7 years ago

    Like everything else, this is a knee-jerk reaction. There are different "levels" of bullying: thoughtlessness, peer-pressure, meanness, parental example, etc. Don't begin rehabilitation of bullying with the extreme. Provide resources for child and parent. Provide parenting skills. What happens when parent is jailed? Kids get thrown into the system? How does this help?

  • Deb - 7 years ago

    I said no. A better solution would be to put the bullies in a program like scared straight where the convicts give them a taste of their own medicine. I think you would get better results.

  • James and Kathie Kerwin - 7 years ago

    Yes Parents are responsible for their children. I have a child that causes problems put in junveile centers tell he was a adult and in jail that he learn to be responsible

  • Toni - 7 years ago

    I voted no, that will not teach the child anything. I do believe every situation is different. If there is physical damage, the parent should pay for it and make the child pay it back. Putting the parents in jail makes no sense to me whatsoever. It sounds like when I read some of the stupid laws in other countries, I forget the exact one I’m thinking of, but a girl got raped and they punished the girl instead of the perpetrator!

  • Keitha Williams - 7 years ago

    I voted no, sometimes you just have "bad" kids and sometimes you have "bad" parents. But I think try going to the child directly, arrest them. I believe in tough love, but arresting the bully first is a hands on learning experience and hands on needs to happen more! My nephew lived with me (problem teenager) he also robbed me. I pressed charges, and he spent time in juvenile detention. I took my kids to visit him, another lesson learned. He is now a family man, and a accountant doing well. And we are like mom and son!

  • Kay - 7 years ago

    Just another way for children to learn they don't need to take responsibility for their actions. Way to go Muni govt.

  • Tammy J Eccleston Petitt - 7 years ago

    I voted ( “YES !!!!” ) If a parent is really trying to get ahold of their child’s behavior and failing, there needs to be resources for the parents to turn to such as a local boot camp. If the parent first try’s to get resources, no the parents should not go to jail.

  • TinaBeana - 7 years ago

    First the left wants to take over parenting (earlier school, feed the kids all meals, parents aren’t allowed to spank or CPS is called, etc.) now they want to jail parents for their bratty and undisciplined kids?

  • Karen Hambrock - 7 years ago

    If you don't want to be responsible for your child's actions then don't have children!

  • Kaye joannides - 7 years ago

    I think some children are “bad seeds”, they would do anything to hurt their family without a moments thought. There are some children that are sociopaths and are not controllable by anyone. The parents have no control or influence on them, we read about them everyday..

  • Alyce - 7 years ago

    They remove from parents the ability to punish their children, claiming it is child abuse, then expect the parents to turn out well-disciplined childrwn. You can't have it both ways. Let parents do their God-given job.

  • Toni - 7 years ago

    I voted yes but only if the bully is sitting in jail with the parent. The bully has to be accountable for their actions also. After 18 parents can’t be held accountable. That’s when the bully has to grow up and choose their own path and be solely accountable.

  • Jimmy - 7 years ago

    Our country already controls too much of our lives! The law does not let a parent spank your own child when they misbehave and yet parents are held accountable for the child’s action. I would say the parent and child be required to have counciling first.

  • Deb - 7 years ago

    Thus is opportunity to educate everyone. Dr Phil had a bullying program which may be an example - the school should institute w required parent/guardian attendance. Saturday school for behavior modification and character building & community civic / social responsibility workshops. Let’s get this train in the track again by educating for inclusion and acceptance beyond differences.

  • Deb - 7 years ago

    all actions must have consequences, reward or positive if you do well, punishment or negative, of some kind, if you don't. My dad believed in old fashion physical punishment and it kept 13 of us kids in line. As a retired teacher of 34 years I've watched negative consequences removed for bad behavior and it doesn't teach the child about the real world where there are real consequences. Young people must be taught responsibility.

  • Vickie - 7 years ago

    Kids should be locked up !,,

  • Bonnie - 7 years ago

    This was way more than bullying that this town has put forward I think a case by case of negligent irresponsible parents or a child that no matter what a parent or parents have done makes no change

  • Irma Desiderio - 7 years ago

    I do believe that joint "teamwork" community service for both the parent (s) and child is in order. In addition mandated family therapy should be ordered as well. This is a family issue and, perhaps issues stemming from the parents' upbringing. This can only be resolved in therapy.

  • Dianne - 7 years ago

    I do believe parents and/or bully, should be fined. I would also like to see the parents and the bully go to some counseling. They need to understand "why" they bully and what it does to their victim.

  • Don't matter - 7 years ago

    You people are pathetic that want to punish parents for their uncontrollable kid. Sometimes a bad Apple is just born and no parenting will fix stupid, kind of like yourself. With that said, I think you should be punished just for bullying your opinion through.

  • Bob Roche - 7 years ago

    I voted yes, because we have taken away any authority of schools, care givers, police and anyone else in authority. We have even taken away any parental authority to disiplin our own children. But the parents have the vote that allows these idiot politicians to pass such laws.

  • Terry Gupton - 7 years ago

    It’s about time parents took responsibility for their children, the lack of parenting is why we have kids tearing up this country, Parents are responsible for their children until they’re 18, I think it ought to be this way nationwide.

  • Betty - 7 years ago

    I totally agree with the the above comment. Jailing parents doesn’t solve the real problems.

  • SHELLEY ROBINSON - 7 years ago

    children should be held accountable for their actions. they should be fined and ordered community service picking up garbage along the side of roads AND all the fines collected should be used to build or reinforce a strong community center that councils on bulling with mandated participation. if parents refuse to get involved then they should face consequences. i caught my son shop lifting one time and i made him turn himself in....tough love goes a long way in teaching responsibility!!!!!!

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