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Do you approve of the Manitoba Tories' carbon tax plan?

Total Votes: 1,817

  • FP - 7 years ago

    Let the Feds do it and stay out of it. Total cash grab.

  • GM - 7 years ago

    What a pile of crap. It seems that every week politicians from all levels are finding new ways to grab every cent that they can from their voters. Politicians are just scum.

  • WJ - 7 years ago

    Spineless PC Party fold like a cheap pup tent. I have lost all respect for the PC's and will NEVER vote for these low lifes again. No consultation prior to this awful decision and now they would like public input on how to spend the windfall. Payoff Hydro's debt dummies. Can hardly wait to vote you fools out. No I don't think any other political party would be better. It just doesn't matter anymore. They are all the same, irresponsible dotards.

  • JD - 7 years ago

    Just another money grab. Caving in to the "Sock Puppet" in Ottawa. I had respect for this government for holding out. NOW NOT

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