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Who does a better job serving the country?

Total Votes: 3,282

  • Willie Smith - 7 years ago

    Hey Will, for your information, it was Obama who has divided the nation, taking every opportunity to talk trash about the U.S. to our enemies, talking down to us veterans and calling everyone 'racists', telling us we're 'wrong' to be patriotic, and 'wrong' to hold on to our guns and religion, etc. Then there's that CRIMINAL Hillary Rob'em Clinton, doing the exact same thing, if not worse. Four men dead in Benghazi, billions of dollars missing from the State Department, selling uranium to the Russians.... These leftist TRAITORS - and that's precisely what they are - have deliberately done everything in their power to weaken, and try to destroy, America. Obama, the Clintonistas, and Soros have been the driving force behind these BLM punks and Antifa, and they belong in PRISON for it, President Trump is a Patriot. He loves America, and he's doing everything he can to turn things around for us. A divider? NO. That was Obama, Clinton, and traitors like Nutsy Pelosi, Schumer, Mad-Max Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, and about 90% of the Democrats in Congress, who need to be kicked out of office and sent straight to a federal penitentiary for life!

  • Willie Smith - 7 years ago

    Bob Corkscrew is SO crooked that when he kicks the proverbial bucket, the undertakers will have to SCREW him into the ground! We're SICK of Corker, and we're SICK of Lyin' Lamar Alexander, and we're also SICK of Diane Black! That pasty-faced RINO hack Mitch McConnell needs to get the boot also, along with Lindsay Graham, and about fifteen others. McConnell is like a cross between the Pillsbury Doughboy and Jabba the Hut...

  • Larry the cable guy - 7 years ago

    My family and others we know are sick of corker
    He is primary cause I'm my oppion of the swamp in D.C.
    He has put a missle on all of Americans heads by objecting to and letting the Iran deal Iran billion dollar tax payer money go thru ! I wonder in the back of my mind how much mr corker got paid for that ! As well as I personally can thing of one thing he has. One to help trnnseeans , he is a never trumper and actual makes me sick to my stomach because I know how he and other senators are. Globalist and you work for k street not us the middle class
    Good riddance corker Wish you would of left years ago !

  • Tennessee Girl - 7 years ago

    *most people I know

  • Tennessee Girl - 7 years ago

    I'm from Tennessee and from the Chattanooga area that Corker "serves." Yes in quotes because he does little to actually serve Tennesseeans. I have been politically active for a while now. Corker is one of a few of my "representatives" who never responds.

    So who does he serve? Let's look at his voting record. It's a poor reflection of the values of lost people I know. Let's look at his pocket. Seriously. Let's see where his income and support come from, because I don't know. He doesn't respond to constituents, he votes against the values of most of his constituency, and his 2-year-old little tantrums belie his age.

  • Do you know the Facts? - 7 years ago

    So this guy named Will and many others say: Trump is dividing this country. Sounds like a negative opinion with no facts. Only if people would talk with facts and research. So, their argument is, one man can divide us? He is the reason why we can't talk to each other, can't be friends, cant love each other, can't get long, for the violence, we are so disrespectful, unlawful, etc.... ONE MAN! It's couldn't be the media, the left side, or any other reasons. What if the question was that the left side, liberals, are the reason for division? What if people were saying you can't have reasonable conversation with the left side without name calling, facts, research, and them just ignoring the right side or shutting down conservatives? What if people felt the liberal media is taking over the way everyone is thinking and they are creating division with negativity and nothing positive, no facts but opinions that create fear, hate and drama. It couldn't be years of things getting worse for Americans and the previous administration didn't really try hard to fix things but we don't want to admit it that they were corrupt and let things keep happening for their benefit.
    Then there are people like Don. Everyone is "thinking" bad about Trump. Really where is the proof? Sources with no names, from media outlets that are against everything Trump. Good fact! The GOP is "falling" apart; oh because of all their research that supports those opinions. Look at the left, one could say the same. Twitter, like Trump is the only person to say dumb things on Twitter, look at other politicians. Hillary, calling half the United States, deplorable. You mean the moms, sisters, brothers, are deplorable. That's not mean and bullying. Michele Obama making fun and being mean to women who voted for Trump. Come on, holy left side! Wars have been started by words, yea thank god we don't live in the 13th century. Worry warts III! We have professional military and government staff that make sure the world is safe, so you should sleep better. How about how this administration has finally got the rest of the world creating stronger sanctions against N. Korea. That's a fact! Russia: there is no proof against the president or his staff working with them. Even, Obama had the U.S. attempt to overthrow another countries democratic election process. We need our government sections that deal with foreign problems to fix them. Fight them, not Trump! Previous administrations haven't worked on improving these problems with cyber problems. You think not protecting our borders more will be better for foreign governments. I'm guessing most Americans and media don't really know how often through the years that foreign governments have hacked us, stolen information, paid groups to protest and have affected a lot of things. Where was the protest? It's now a problem because of hate for Trump. Most Americans and media don't know the border problems because they don't get the briefings and all the details. They don't get how it really affect us. Research! Because everyone is worried about CNN, Facebook, jobs, school, life, celebrities to really know what is the truth and how to fix it. My friend watched CNN and now I know the truth.
    The truth is Trump is one man. There are many committees with elected people that the people should bring their problems too. Like the city of Chicago and demanding change. Like the cyber division and it's ability to perform. Like getting NFl and celebrities to really make a difference in communities. We have all kinds of problems and constantly being immature, blaming one man while you enjoy your nice relaxed life, and not making difference is not going to do anything. Get the facts, get the research, find solutions and go to the root of the problem.

  • Blame Trump - 7 years ago


  • Don - 7 years ago

    Corker is right! He finally said what all the GOP are thinking and he called him out on the dangerous path he has placed America upon. (All remember: Marsha Blackburn, Diane Black, and Beth Harwell all share Trump's sick views. Let's vote them all out. The GOP is falling apart. Now's the time!

    Trump’s impulsive Twitter rants.

    Trump uses Twitter to criticize and bully everyone from members of his own cabinet and celebrities to China and European allies. To some, it might seem harmless, but wars have been started by words alone.
    Until his staff wrestles his cell phone away from him, Trump puts us at risk with every tweet.

    Trump's continued denial of his alleged collusion with Russia.

    Trump's refusal to appreciate the gravity of what Russia did in compromising our nation’s most fundamental process — free and fair democratic elections — will only enable future destructive interference.

    Trump’s lack of foreign policy expertise.

    Trump has demonstrated that he does not understand basic international politics and that emotions and split-second gut reactions drive his decisions rather than information and analysis. In June, he launched a series of critical tweets about Qatar, apparently unaware that the country hosts our largest military base in the Middle East. Separately, after meeting with Chinese president Xi Jinping, Trump admitted he had learned in the meeting that “it’s not so easy” for China to control North Korea, an embarrassing and terrifying admission from a president who is considering launching a war with North Korea that could send the entire region into chaos.
    Speaker Paul Ryan has blamed separate incidents on Trump's lack of government experience, but that will be of little comfort when one of his careless missteps causes an international crisis or endangers American lives.

    Trump’s mishandling of secret information.

    Though former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci seemed to blame former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus for the administration's leaking problem, the former financier ignored the biggest leaker in Washington: President Trump himself.
    On July 25, Trump appeared to confirm the existence of a covert CIA operation to train and support moderate Syrian opposition rebels fighting against President Bashar al-Assad. This comes after Trump met with the Russian foreign minister in May and reportedly boasted about highly classified intelligence he had been entrusted with by a foreign partner — a major breach of espionage etiquette.
    In fact, Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner also still maintains a Top Secret security clearance despite failing to disclose several meetings with Russian officials, something that would have likely resulted in any other member of the U.S. government immediately losing their clearance. Trump further puts U.S. lives at risk as the country depends on intelligence to keep America safe, but allies will be reluctant to share this vital information if the Trump administration can’t keep secrets.

    Trump’s cuts to American diplomacy.

    Under Trump’s guidance, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is trying to completely reorganize and slash funding for the Department of State — the government’s diplomatic arm — ostensibly to help pay for increasing the military budget, despite military and intelligence officials‘ warning that cutting State Department funding weakens national security. The department is a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community and runs more than 270 diplomatic locations around the world. Some diplomats have reportedly said the department is in “chaos” under Trump and Tillerson and that seasoned experts are fleeing the organization. A disorganized, underfunded, and understaffed diplomatic agency would leave the United States vulnerable to foreign exploitation.

    Trump’s denial of climate change.

    In May, the U.S. Intelligence Community concluded that climate change will cause growing security risks to the U.S. i

  • joy - 7 years ago

    hey will.... this country was divided about 8 years before president Trump came along...... corker is nothing but a Rhino obstructionist and in a little while all the obstructionist will be gone...1 down and about 4 to go. then and only then will our President be able to move forward with making America great again and getting things done....

  • Will - 7 years ago

    What has trump done except devide a nation. I guess that's going to be his high mark

  • How do you know? - 7 years ago

    - Corker is giving up on serving this country. Trump is just getting started.
    - Corker would have not "retired" if he was given the V.P. or Sec. of Def. positions. So, is he being selfish or for the country?
    - What has Corker done for the country? What is still trying to do for the American People? He has been part of the corrupted politicians that keep pretending to do for this country, working three days a week, and collecting good pay while nothing has really changed for the country. Why are so many people unhappy with the government, if they have been doing such a good job.
    - People want trump to fail, so they are even willing to not work by, with or through the Trump administration, they will not vote on good policies for the American people, and we have people just destroying this country because they don't want to keep trying to fix the country because they just want Trump to fail. This is politics at it's worse because of hatred for one man. And the sad part is that nothing good is happening for the country when you just vote against, don't compromise, when nothing changes in healthcare, delay process and care more about illegals than our own American citizens.
    Maybe people like George Soros and other rich celebrities keep us fighting each other. Everyone can say bad things about Trump but where is the evidence that he has done something horrible for this country as Presidnt? As President, i hear him trying to improve healthcare. If you disagree, well, Americans are really pissed about the current Heathcare. So maybe it's not Trump and it's a bunch of politicians keeping anyone from providing great healthcare. He has finally got the world being harder on Notth Korea. He is not going to start a war, trust me we other people working on preventing war. But everyone can agree that the world is standing up to N. Korea. He has been bringing jobs back to the U.S. and that's good for us. He wants to lower taxes for Americans. And the left wants to fight this, they just want to fight anything? Trump is wanting to support DACA but he also wants to protect the USA borders, what is wrong with that and it provides more jobs. He wants to give both sides what they want. Both sides can't get everything. Trust me he wants more.
    So, where is this list of examples of what Trump and administration is doing to hurt Americans? How do those things hurt the Americans, explain it instead of saying names about him and bringing up topics without any evidence for how it's bad for all Americans. I think people are watching to much CNN, MSNBC and other sites that just keep fueling hate without any solutions or giving facts on explaining how he is destroying the Country. Can people agree that those news sites get paid to fight against him by twisting, lying, not reporting the good information, gaslighting, and just being hateful to keep people in fear and hate. How come democrats just fight republicans without giving in at all? There is no good debates and conversations to make this country better. You can't say they are working for us when they are really fighting against each other to keep nothing happening for us. It's either a master plan to keep from improving Americans or it's just so stupid and we allow it to happen. What do we want in America because we are allowing our government to not work for us. We allow them to fight and tear us apart when there could be compromises. For example: half the country voted for Trump on borders security. So give that to half the Americans and the other half wants DACA so let them have that. We can do both. Because in the end, we are not getting anything done. Don't let congress go home until they make stuff happen. How come they are not working hard enough and no one is putting their feet to the fire.
    I think people don't understand what is really going on and they just believe what their friends and news say when even they are wrong or have no facts. How many people get all the briefs on everyt

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