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What has been the most memorable thing about this election campaign? (Poll Closed)


  • Zoé - 16 years ago

    Why no option of Stéphane Dion's performance in the debates?

  • Mars - 16 years ago

    The most misunderstanding-- thing of the voters-2 me-is- why they can't understand that Harper is proposing 2 save our downfall in this market-- & how he is doing it- & will continue---- no one could perdict this- so can't blame it on any one of them--but Harper is by far the most versed on economics--how the economy works- & what must be done. Taking it from so called"rich"-2 give 2 poor- surely-people arent'that simple- that they can't figure it out-- took Russia 70 years 2 prove socialized ideas don't work!!!! Taxing the -so called rich-- more- only takes away the incentive 4 them 2 improve themselves-thus we wind up "equally poor". Dion had a melt down- it was pathetic- watched ---the whole thing--- he had no answer as 2 what he would do- in the time of crisis- if he were in power??? How can anyone with so little knowledge govern!!! More G S T & green space-- solves nothing!!!

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