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Is the financial crisis keeping you up at night? (Poll Closed)


  • Rhonnda Rea - 16 years ago

    Everyone knows that we have become a society more concerned with the 'bottom line' of profits rather than the real quality of life for the general public, which leads me back to such appropriate cliches/homolies, etc., like,..."The rich get richer and the poor get poorer!",...'The Liberals and the Conservatives are the Bobbsey twins of big business!" Our world is getting smaller-minded because we are more concerned and consumed with GREED and it is the fault of those who are never satisfied with the basics. Bigger, fancier, most expensive,...while our homeless population continues to grow. Education of our youth has become only for the wealthy,..who then perpetuate the cycle of greed. When we can elect a golf pro one year, provincially, who destroys way more than he ever did good, it hardly seems as if we, the voters know what we are doing. We had an educated NDP provincial government and dismissed it because its' 'Rae Day' dared to ask something of those who could, basically, afford to do without to raise the entire standard of living for the whole of society. You say Harper has been educated as an economist? Education is only as good as how you utilize it and face it, if you are one of the 'haves', you don't try too hard to help the 'have nots'. I think it should be mandatory for any elected 'higher ups' to have to spend a month living on disability, welfare, or on the street, before they can buddy up and pretend to know what they are doing. Education should be free to all our children, because they are the future. The religion of compassion, equality and charity should be taught in schools and in every area of employment,...especially amongst the MORE fortunate and our government. Healthcare should be treated with respect, to protect and help everyone and not used as a pawn in any way that causes any kind of discrepancy in its quality or delivery. Politicians are not my favourite people, because, usually, whenever anyone is placed in a high office, "power corrupts" and no one is more corruptible that those who are pawns of big business. I have to live by the old addage, "take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves" but all I see in business and government is, "I want mine and the more the better"! Too bad the poorer section of the population can't afford to run for office,...get the picture,........?

  • K.Faulkner - 16 years ago

    While I'm not 'kept up" at night over this financial melt down, I AM concerned, as everyone would be, about the state of the world's financial crisis. I am MORE concerned that, in view of the timing of this fiasco, our Conservative Government will not achieve a majority mandate in the election. It seems more and more people are listening to Jack Layton and Stephan Dion, and believing THEY will be Lord and Saviour....well, folks, would you ask a mechanic to take a look at your gall bladder? Would you let your butcher check the oil in your car? We HAVE an economist for a Prime Minister....he knows more about economics than all three of the other party leaders put together.I, thankfully, have a pension from a solid company for whom I worked for 40 years. I have no doubt my pension will continue. Sure there'll be some who will suffer, and some who'll lose their jobs...that's what happens when such times hit us....this one is particularily hard because of the problems in the USA. But switching from the governing party, who has kept Canada one of the strongest of ALL in this situation, would simply be disastrous. I hope people wake up to this before Oct.14th

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