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Do you agree with NFL's decision on anthem?

Total Votes: 2,853

  • Watch John Kelly Talk Today - 7 years ago

    If you listened to John Kelly today while at the White House rip into the media and congresswoman. If you listened at the end, he talked about the military and what they are doing around the world. That's just a small example of the substance for why standing together during the National Anthem with our American flag is important. You don't have to thank soldiers but you should have some respect for standing for this nation because A LOT of people make real sacrifices to try and make this country better and even the world. Fighting for equality while being an example for equality. That's substance! Taking a knee then gong to party in your mansions, enjoying the nice life and doing so little to make a difference. There is no substance in that. People volunteering, making little money, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, not having all the freedoms and enjoyments so others can, giving up high paying jobs and celebrity status, and you want substance for why it means so much for people to show some kind of compassion and remembering and uniting for a few minutes. Really? The NFL needs show some substance, they need make some real sacrifices and try to make things better before just taking that knee during the Anthem. The NFL could spend a lot more time protesting or making improvements while saying hey everyone we will stand for the National Anthem and be united because we are and should be so lucky to have people that have made this country so much better and guess what we are still improving and trying. Afterwards, let's enjoy playing football and getting rich. Thanks for supporting the NFL which really doesn't do that much to make a difference. If you want to go raise awareness in other ways or protest then let's get together and go do that. I'm fine with helping those guys who have causes and stand for the Anthem. I'm more inclined. Those guys who just kneel well I don't need to work with those lazy SOB's. They will probably just run away when things get tough anyways.

  • To Elise! - 7 years ago

    Oh you thought some professor like one liner was a good approach. Really!
    While it might seem like a bumper sticker stylist action from your perception. You and others are not really seeing the substance that was put into the meaning behind it all. It's not just a flag, a piece of cloth that looks good, it's not just a popular song. It's a lot more and a lot of people's actions created meaning into those few minutes. I'm guessing you are negative, hateful, and if it's not your way then it's highway kinda of person. I'm guessing you look around and say; oh flag, stupid people standing, and what are they singing or oh it sounds good. You see the surface and that's it. You hear people say don't disrespect the flag, song, nation, military and others; that makes you confused. Im guessing you don't think of what MLK and his supporters did, you don't think of soldiers dying for something more, you don't think about all the hard work people put into this country which gave that flag and Anthem a symbol of hope and meaning to people. I guess, you don't like people uniting together to appreciate and remember all the people that made sacrifices. You don't see people of all kinds standing together united even during the hard times, peacefully demonstrating that all people stand together to represent to the world, we are together, we believe. You don't listen to the words and remember all those before you and at the sacrifices to make this country better. You don't see how we are standing to the world that we will fight and come out stronger together and be something for the world to recognize. It's not just the flag and song that people care about its about all the substance that gave that flag it's meaning. I'm just one person and I'm sorry if you don't see all the substance that went making this country an example for others. To many others it's got their explanations. Not everyone agrees. I got that. But why disrupt something that is so peaceful, united, has good feeling, memories, history and take that away from millions. I would understand if people could articulate, advocate, defend their views and didn't feel they had another way to disrupt that. Along time ago, people didn't have internet, tv and radio everywhere. So, I understand in the past because that was there one shot really to make a message. What problem do have with the NFL? Is they are just being stylist by taking a knee and not being able to unite together for a moment because they FEEL that it's so bad this is the only way. Which is false! They go take a knee in front of everyone with no real message. They go take a knee without using all their other resources available. They didn't give and do all they could before taking that knee to silently say some message. It's confusing and creating division during a moment that we should all stand and remember, be thankful for. What if the Mexicans lives matter went took a knee around all the black lives matter protesters and didn't say anything peacefully. You would be mad for a lot of reasons and voice up. They would take away from something else that matters to people. What if the football players didn't agree with trade went to Japan and just kneeled during the Japanese Anthem or to their leaders. And they said please don't, would we expect them to continue? What if we had are Olympic Committee go to England and kneel against the anthem because they felt steroids should be legal for them? Just because this multimillionaire football players want to kneel during the Anthem in this great country without really trying to make difference with all their other platforms but they don't use them. All they really do is take a knee? That's being stylist without having some substance behind your movement. It's like Democrats saying oh we are going to make real changes but when they had the office and house, they really didn't do anything. The football players kneeling are as fake as lying politicians. That's what makes me mad.

  • IDK is CNN making me negative/ hateful? - 7 years ago

    You should go to your local leaders and point fingers. The government should listen to the people who properly speak. We come together and vote! If we need to change old systems then we need to come together and find a better solution and get others to take it to our elected speakers. We don't let one guy determine how we are with each other.
    This is about us vs them. So, quit using the President as an excuse. He was elected and the other person was not a good option. We need better people to run for office. If you know someone who has all the solutions then have them run for office. I bet, everyone listens to their news and friends, who are not experts about how they should feel and act. Those media outlets are payed to twist things for their party benefit, those media outlets are unbiased, they are wrong at times, full of bad opinions, CNN, MSNBC and others, their job: be hateful and negative against Trump as possible. They won't say the good, they won't say if it really benefits us, they want drama because it sells. Quit! Do you people read all the bills getting passed? Do you have multiple best experts telling you the truth with research, facts and examples? How would you know if they are telling the truth? Do most people in their busy days, have time to get intelligence briefings, economic briefings and all the other types of briefings from the top experts in that SPECIFIC subject? I bet it's someone who thinks they kinda of know because they are Surgeon, so they can speak about all medical research even if it's not in their specific years of training like someone else. The point is, just because you think or have a gut feeling or have friend that knows everything about something that is right doesn't make it right and it could be wrong. What's wrong with protecting our border a lot more and keeping the good illegal immigrants and kicking out the criminal illegals. No one was upset when under Obama or other presidents, the Chinese hacked and stoled all kinds of things that really destroy this country. But one little corrupted old bad lady didn't get elected and the half the United States went nuts over Russia interfering. No one cares about other countries destroying us from the inside. Like changing laws to weaken America ( Mexico and others), hacking private industries, government national security stuff, and military bases (Korea and other countries) and families being sent into this country to blend in to steal, corrupt, change minds and opinions, laws, drug addiction, violence, protests, kill, and much more. This is why we need better borders. For example: Drug dealers with trillions of dollars working with Mexico and S. America to disrupt our borders in order to bring drugs, weapons into this country easier. They will get people to pay people to protest and relax our laws on immigration, borders and to put more people in areas to control the environment of people's thinking. They will pay politicians, judges, police, border patrol. They will join those ranks. They will become friends with popular people. They will pay people to fight in different ways to make it easier to get through the border or destroy the border, change the laws. Yes there are good people from other countries but these threats are real and they spend years working on getting better. The submarines and ultralights to bring drugs, weapons and bad people. They focus all resources into destroying that border. It also helps Mexico and the government supports it. Guess what, the Democratic Party pays people to do the similar things and it doesn't have to be for the right reasons but to take down the right. They pay people to get others to protest, they get people to go fight the opposing party and try to blame it on them, they pay the media outlets to slander the other side, they convince celebrities that they are on the right side by twisting things. Lobbyists do the same thing. It's a difficult world and you probably don't know everything.

  • Elise - 7 years ago

    Lots people here getting upset about style rather than substance. Curious. Seems to be a symptom of the bumper sticker patriots.

  • Please understand a Jonathan Spicer - 7 years ago

    Jonathan Spicer,
    I can tell that you probably didn't serve in the military, police or any other dangerous service. I have never met someone who has been in combat and seen death of those around them while fighting an enemy and making TRYING for different people to have something better with them to say, those boys have the right and I'm fine with them taking a knee. Not to say there is not people. I could go on but people won't understand. There are people in this world that have volunteered or made people realize something different and have different views about things. I can't make people understand our beliefs and culture. We know those players aren't kneeling in respect. So everyone who keeps saying those few players are respecting us then correct them. I had been to Japan and their customs are bowing for respect. I wouldn't go and kneel and disrespect their beliefs. And if I did to express my feelings towards in honor. If they said, it would mean a lot more to bow then guess what I change myself to respect their ways. I wouldn't tell them they are wrong and continue to knee. It would be rude. I don't expect you to understand. I would like for people like you to be know that it hurts us in different ways and see if there is a different approach to still being able to accomplish what you need to do and respect our beliefs, culture and feelings.
    I don't want to be rude because I don't know you. However, this whole thing about hats, clothing and napkins of flags. It's like listening to a child or teenager arguing with their parents. People want to be patriotic and if they are not a government employee who understands all the rules for the flag then it's not disrespecting. It's people being patriotic and positive and trying show support. There is nothing wrong with that. People know the difference if they are using a napkin in a hateful way like while their butt or in a manner to show patriotism. Just like people know if they are kneeling in showing support or just being punks. It's a petty argument. Again, why can't we have our beliefs and have people respect our culture? Do you really have a problem with people caring about his country in a positive and uniting way? I hope one day you could find some understandings for our way. And let those few players know that they are hurting millions of people. I think it's fair and mature to say, stand for Anthem and be united with everyone. Before or after that, protest all you want. Especially, when they have multiple and huge amounts of way to get their message out and they don't do it. They only care when it's during the uniting Anthem. Again, we can forgive but first there needs to be showing that you understand and respect first. And for all those other people who fought so hard to not fight, well, it's not for everyone. I have seen guys quit during combat. Of course, those guys are not cut for it and don't need to be out there. And yes we do get mad at people for not serving and we wish people would. It's not something we can change. We change this. We can get those millionaires to understand, well, I hope, we could. We can get those millionaires who are role models for millions of kids and adults to become positive and better role models, To be able to do things in a better way. Its sad that those millionaires given al the benefits they have really don't do more. It's sad that they can't stand together and show people that there is a time to be United and be respectful. They haven't even really even tried for racial equality because when I ridiculous commercials instead of meaning full ones, when I see them acting like horrible role models, when I see them not talking to news reporters, when I don't them see a lot of other things that would show that they are really trying but they want to take a knee. Give me break!

  • RB - 7 years ago

    After watching NFL commissioner Roger "Milk Toast" Goodell come out like a kid who had just been reprimanded by his parents only worst, the players. I realize how this has done serious damage to the NFL. I propose to all the protestor players, the commissioner and all you Milk Toast commentors. Grow a spine or join. the military for a couple of years. Doesn't matter what branch. They'll all teach you what you're missing. Respect!

  • Jonathan Spicer - 7 years ago

    It`s seems to be universal,"I don`t like them DISRESPECTING the flag,the nation the military and veterans!" Sad that`s not what it`s about,even given that the act of kneeling is defined as a show of ultimate respect. But worse,where is your outrage at the flying of that giant lag on it`s side,a violation of the flag code,outrage at all those MAGA hats on heads while the anthem plays,or the flag patches on the seats of pants being sat upon,or even a leader of the pack in this culture war who has a hissy fit about respecting flag nation,military,and veterans who took 5 draft deferments rather than serve his flag,nation,military and honor veterans. Where is that outrage? Hypocrites one and all!

  • Marcus Mariota - 7 years ago

    I agree with Marcus Mariota. Players can be a voice. Players should bring awareness to issues. Players have the ability to do good. Just don't let players disrespect the Anthem and flag because it really disrespects and hurts us. It's something we want all Americans to experience together, all races and genders being united and happy. Standing tougher! Kind of how you guys want everyone to experience football, do you like when people have the right but stump all over the NFL?
    Does Marcus Mariota care if those kneeling during Protest are doing more bad than good? Does he care that many millions of military, veterans and civilians are hurt by the protest during the Anthem because the players have many other platforms that would be more effective than taking from us? Does Marcus Mariota think himself and other NFL players should go to those few protesting players and say hey you few people are hurting and disrespecting millions of good people that have died and are alive? Addionally, tell those protesters that they should try a different method for racial equality because you have a loud voice with multiple platforms? Plus, telling them that they hurting millions of good people while really not accomplishing anything positive?

    No, he doesn't care. He cares about the NFL and the players. Just like I care about my fellow military mates. It's like Vietnam starting up, next they will probably spit or throw things at military people so they can get attention for their causes. So the Titans can keep their mates and basically, say who cares about your feelings military, veterans and others. Our few matter more by protesting in a horrible way over your millions of sacrifices, trying and making differences.
    They want to focus on themselves. I'm going to go focus on other things like hockey, baseball or time with my family, my military family and friends. Maybe we can go do more than take a knee for other causes while still respecting the views of others. Don't worry, you might not have our backs but we have guys fighting and dying even for the ones kneeling. I'm done with the NFL. How many times until they get it?! .

  • We do need positive change! - 7 years ago

    How about the NFL players protest but not during the Anthem? Why is that so hard? They can use the news, websites, social media, wear something, get sponsors involved, get commercials, get involved, use money, or any other many options. They got money, time, platforms to make a difference. Why take a few minutes from military, veterans, the great people of this nation, the sacrifices made, the good we have done, the one time we should be united? Why? So they can be heard? They have news, commercials, flyers at the stadium, they could get sponsors, they can make websites, they can wear clothes and sell them, they have one of the loudest voices. Guess who doesn't really have a voice? Military members and families. Guess who doesn't get paid millions or have sponsors? The military and families across America. Millions follow the NFL's lead. Millions follow their attitudes! Millions dress like them and try to be like them! They don't need to take away from the one little moment, people even think, about people who have died for this country, the patriotism, the sacrifices to get this far, being united together as one. They want to go England and take a knee during the Anthem. The same people we fought against for freedom. They wanted to show the world that we are not even proud of our country and its military or the people who make this country good. Of course the countries lie it, because like the Russians getting involved in our elections, a lot of foreign governments are trying to get us to not be patriotic, to divide us, to fight each other by sending people in this country to create division, change our laws, and disrupt everything good about us. Do we need to fix things? Yes. First, let's stand together as one then go focus on those things.

    If anyone can say no to the questions below with proof then I will stop boycotting the NFL: Any race or gender get an education in America? If they try hard, they can go to college? Anyone can become what their talents and hard work give them in this country?
    This is a great country! We need to improve things. Let's stop bickering about standing together for a few minutes. Afterwards, let's educate each other and make a difference. Let's come together and talk. Let's come together and fix things. If we can't even stand together for a few minutes then what hope do we have of working together.

  • For DJ - 7 years ago

    If they all stood we would still have the same message. I will explain. I believe the country is kind of confused on why they are kneeling. One example: Some kids were kneeling on soldiers tombs when asked they said because white supremacy and said f- trump. They didn't have a clear message. They have multiple ways to communicate with their fans and they don't use them when it comes to causes. Everyone is confused. Plus, if we all want to respect our fallen, the people who died to make this country better than why at that moment. They decided to protest that I find close to my heart.
    President Trump, did not just wake up and say, I'm going to make this about respecting our flag. A lot of people in the military and veterans talked to him, before he even made that announcement. He is speaking for millions of people. Yes, I'm sure your husband might of had different views and sometimes I meet someone at work because( I'm in the military and I have multiple Purple Hearts) and they don't care either. I also meet black people that don't agree with the the NFL stance with racism. On the news, I hear black NFL players saying that don't agree with the players. So, we all don't have the same opinions. But, many millions of military and veterans do feel disrespected and are sad. Are you saying that we should stay quite? Are you saying that I shouldn't promote people coming together? Are you saying that we can't ask them to do it differently? Are you saying that I should be happy that people are protesting when they could do more but those same people are just taking a knee? Did they do everything they could before so easily taking a knee and saying I don't care about you?
    If the President would have said nothing or something different, like Obama, there was still a big outcry last year when it started. I would still be sad and disappointed. I would still ask for them to find a different time to protest. I think a lot of others would too. Again, just because they did something because of their opinion does not make it the right way or the right time. What can we all do to be better to our country men? Listen to both sides. Find a solution. We are asking they protest in a different way that articulate their view,
    Advocate your view, and defend your views. All they are doing is taking a knee during a time that we should be united, proud to be next to the person of differences beside you and remember the people who tried so hard to make this place better. Don't take away from that. It's not professional nor mature. If they want to protest and anything else just don't don't during a special time for so many. Have we lost patriotism. If they protested any other time, had a clear message, put time into that cause then yes they will get results. Your only going to get what you put into it and they are not caring about others views and beliefs and they are not getting their message out in the many of other platforms they have.
    Look, just because they say with all do respect sir, doesn't give them the right. If they are kneeling for us, then thanks but what we want if your listening is to stand with your county men during the Anthem then let's go fight a cause. If they cared for us then they would listen to us. It seems like a one way street of dong what they want us to do and us having to put what up with their ways. They don't care about our beliefs and ways of life. They don't care when I listen to that song that the only thing that keep keeps me from crying because of the guys lost or the combat fights, is seeing everyone standing together of kinds and being united. If they want to do something for us then stand.

  • For Mr. P to understand - 7 years ago

    Mr. P,
    I don't know where you live but this country is different from centuries, decades or years ago. And there has been a lot of good changes. Can you believe so many people can abolish pieces of history like books, movies, flags, statutes because they might be racist. You don't even have to do things legally, you can just go rip down statues. You can come into this country illegally, commit a crime and you will get covered on tax payers money and we will still let you live in this country. We have lawyers and organizations that fight for just one race for any race of people to ensure there is equality. These things are not all good but it shows you we have come a long way from separate bathrooms. We have made a lot of improvements for good. Anyone in his country can get an education, can become anything and can do anything, even if your an illegal.
    All they have to do Is study hard and go for it. Just because other countries or customs have kneeling as some sort of respect. We know players are not kneeling in respect. There is a big difference in standing together and some people just not wanting to stand united because they have different opinions and want to be divisive or disrupt something good.
    I'm sorry about your family with the past. I understand, sort of, I grew up in a city where I was practically the only white kid, I took on a lot of racism. I'm not white privileged. You would find it ironic in these times that the same race that wanted equality and talked about how bad it we treat people would be so quick to not show the same kindness to a child growing up. I got out of that situation and joined the military. Also, the military promotes minority's faster than whites. A fact! I wish more people would join.
    What CNN, MSNBC or other outlets will not tell you because small people don't have a voice, like the NFL, it's not just NFL players getting threats for protesting (and they have millions to protect them) there are a lot of small restaurants, small businesses, individual citizens getting death threats or beat up just because they boycott the NFL. Can you believe this? So, I really don't feel bad about the NFL when old, young and people of little money get harassed just because they don't believe in how they are protesting.
    I guess what I really want to say is that: we don't have let one man or president bring us together, even though I think he is trying. I hope we can all help the president. I hope we can all come together and police each other. I hope we can stand together, we can have pride in this country because the people are what makes this country, we are the backbone. People are trying to get the NFL to unite and make this country good. Be an example and show us together and happy. The political gas lighting, twisting of words, the political sides are tearing us apart. We need to ignore the news and come together. We are responsible for our words and actions. We are responsible for talking to each other. We are responsible for coming together. We don't need government to bring us together. It's sad that you don't see the good changes. It's sad that you can't talk with your local leaders and trust in them to be a voice. We need to start in the small communities with each then cities, then the state leaders before we go the president and blame him. We only have each other to blame. Presidents come and go. We are responsible for more crime, for lack of education in our kids, for not standing and talking with our local leaders and getting them to be a voice and to make changes for us. I see the president trying but everyone doesn't want to work with him because they want him to fail. That's sad because that means the democratic people aren't trying to help but smear him, go against anything trump just to fight him. They aren't working for us. They are being political and not working for us. Let's get the NFL on the right page so they can be the role models they should be for millions.

  • DJ - 7 years ago

    If they all stood would everyone care about the social injustice of others? If the President had said what an honorable idea would those same people have agreed? What can WE as Americans do to be better to ALL of our countrymen? Can we respect one another enough to want a solution to what sparked the protest? As a former widow to a Veteran he too would have kneeled because he was treated poorly out of uniform and the VA let him die waiting months at a time for visits for treatments. Out of sight out of mind! I get it I really do; people want to show their respect in their way by to the flag by standing while others kneel subservient to beg her to not forget the down trodden disenfranchised and abused. So you see they're not kneeling to disrespect the flag they're kneeling to YOU the people they're countrymen the decent and good Americans to ask for help for those unable to fight for themselves! They kneel in prayer that one day WE as a Nation can stand together for equality and justice for ALL! Love of man Love of country and for me Love of God who would like to see us be better...

  • Mr. P - 7 years ago

    I don’t understand why some are so upset over some players kneeling during the anthem. In many situations, kneeling is considered more respectful than standing. For example when praying, acknowledging royalty, etc. My father is a WWII vet but he had to ride in a cattle car on a train because blacks were not allowed to ride in the passenger car. Blacks have served in the military since the beginning even when the armed services were segregated. Martin Luther King Jr. led peaceful protests that were always met with violent reactions. Today is not much different since NFL players get death threats for not standing during a song. I was taught in the first grade to stand and pledge allegiance to a flag that at that time, flew over many buildings that I was not even allowed to enter. The same people who are offended by some who choose to kneel during the anthem have no problem whatsoever with those who choose to honor the Confederate Flag over the USA flag. Maybe some day the words “justice for all” will mean it, and the United States of America will truly be “united.” As info, that sentiment needs to start at the top, and I don’t see that happening while Trump is in office. I pray that God will unite America.

  • Remember Alejandro Villanueva! - 7 years ago

    The NFL should stand for the Anthem and if players don't they should rope them in. They should have the same motto as when they all protest. We are all gong to do this together.

    The NFL teams said, we either all protest together or we are not going out. So when they protest, they demand everyone be on the same page but when it comes to rules or guidelines they don't promote being a team?
    The NFL protesters were mad at their own NFL player for not being part of the group. What they don't have individual freedom? Remember they said we do all this together as a team. They were promoting what they were doing and making sure they were together. Did they all believe in the same cause? No. Did they all understand why? No. Did they probably have different views? Yes. They wanted everyone together even if they didn't agree with the protest. So, basically the team, owners and players have a say if they want everyone to stand for the Anthem or not. They just unite when it's against this country.
    We have a right in the our communities to stand together against the NFL. We don't have to take their protest because they are protesting. That's not American. They make sure the players are part of a protest even if they want to stand for the Anthem. Hypocrites!
    Google: boycott the NFL and let's stand together.

  • Deb - 7 years ago

    Why don't NFL players use their facebook page and other platforms if they are sooooo interested in
    spreading their "social justice" opinions? This is not what the American public signed up for when
    they spend hundreds of dollars for their family to go see a game. This is like trying to take Americans
    hostage so they can ram their political agenda down our throats whether or not we agree. This is their
    workplace and regardless of first amendment rights that everybody keeps talking about, I don't think
    any other employer would approve of this sort of behavior.
    We will gladly support any NFL player kneeling after each and every one of these overpaid crybabies serve
    two years in the military! We'll see just how tough they really are and how much their opinion of this great country changes! I wonder if they would try to take a knee in a fox hole?

  • What world does the NFL live in? - 7 years ago

    There should be a poll about could you get away with what the NFL players do and still keep your job.

    How many people could violate work policies and not get in trouble or get fired?

    How many people in professional settings and representing heir companies could get away with embarrassing the company, loss of customers because employees disrespected millions of their customers, and/ or didn't follow the guidelines that their boss put out?

    How many people in professional jobs would get fired from their inappropriate social media accounts, or cussing on the news, or being giving negative opinions inappropriately about the President?

    What if you disrespected or hurt the military, veterans, police officers, and other public servants and your job started taking serious loses because of your actions or words, would you be able to keep your job?

  • Did you give it your all before taking a knee? - 7 years ago

    Please just don't do it during the National Anthem. The NFL can protest, they can raise awareness, they can be better role models on and off the field, they can be more professional, they can hold themselves to higher standards, they can severely punish or terminate players for committing crimes, they can be responsible for their words and actions.
    They can do all these things. They don't seem to work hard at being better role models, they don't seem to make a bigger difference, they don't seem to care if they do something that hurts millions of people.
    They can protest and we the people support it. What they don't understand is that, we just want them to take a few minutes to stand together with everyone, be patriotic, be proud of the USA, be proud to be blessed to have the ability to play for the NFL, and remember the men and women who sacrificed to make this country what it is today and making it better. Show the world that we of all kinds stand together. If you really feel in your heart that it's so bad and you need to break unity because it's so bad then we suggest that you have spent all your time and resources to fixing those things before you talk that knee. If you really think about it, did you do everything in your power to make changes probably not because you wouldn't be working for the NFL. You would be out fighting for that cause. The NFL needs to do more before taking a knee.

  • Sam P - 7 years ago

    SIMPLY PUT......FUCK the NFL and there pussy owners and coaches for not standing up and doing what is right. Why would any employer allow there workers to be able to protest while on the job?? Simply put...even union shops have to issue a strike vote and be able to strike while all the time they are NOT getting paid by there employers!! FUCK THE NFL and all those UN-AMERICAN Players who choose not to listen to what there fans want and believe. Lost over a million viewers in a 2 week's going to get worse!!

    PS......Roger Goddell is the biggest pussy of all of them and Jerry Jones has no balls at all. You (the owners) are the leaders and supposed to set the direction seeing that your paying these cry babies!! Ya'll are pitiful........AMERICA>>>Land of the pussies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What have we become???

  • For Kevin W. - 7 years ago

    Thanks for agreeing that the NFL does need to do some house cleaning. You are right that I went off on morale issues and other rants. I suppose, I was really upset and leading why I am so disappointed, angry, hurt and feel disrespected with the NFL and how I disagree with them kneeling during the Anthem. Yes, all of us in the military fight for the constitution and more. I also want to voice my opinions or speak out against the KKK, black panther party or other divisive, hate, criminal, disrespecting, and such that there are better ways. I have no issue with freedom of speech, protest and other rights until I feel there is a better way or feel like it's creating more bad than good or creating division or hate or just disrespecting millions of people. I guess the point is that just because someone has the right to do something, it doesn't make it right all the time. We can improve things, focus on respecting others, and correct people or work by, with or through them. If I wanted to protest at your family funeral. You would probably get upset and express your dislike like wrong place and time. Just like soldiers get mad when people protest their military funerals or disrespected Vietnam Vets when they came home from war. They handled it poorly. If they had businesses that made a lot of money then I hope we would protest it or boycott them or speak up to them. So, we defend and protect the constitution and we can stand up to things that are not respectful, demeaning or that we could make better.
    While you view and your perception is that it looks like they are praying. That is not what others and I see. I see guys standing, kneeling, putting fist in the air, having their heads down (like napping), I see them in England ( who we fought Independence from and freed us from oppression) and going around the USA showing other countries, Americans and children that they don't like America, that America is horrible, America is terrible all while during a time that we should show the world that we are united, standing together and we remember the people who have died to make this country and the world better. While we have prejudices with all races and genders. Things are getting better. The white supremacist is getting smaller in America, we have other racial hate groups growing. They are not marching everywhere. We have people fighting for equality. If they had a business, most Americans would boycott and speak out. I know if this poll was about Hollywood, I would have a lot to say. The point is: the NFL has a huge organization that has influence on so many people and they could be a lot better and are creating more negativity than good. We can get them on a better path while we work towards other people getting educated. The KKK, Black-panthers and hate groups will always exist because of certain freedoms and we have been fighting those hate groups. Right now, we need to get the NFL on a better path because they are teaching million of children and adults bad habits. They are not being responsible role models and their actions and words are promoting the wrong type and ways of raising awareness, the wrong messages to kids and adults and they could do more. I hope we can all come together and stand patriotic at times. I hope we can work with the NFL to do more and become better role models and citizens. I hope we all can work together, like we have been, at educating people on equality and more. If we can't get professional millionaires that so many follow to be good role models then what hope can we get for others. So we should stand up to the NFL, Hollywood, our government and others. The reason why we are divisive is because of political parties and the media and other things. People have forgotten the golden rule and such. People are not respectful, not caring, not listening, people are wanting to fight each. Other previous Presidents weren't that good and could have done more. I hope we all can work with this President.

  • For Jon Snow! - 7 years ago

    While, Kevin did have some good points. I disagree with some of the opinions that he had to say.
    I hope you were being facetious about what else can they do except take a knee. The NFL is a yearly billion dollar industry with all kinds of platforms. The players are millionaires that have all kinds of time, money, websites, celebrity status with social media accounts, sponsors and media platforms. This organization or players abuse their power to have all kinds of ways to make changes in this country. There are a few with great abilities to try and make changes. Most of them don't. If you followed the NFL like I did on their social media accounts, YouTube, or in other ways. You will find that they act like a bunch of spoiled people just being horrible role models for kids. For example, they got mad at the president for calling those who kneel a SOB. Well, instead of turning it back on the President in a professional manner they acted like unprofessional, even worse than the President all over the media and on social media accounts. They are professional millionaires that should know better. Their kneeling was kinda of confusing after that punk against pigs (cops), for the hate group black panthers, and just a bad example in bunch of areas for kids and others. No one had a clear message. It seemed like they threw a spoiled teenager fit. They even ruined the original protest and took away from it. Additionally, those who did protest were doing during a time that already has a lot of meaning. They disrespected me fellow mates that died, actually standing up and fighting against bad people to make a difference for all. What they are basically saying to me is that their agenda is better than all those who have fallen. Plus, the research with their protest about police brutality is wrong. And there is no research about changing the laws to allow people to have shorter punishments for crime will work. They can protest, raise awareness at any time and in multiple of ways. Kids or other people are confused why they are taking a knee because they don't articulate their view, advocate their view, defend their view. They don't use all their platforms. They don't try! They went to England and all over the United Stares just demeaning this country. We are not being an example for the world. They are not being responsible role models morally or using their first amendment rights.

  • Roger Finch - 7 years ago

    I'm sick of this being called a 1st Amendment issue when clearly it is not. The 1st Amendment is simply that you have the right to speak out against your government without fear of reprisal from said government. You don't have protection from the consequences of your speech. You are not allowed to yell "fire" in a crowded theatre and cause a stampede and claim "1st Amendment ". When they protest at a game, they are on the clock of their employer. You don't have the right to demonstrate when you are on your employer's dime..Let me stage a sit in at my place of employment and see how quick I'm fired. The final call belongs to the team owners. They are the ones signing the checks.......The 1st Amendment does not apply when you are at work...

  • SK - 7 years ago

    The NFL football games are NOT the proper platform to protest for NFL players and it IS unpattiotic and completely disrespectful to our country and our military members both current and past. These men are NOT gods. They are NOT perfect. Many of them have criminal records and they are making this avracist issue because the black players are using this platform to intimidate and physically attack white players who don't go along with this Anti-American and racist behavior. These players and Goodell will soon see who is really in charge when they end up broke because Americans will refuse to watch them or buy tickets or buy merchandise. Than these players will see that they screwed up by choosing offend the American people with their political protest during a sport that the American people pay them to play and not shove their views down our throats with their endless protests. The American people are sick and tired of all of the protests already. The NFL players kneeling may be peaceful but their behavior to white players on the field and their behavior toward white people off the field is any th hing but and their actions are just proving to us just how racist theyvare towards white prople.

  • Jon snow - 7 years ago

    Kevin well said. I support those who fought for our rights to kneel, sit or stand. Along the lines if our constutional rights we cannot pick the ones we want to support and neglect the others. If you support the 2nd you should have the same support for the 1st. If not try to enact change like with prohibition. We need to remember that civil disobedience is what this country was founded on and how we became a country and enacted change. If you do mot support those who bend the knee how should they protest? What other outlet do players have that will bring attention to their grievance?

  • A message to haters! - 7 years ago

    NFL players focus their whole life on playing football. They are GODS and they are WORSHIPPED surrounded in their RICHES, They are perfect! They don't listen to little people or anyone. They don't play by your rules or laws. They control how people should feel. They control what is right to do. They are the all powerful mighty GOD.
    You don't believe me:
    -You give them your money.
    -You watch them and that pays them.
    -You give your time to study them.
    -You buy their merchandise and related things..
    -You believe in them and pray for them.
    -You give them control of your time.
    -You defend them over different reasons. You fight for them.
    -Your kids worship them and probably because of you.
    -You allow them cause you don't care if they break the rules.
    -You allow them cause you don't care if they abuse people.
    I can go on but you guys are slaves to them.

  • Tom - 7 years ago

    Look post and lead Nashville predators Mr. Sabin's approach to keeping politics out of sports promote this lead this is a nationwide endeavor

  • Kevin Waugh - 7 years ago

    In response to the previous post. I agree that the NFL should do some house cleaning. But, what we are discussing here is a First Amendment issue, not a moral one. On the topic at hand, allow me to say this. I am a veteran. I stand for that National Anthem and I pledge allegiance to the flag. That is what I do. That said, this is where I stand. When I joined the military, I swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all foes, both foreign and domestic. My oath was not to defend a flag or a song, but to defend the Constitution. Therefore, while I may not agree with what you say, or how you say it, as long as it not threatening or causing physical harm to anyone, I will, based on the first amendment of the Constitution, to which I have sworn an oath to protect, defend with my last breath your right to say it.

    All over Facebook and the media, I hear and see people screaming about the NFL, saying these players are disrespecting the flag. Thus far, what I have seen are men kneeling with their heads bowed. Where I come from, that is called praying. What I do not see, or hear, is a massive outcry against Nazi's who are painting swastika's on our flag and marching on our streets chanting, "Jews will not replace us"! That, my fellow Americans, is disrespecting our flag! When talking about a few football players, I hear you moaning about how many lives have been lost defending that flag. Well, let me ask you this. How many American soldiers lost their lives on foreign soil to eradicate that cancer? Our President is at the forefront of this battle with football players disrespecting our flag. He even went so far as to call them SOB's, yet, not one word about swastika covered American flags flying in our streets. I ask you, who are the real SOB's?

    I think it is time we wake up and take a hard look at what is going on around us. Our battle is not with the NFL. Our battle is with ourselves. We have allowed hatred to cloud our thinking. We have become a society of labels. I am labeled this, you are labeled that, and "they" are labeled something else, and if you encounter someone who is not of your label, they are to be hated. I grew up in the sixties, so I have seen this movie. It was messy. It was bloody. And, it was unnecessary. It took a President willing to commit political suicide, Lyndon Johnson, who, in 1965, signed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts which, though it took a minute for people to get used too, finally calmed the waters, at least to a point where at least tried to live together. That move cost him the Democrat Party in the South, but it saved the country. My point with this is that, as President of all the people, he tried to bring us all together. What I am seeing to today could well turn out to be worse than the sixties. We have White Supremacists and Nazi's openly marching on our streets. What do they believe? Well, White Supremacists believe the white race is superior to every other race, and Nazi's believe in an Arian nation. (White) Why are they marching? Too cause people to fear. They are, by definition terrorists. Our President, rather than trying to bring us together, either ignores it, or fans the flames. This is why I say it could be worse than the sixties.

    I have said enough. I can only hope that we can fix this. I think we can. We are Americans.

  • NFL WILL HIDE THE TRUTH - 7 years ago

    Watch the NFL hiding their players during the Anthem. Watch them out cameras into other areas of people actually being united instead of their disrespectful, unprofessional, overpaid players. Why hide their players, if they are doing the right thing?

  • Sjwarriors - 7 years ago

    All anti Americans should be thrown from a helicopter you commie fuckers

  • Johnny Beals - 7 years ago

    They don’t have to stand,and I don’t have to watch!!!! And won’t. God bless America. U.S. army 1968-1971. My dad, WW2 and Korean War. My grandfather WW1. Shame on you!!!!!!!

  • RB - 7 years ago

    This is a strangely worded poll. In essence, do you agree with the NFL policy which the players aren't following. As I heard someone say today. This is a case of the tail wagging the dog. The players are gonna do as they please. Continuing to disrespect the Country, Flag, Veterans who died making this a country where a overpaid athletes can receive hero worship. Not me!

  • Jerry Caldwell - 7 years ago

    Until they stand I will boycott.

  • The NEEDS to make CHANGES! - 7 years ago

    If that's their stance then they should change their name from NATIONAL football league to something else like the Semi-Professional football league.
    They need to make a lot of changes.
    - Higher stanards on players and employees. Ex: zero tolerance on hateful or criminal activity. They should be professional millionaires and if not then high consequences like termination. They shouldn't have people on social media acting unprofessional.
    Why support them when they don't care about women and obeying the law?
    - They should change a lot of rules in the game anyways. The game is rigged in so many ways. Teams really aren't competing to be the best but it's mostly luck. I really have enjoyed watching other sports and doing other things since I stopped with the NFL when I am home from deployments.
    Why support a random game when you can support other random games that are patriotic, really try to make diffences in communities, obey the law, and try hard for their fans?
    - Watch the show, Adam ruins everything: The most respected retired players and coaches wouldn't want their kids playing football. Watch it.
    Why support something that is doing damage to their brains and they don't want their kid doing?
    - Most of them need to start doing more for communities. They have always had the ability. This is why some of them do great things. Most of them can use a lot more time, money, and platforms but haven't. They say they will but we will see. It's mostly just to promote the league.
    Why support something that is mostly about themselves getting rich and they are being horrible role models?
    - They shouldn't be supporting a piece of legislation on reducing punishments for criminal behiavoir. They have enough players that are getting arrested and don't really get punished. How are they against brutality when they have a lot of players that have committed violent crimes. They don't even have strong punishments for their players. They need to focus on their organization when it comes to violent crimes, set the example then complain about other areas.
    Why support them when they are trying to mak it easier for criminals to get off easier, like themselves after partying?
    - They should focus on being patriotic because this is a great country, take a moment to stand proud side by side with all people and remember what how this country is trying and the people have tried to make real differences and playing their fun game during game time. Before or afterwards they can raise any issue they want and go out and be a productive citizen to making this country better.
    Why support them if they are going be divisive during a moment that brings people together and remembers those who have fallen trying to make this country better? We need unity and fun during game days!
    Some of these payers taking a knee have lied about police brutality, like Michael Bennett. They have players that have sexual assualted and being violent and other crimes taking a knee against police brutality and equality. How about they police up their players who treat women and men like crap. How about not lying and breaking the law?
    In the end, why do we need to stand with the NFL? Why do we need them? We can use our time and money to other sports or causes. We can unite together doing other things together. I'm not serving my country to support people that act unprofessional and don't care enough about doing the right things instead of just being lazy taking a knee during a time for my brothers who have fought and died to make things better. The NFL shouldn't kneel on my fellow brothers time. They deserve better than some punks. We fought to hard to allow some Americans to just be punks. They have that right but it doesn't make it right in what they do. I'm done permanently with them until they make a lot of changes. Start acting like professional Americans that know how to take care of things and handle themselves.

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