Is it time for a coaching change at Tennessee?


  • rumrunner25 - 7 years ago

    Get rid of him and those players. They should all put some effort in to dong other things in their life.

  • dale mason - 7 years ago

    the sooner the better

  • Ethel - 7 years ago

    Well how much more can the big orange take. It is well past time for Butch and his clowns to get out of town.
    It will take several years for the mighty orange rebound and become a decent team. Some players need to go also. This is just so funny and it goes to show how bad it really is on the hill. Butch can take all his little saying and move on down the line, he is no VFL. It is even going to get worse now that bb season is upon them. Some long dark days ahead for UT fans.

  • Stephrey - 7 years ago

    Bring back Phil!!!

  • Joe Sixpack - 7 years ago

    The fact that Lame Kiffiin's name is even mentioned shows how desperate times are in the Redneck Nation.

  • Haywood - 7 years ago

    Bring back Lane Kiffin, now. Congrats KY, enjoy it. Kind of like a solar eclipse

  • Joe Sixpack - 7 years ago

    Hahahahhaha...losers ran Fulmer and Cuonzo out of town, and then crybaby about their choices. Go Big Blue!

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