I would have replaced Practice Fusion with Athena in this poll. In my 6 years of selling ambulatory EHRs to groups of all sizes not once did I compete against them. They may have a relevant threshold of usership due to their business model, but that model itself is a case to exclude them. Then again, I suppose CNN.com is still considered top competition for the WSJ Online...
MRHITISTMZ - 7 years ago
Fake poll. Donde esta eClinicalworks?
HITChat - 7 years ago
Allscripts got the skids with the Eclipsys acquisition and the refusal of leadership to listen to their customers.
HITChat - 7 years ago
Allscripts got the skids with the Eclipsys acquisition and the refusal of leadership to listen to their customers.
I would have replaced Practice Fusion with Athena in this poll. In my 6 years of selling ambulatory EHRs to groups of all sizes not once did I compete against them. They may have a relevant threshold of usership due to their business model, but that model itself is a case to exclude them. Then again, I suppose CNN.com is still considered top competition for the WSJ Online...
Fake poll. Donde esta eClinicalworks?
Allscripts got the skids with the Eclipsys acquisition and the refusal of leadership to listen to their customers.
Allscripts got the skids with the Eclipsys acquisition and the refusal of leadership to listen to their customers.