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Whose views do you most see eye to eye with?

Total Votes: 4,937

  • Don - 7 years ago

    Imagine this:

    Paul Manafort, Once of Trump Campaign, Indicted as an Adviser Admits to Lying About Ties to Russia

    Someone from the Trump Campaign Lie? No!

    Trump, they coming for you too! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

  • To Valerie Winn and others - 7 years ago

    You got a lot of Hate in your heart, gurl. What’s wrong in your life?
    You’re right, Trump was elected by an electoral vote and it was a close tie. That’s our system! We can fix it. Trump is not perfect. He made and will make a lot of mistakes. But he is way better than Hillary. Almost anything you can say about Hillary, you can say or more horrible things about Hillary. If you actually did your research or knew certain things. We have a difference in opinions. I’m angry that are only options were Hillary and Trump in America. We have two bad people running for office instead of getting new people, we argue which one is better. Really?! We can’t get better people in America. We fight for bad people to win.
    However, I think and I believe the answers are coming, that people will find out, that Russia was not even close to affecting the election. I think we will find out that Hillary and the Democratic Party has more to do with Russia than the Republican Party.
    This is the problem, we can work to fix things rather than running away from problems. What did Corker do? Say negative opinion things about Trump and acted just like Trump with going back and forth on tweets.. Oh wow, he is really making a difference. It will be forgotten about soon. He is worthless. So he said he would serve a time limit. He wasn’t saying that when he was asking to be V.P. or Sec. of Def. He didnt do anything except get rich from lobbyist and he is running because he didn’t get his job positions. Don’t back corrupted politicians just because they said something you like. That’s what’s the problem with them. They will say anything but act or do the opposite. They are all corrupt and are not making differences. They fight for their party not Americans! If so we wouldn’t still have the same problems that politicians have been saying they are going to fix for decades. I just googled how long president elects said they would fix our environment. It’s been going since the 60’s. They don’t fix it.
    We need to get people on one side to get our government to do what’s best for us. We need to get good people into office. We need to protect our borders while taking care of the illegal residents that are all ready illegally here, unless they commit criminal acts then deport them. We need to fix cities that haven’t gotten fixed. We need to do a lot and fix a lot. We are letting politicians fight their parties rather than fixing things. It’s 2017 and your telling me that we can’t fix something like education that has been low for years or other things.
    We need to get all those in Congress to do their jobs. Those are the people we should be mad at. Presidents come and go and don’t really do anything.
    Valerie, you seem to have a lot of hate in your heart with a lot of negative opinions. You don’t seem to have solutions. You seem to just want to support your party or a person that is corrupt. Instead of just complaining, you could have messages that get people to fight and not support people who run, just talk or both. Those politicians are the best at getting people to like them and protect themselves while they are just getting rich. They don’t focus their energy on what is really best for the people.
    Im in middle school and I have had surgery and I’m listening to the news and reading all this hate. I don’t see people doing anything except running when they don’t like something. I need education fixed, my dad to be able to get a job, and I need people who are going to fix things, not support people who do nothing and keep up the corruption. It’s 2017 and we can’t have our education number one. What’s wrong with all those people up there??? We have problems not getting fixed because of pride and protecting their party. We have people getting rich instead of fixing things because of loopholes. It’s horrible and all you people can do is be hateful to each other instead of trying to fix things. It’s not one person. It’s all of you.

  • Kathy - 7 years ago

    I'm a strong Democrat and this is the first time I've been proud of Senator Corker. he's putting principle and country ahead of party and career and standing up to the greatest evil this country has faced since the Civil War. Trump is a dangerous madman playing at being president. Thank God for Corker and Jeff Flake who are trying to wake up their fellow Republicans and get them to do their duty and protect the country and the world from this monster. All you Trump supporters, you've been conned! you were tricked by Trump and Russia into voting against your own self-interest and the interest of your country. WAKE UP!

  • Valerie Winn - 7 years ago

    Cindy and should I say Joe, the American people did not elect the asshole in the white house, the electoral college elected him. He is a loser, a pathological liar, a cheater, and an abuser. The fact he is in the White House shows just how stupid the minority of Americans are.

  • Valerie Winn - 7 years ago

    Deplorable, it should say delusional.

  • Valerie Winn - 7 years ago

    Fight not Run, Corker said he would only serve two terms when he ran, and he has served the two terms. He is standing my his word. Getting rid of the dumbass in the white house would go a long way in making America great, because right now all he is doing the dragging America down into the swamp,

  • Dan - 7 years ago

    Trump and his basket of deplorable's are all an abscess on America. Shame on Trump. He is a disgusting, lying, bigot, racist, white supremacist. I have to say that I am enjoying his decay, decline, and fall. Watergate was nothing compared to Trumpgate. Bring it on. Let's send the billionaire biggot to prison in Russia.

  • Valerie Winn - 7 years ago

    Angela murray, Corker is fighting trumps backward agenda which will only benefit the richest among us. Wake up girl.

  • Valerie Winn - 7 years ago

    David Turner, Trump never intended to drain the swamp, he is the scum on top of the swamp.

  • Valerie Winn - 7 years ago

    Beth Cummings is a flaming idiot if she really believes what she wrote. Trump did indeed cause the chasm in out nation today. The redneck imbeciles started it when America legitimately elected Obama. Trump did not win with votes.

  • Valerie Winn - 7 years ago

    Trump is a lying ass. There absolutely nothing nice can say about such a despicable human being. LOCK HIM UP!

  • w - 7 years ago

    Trump crushed about a dozen professional politicians to win the Presidency. Corker is embarrassing. Mad that he was not selected as Sec of State. Then jealous that Trump asked Lamar Alexander to write a healthcare bill.He needs to decide if he's going to govern or protest. But he'll probably just grin for the camera then sit in the corner with McCain, Schumer, Flake and throw rocks and cry.

  • Beth Cummings - 7 years ago

    Bob Corker has done nothing but make things worse. I think he is crooked like his brother. President Trump did not cause the division amongst the people. Obama gets credit for that. I am so sick of the media never televising all the good Trump has done already.

  • David Turner - 7 years ago

    I think news wkrn is slanting the vote count

  • David Turner - 7 years ago

    I have voted for CORKER several times I have never been so ashamed by someone I have voted for. He has turned out to be a big part of the swamp they can not stand the thought of loosing their power HE SHOULD BE ASHMED.

  • Angela murray - 7 years ago

    I'm ashamed corker isn't fighting for the average American in Tennessee he is only fighting for his best interest and his words today show that even more than ever.

  • This poll should have had a neither block - 7 years ago

    I would say, I don’t support neither of them taking seconds to tweet back and forth.
    I want any President to make America better in all areas. I want to help them or explain to them what they are doing wrong. You can’t make everyone happy but we should be able to say with research, facts and experts why or why not.
    I think our government state and federal are mostly thinking about getting rich, lazy and only focused on their party. I don’t think believe in 2017 that we don’t have the answers to make education, economy, healthcare etc. better. The only thing I can say that our government in whole is corrupt and not making things better.

  • Corker is just like Trump with Tweeting - 7 years ago

    It takes two to tango. They both are tweeting like little kids. The difference between them is that Trump didn’t have to get into politics but did because he wants to make things better. Corker is running after he got richer!

  • Fight not Run - 7 years ago

    This is for Corker and Flake:
    If you want to make changes. If you think that things are not good. You don’t run. You fight for the better. I’m glad both of those guys are running away when it gets to hard to them. They are weak. They got rich and will get rich writing books and others things. They are done and weak. Get out of town and let some one else fight for us.

  • Deplorable - 7 years ago

    Bob Corker is just pissed Trump didn’t choose him as his VP. I voted Trump for his ability to fight back against idiots!!!!! I agree Corker is chuck.

  • Cindy and should I say Joe - 7 years ago

    Cindy or should I say Joe,
    First, Sen. Flake would have not gotten re-elected for numerous of reasons. For example: His state, the people are wanting to change leadership because he wasn’t getting things done and he knows that they are starting to drain the swamp and he won’t be able to get much more money. I could go but just listen to the citizens of Arizona.
    Second, if you have been reading all of Joe’s messages. He was only going after the President, not the federal government. Any, educated person would know that if you want change then it goes from the people, county, city, states to the senators and congress that make changes for the federal and state governments. The president can be shut down by congress and senators. They are suppose to talk for the people and make changes. For example, the president got elected on what he thought should be different like a border wall. Congress and senators should work for the American people that got the president elected and get those things done. If we are unhappy with anything it’s the people and the local leaders we send to Washington DC to make changes. We the people only get from the federal government depending on what the people are voting for and what the people to tell our congress and senators to do. They are speaking for the people. They don’t do their jobs and get really rich. The senators and congress are failing the federal government, not the president. If we elect people to go to Washington to speak for us and if the people have the majority vote then that’s what happens unless they don’t do their job. Presidents come and go to do what they were elected to do. And a lot of Presidents fail. The real people that could make changes are the leaders below the president speaking for the people. If you want the leaders to focus on building bridges and infrastructure then they should go to Washington and fight for that. Like the president said he wants to do and is trying to do but congress and senators are stopping him because some state leaders aren’t doing their job or speaking for their states that it’s not a priority. So, if the president wants better infrastructure and he is fighting for it. Why is not getting done? because of congress and senators and their different committees. That’s the federal government for you. But if we want changes, it must start with local leaders and push them up to federal positions. Drop mic!

  • Cindy - 7 years ago

    Why could Flake not have been reelected? Why does Joe not know what he is talking about. He is trying to talk about the federal government and what he says is true. You’re talking about the local gov. and acting like a 5th grade civics teacher. The Senator was talking about Trump. The person you are talking to is out of you league. He is clearly just playing you.

  • Sen Flake was not getting re-elected! - 7 years ago

    I agree with Sen. Flake. People should speak up. However, you should know what you are talking about unlike people like Joe.

  • joe - 7 years ago

    Did you hear Jeff Flake just say. “if you say nothing you are being complicit”
    This is a real republican quiting. I don’t know what a Trumpian is. I don’t know who I voted for, I thought he was a republican. He is no physical conservative. I believed him but he lied.

  • Joe: wants things now! - 7 years ago

    Joe, I want someone to get rid of lobbyist. I want someone to build a better wall on the border. I want a lot of things too. It’s called patience and get your hands in the process.

  • Joe: coal problems?! Hahaha - 7 years ago

    You have problems with coal debris destroying the environment.
    Do you drive a car? Do you fly on planes? Do get rid of your own trash? Do you buy things from companies that are bad for the environment? Do you use electricity?
    I’m sure you alone are creating pollution problems with trillions of other people.

  • Flint, Michigan is getting better water now - 7 years ago

    I’m glad Michigan is getting things fixed now with their water. The point was where were the local leaders, where was the epa, where was the people the check these things. Where was the president? How come the president didn’t fix things better? How come the president allowed this to happen?

  • joe - 7 years ago

    Did I mention I am a republican and I don’t need a civics lession. I’m not asking for multi-tasking
    I’m asking for ONE piece of legislation that I like. How bout a balanced budget?

  • joe - 7 years ago

    Check out water problems in Michigan.

  • joe - 7 years ago

    President Donald Trump has put the brakes on a regulationblocking coal mining debris from being dumped into nearby streams.
    Trump called the stream protection regulation a “job-killing rule” before he signed a measure to overturn it.

    President Donald Trump just signed an executive order to roll back President Barack Obama’s clean water rule. That environmental regulation was issued in 2015 to give the federal government authority to limit pollution in major bodies of water, rivers, streams, and wetlands.

    There was a reason these regulation were put in place.

  • Joe: Really people allow chemicals to harm us - 7 years ago

    Your telling me that cities that fight the government to allow weed even against the federal government. People make changes all the time.
    So your saying that because of Trump and “this law” that allows chemicals in the river. Your people, county, city, lawyers, judges, state leaders and environmental people are allowing chemicals to go in your river? Your saying hat environment people are allowing the rivers to be polluted? Your local leaders and people are allowing the waters to be polluted?

  • JOE: I’m just calling it as I see it. - 7 years ago

    You keep talking about chemicals in your river six months ago. That’s why the water issues were addressed.
    Let’s see! It’s called multi-tasking and getting reports from local leaders.
    President Trump is working on infrastructure for across the whole country. The news media like CNN OR MSNBC doesn’t talk about positive things. If you researched it, you would see that he has held confereneces and meetings on more money for infrastructure, additionally giving relief money to places affected. If you noticed it was senators and congress fighting against him for more federal money for infrastructure. While working on many issues that need money across America and protecting our borders like building walls and other things. It’s multi tasking. He has professionals doing a lot of this work.
    If your bridge has problems then you should get your local, city and state people to fight to fix your problems and take it to Washington.

  • The problem is - 7 years ago

    Trump changed the law. Now it is ok to dump chemicals in the river.

  • joe - 7 years ago

    Thank you for assuming I’ve never held public office and that I’m a little stupid. Maybe you could school me on a budget. Monument or Bridge? It really is that simple. I don’t know what the water problem has to do with me.

  • Joe: Your telling me - 7 years ago

    Joe, so your saying the water problems in Michigan was all the Presidents fault. Which was Obama!! So your saying that all those people who drink healthy water in Michigan is because of Obama??

  • Joe: You should know better - 7 years ago

    Joe, your focus on race seems to be your paranoid about a lot more. You should probably seek counseling.
    You should know better for your age and not act like some teenager who fights their parents on everything.
    Let me School you real quick how it works. The people complain up. The people go to local leaders and leaders go their bosses. Those bosses go to Washington and they deal with it and all of these different sections brief the president. For example: The president probably doesn’t know about your chemical river problem that started 6 months ago. If he does then he probably delegates down to people then he works with people in your area to fix it, if those locals are not doing their job. So, everything SHOULD starts with our local leaders.
    Federal budget and other things: The President can’t make people put all our money into let’s say infrastructure. FYI: He is trying to work with leaders to fix a lot of those problems. The problem is Senators and Congress which work for the people that got them elected from local areas. I hope you understand a lot better about how everything starts from the people and should work through the local leaders and go up from their. If the people want Senators and Congress to change things then they need to come together and get their local leaders to go to Washington and complain about your rivers, infrastructure and such. Then the government committees will try to make federal budgets and such.
    So, to make real changes start at your local offices with the people who agree with you.

  • joe - 7 years ago

    Do we really need Trump to tell his rich white buddies how to handle their young black employee’s?

  • Captain Hotdog - 7 years ago

    Politicians and their Lackies all lie. You people are their sheep and they need you to be dumbed down and never question.They will never care about you just want your vote. You are just slaves to the Federal Reserve. America is a cease pool of corruption and a police state. Question against it and you’re a non patriot un American etc. Politicians want you divided so you never see who the real enemy is. 1984.

  • Joe - 7 years ago

    We need federal infrastructure money . My insurance was fine a month ago. I am a white 60yr old man. I am talking about federal tax. You could not put chems in the river 6 months ago. Why put a general who knows less about the Islamic State, than a Trump, in charge? Trump is dogging the NFL and Trump is the old rich white man. So what is local?

  • If your mad! - 7 years ago

    If your mad about bridges and other infrastructure things. Be mad at your local leaders, senators and congress. Be mad at them for not fixing things. Not the president, who is wanting to fix those things that local politicians won’t.
    If your insurance company is ripping you off, well blame those rich people manipulating you and fight them with your local leaders who get money in their pockets from the house all the way down.
    If you are mad about getting fired from your white boss. Guess what there are equal opportunity lawyers who fight just for one race and will help you out. Get with your local leaders to fix those things.
    If your mad at Trump letting Generals do their job instead of Obama trying to micromanage them and the government restrain them from support well, look we are doing a good job around the world now, so who cares.
    PEOPLE CAN BE STUPID. The President can’t fix ALL your problems when your local leaders, senators and congress are failing you.

  • Others lie too - 7 years ago

    If you actually research. You will notice all people running for office lie. All people in office lie. Every single one of them lie, you can say Trump, Obama, Bush have misspoke. You can say a lot but they all have lied.
    Senators have problems because they get rich in office. They who spend more time in office and don’t get anything done. We have all kinds of problems that they don’t fix.

  • Joe - 7 years ago

    Remember presidential candidate Donald Trump’s secret plan to defeat the Islamic State? And his boast that he knew more than the generals did about the Islamic State (thus implying he’d replace them once in office)? More campaign rhetoric crashing on the rocks of reality: The Trump administration just endorsed the core elements of former President Barack Obama’s counter-Islamic State plan, and Trump has decided that Obama’s generals weren’t so bad, either.
    On May 19, a day when Washington was consumed with the latest developments in the scandals enveloping the White House, the Pentagon announced that the chairman and vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford and Air Force Gen. Paul Selva, respectively — would be renominated for another term. The commanders leading the military campaigns in Afghanistan, Iraq, North Africa, and Syria — all places with significant Islamic State presences — also remain in place.
    I now have chemicals in the river I fish in. My insurance co. says they are going to raise the cost 50 percent because of Trump. My bridges are unsafe because we need to build a monument in the form of a fence. I am going to lose my 4,000 dollars deduction per dependent. Trump is not going to help the deficit. Only white supremacist can protest. (without having a rich white boss fire you). I also believe that when the government calls a young black woman to tell her, she has joined the gold star family, she has earned to right to feel and say anything she wants and does not need an old rich white guy tweeting how she was wrong to the world.
    I am proud of my senator. If you don’t believe Trump lies, let him feel your daughter up, she will not mind.

  • It’s just Business - 7 years ago

    People want to call Trump greedy from when he was a citizen. You can’t call him greedy in office because he uses his own money to pay for government things and only gets a dollar for his president paycheck.
    As a citizen and business owner, it’s smart to be greedy and focus on more money to grow your company. People against Trump never had a successful business.

  • No Proof! No Facts! - 7 years ago

    Some people want to call Trump Racist. There is no proof. Just opinion!
    Just like Obama went to a church that was prejudice against white people. Just like Hillary, who went back and forth about different human rights. She focused on her group and not her beliefs.

  • STEPHEN - 7 years ago

    Thank you Bob Corker for speaking up for how the majority of the People feel about this infantile greedy racist.

  • Opinions Not Facts - 7 years ago

    Senator Cork has a bunch of negative opinions and trying to tweet like Trump. If you support Corker tweeting unprofessional then you are saying you support Trump tweeting. You guys are proud of Corker for speaking. He still hasn’t done anything good for this country and he is giving up and he is richer because of lobbyist. Corker is really mad that he didn’t get chosen for V.P. or other positions. Corker knows he wasn’t going to get re-elected because he didn’t o anything good.
    Corker spends a lot of time doing his wealthy things and being lazy in his office, thinking of retirement. People are supporting him for acting like Trump. People are saying they KNOW what is happening in the White House. They don’t know. It’s negative opinions!
    If someone can tell me what the President has done good then they can talk about what they don’t like. Use Facts not negative opinions just because your mad that crooked Hillary didn’t get elected.

  • Deb - 7 years ago

    Trump is a disgusting excuse for a human being with no morals nor integrity. He lies. He has no conscious. He only cares about himself and making a name for himself so he can brag. He must have been a very insecure and unloved child. Anyone that can't see a problem with this type of person representing our country has a problem of their own. I commend Senator Corker for calling it like it is ....a big baby in the White House.

  • Reblicannashville - 7 years ago

    Coker should shut up and apply himself to the Republican agenda until he (thankfully) leaves the hill. He should save his time and money by never running for office again.

  • Who Actually Trusts The Senate - 7 years ago

    Who really supports senators and congress? Really! We know they are lazy snakes that don’t do anything for the American people. We know they make decisions based on wealthy lobbyist. We know they are good at covering their tracks. We know they lie depending on who they are talking too. We know they haven’t passed laws that are best for Americans but to create loopholes for the Rich. They hide in the buildings putting all the blame on other people. They know how to play games with the media like the snakes they are.

  • Peggy - 7 years ago

    So proud of Bob Corker for speaking up when it is not the popular thing to do in Tennessee

  • Liberals Hate Trump - 7 years ago

    It doesn’t matter what Trump does. If it has Trumps name on it then the liberals will vote against Trump. Even if it’s good for America, they will just vote against Trump. The liberals don’t care about facts, research or anything. They listen to media that lies, twist, gas lights, negative opinions against Trump.
    They just hate Trump so much that they want to yell or shut up people with conservative views. Democrats are hypocrites because the same thing that they mostly yell at Trump for: Hillary and Obama have done the same things. Research it. It’s a fact! These politicians in office have lied to Americans to get themselves rich. The politicians and liberals media just want to get rich. The senators and congress will fight for lobbyists and their friends not Americans.

  • My travels: People love Trump - 7 years ago

    I have traveled to Japan, Greece, Middle East and all over Europe.
    I hear people saying, in the beginning after listening to CNN and other news sites that they didn’t like Trump. The people I know started to change their opinion of Trump with time.
    People are starting to learn that Trump is actually doing good things with Syria, Iraq, focusing on our country and making it better while still helping around the world. They wish that they had leaders doing the same. They wished they lived in America.
    Most people don’t likes Trumps tweets. We are not perfect but he is doing a lot of good in other places.
    Most people that hate trump don’t even know what he is doing because of where they get their information. No matter what Trump does good, they will hate him and vote against him.

  • Will Nesby - 7 years ago

    Bob Corker has proven himself to be the ADULT and Professional when compared to Trump. I find it extremely hard to understand how so many American People can express acceptance of Trump's ideas on almost everything.

  • Don - 7 years ago

    Trump is such an embarrassment to our country. I travel abroad and he is not respected in all of Europe. He has ruined our place in the world. Trump's legacy will be a legacy of "debasement of our nation." He will be respected by many for breaking up the GOP. He brought his rich mafia cronies to the white house. Such a disgrace and embarrassment!

  • Joel - 7 years ago

    Stop taking the bait, Corker. Stop responding to him. I can't help but notice that you have become more brazen about responding to him AFTER you announced that you were not running for reelection. Team Trump here.

  • We need a daycare for Senators and Congress - 7 years ago

    We need a “daycare” system for senators and congress. We know that Presidents come and go. Another president comes in a changes everything the last president does.
    Senators and Congress are in their seats for years. We know they have lobbyist lining their pockets to not do what is best for the country but what gets them RICH. They all fight each other not for the American people but which lobbyist is paying them the most. Those senators and congress are the corrupt. They are the ones not getting anything down. They are the ones who need a “daycare”. The President is just trying to be a voice for people who elected him. The president is just trying to do what is better for American people that deserve something better. Those senators and congress have not done anything for US.

  • The Brain - 7 years ago

    Chump is a joke. A disgrace. A pathetic rich criminal. He doesn't deserve any more attention.

  • Stoke - 7 years ago

    Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people, and not professional politicians who look down on the people. Corker and his type are the problem. He brags he only did two terms, but he couldn't get reelected and he knows it.

  • Cheryl Gardner - 7 years ago

    Glad he's speaking out, but the timing reduces his credibility. Wish he'd have done his homework and stood up against trumplethinskin BEFORE the election. It's going to take so many years to undo the damage this juvenile twitterer-in-chief is doing.

  • Lisa M - 7 years ago

    Corker is a sellout to Tennesseans. And now he is pouting because he knows Tennesseans wouldn’t vote for him for dog catcher!

  • Roy Perry - 7 years ago

    Let's just hope that the Day Care at the White House is alive and well.

  • Corker is acting like Trump - 7 years ago

    Corker is doing excatly the same thing that Trump is doing. They both are fighting back at people who attack them. They both are acting the same way. He is embarrassed of Trumps behavior. He is doing excatly the same thing. Hypocrite! Plus, Corker has years of politician training on how to lie to Americans and do it in a sneaky professional way. Corker has done nothing. Almost all the politicians come out of office way wealthier because of lobbyist and making deals with other politicians to work against the American people and work for the rich.

  • Corker Years of Failure - 7 years ago

    Corker: Years of not getting the professionals to do their job. Only when Trump makes it a big deal. A lying politician, all politicians are experts at lying. He has failed Tennessee and America. He needs to just shut up and get out of the way for someone else.
    Trump: Brand new to government work but is trying. He doesn’t have to but he is TRYING! Trump might not know how to talk like a politician but HE IS TRYING TO MAKE THINGS BETTER FOR AMERICANS. Trump needs to stop Twitter feuds and twitter more important things. But I like Trump TRYING to fight these politicians who are trying to keep the rich to stay rich, fight politicians who are working to keep lobbyist in business and bad things for Americans, Trump is fighting everyone who is keeping bad loopholes in our system so they are fighting him back. The media within the liberal circles are constantly twisting things, lying, and creating a negative picture against anything Trump does. It’s sad!

  • John - 7 years ago

    I voted for Bob Corker and supported him until he informed me that the Government basically knew what was best for America, not the people. His response was to my objection of the 750 billion dollar bail out implemented by then President George W. Bush, that he voted for. I wouldnt vote for Bob Corker for anything!!

  • Teresa York - 7 years ago

    I dislike my auto spell sometimes, (Corker)

  • Teresa York - 7 years ago

    Corner needs to put a cork in it. He is nothing but an embarrassment to Tennesseans.

  • Lisa - 7 years ago

    Grow up CORKER!!! He is our president no matter what you think CORKER!!! Show respect and please quit shaming our state with your daycare attitude!!! Who are you calling professional??? Do you hear yourself???? DUH!!!!

  • Bob Corker - 7 years ago

    Donald Trump is a cuck

  • Bob Corker - 7 years ago

    Bob Corker is a cuck.

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