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Do you think it is more important to protect gun rights or control gun violence?

Total Votes: 2,478

  • D - 7 years ago

    It’s a shame the issue of guns is always painted as Having only two sides. There is a whole lot of ground in the middle for intelligent and sensible reform. We should have some public outreach to limit gun accidents and murder. Even limiting it to educational videos showing what not to do with guns, and the aftermath of these disasters. Right now there is no effort to stope these massacres before they happen. Why not ask people to call a mental health hotline if they think of murdering people, show some of the heartbreak/love and ask people to be part of the solution. If you are worried about some one snapping and they have guns, call somebody.

  • Health, Drugs and Cars - 7 years ago

    Every time there is a mass shooting, people freak out. Guns in the right hands are not a problem. I don’t see celebrities, Hollywood or democrat leaders having security without guns (they love it and want it) and poor people can’t afford security. Lead by example and get rid of your gun security. All you people should keep harassing those people to get rid of guns protecting them at studios or while they travel. Harass them and get them to stop allowing guns to be providing their security. Hillary or Bernie wants guns protecting them and does not want to get rid of them.
    People don’t protest all year to the millions of people dying because of heart disease, cancer or other forms of not taking caring of people or allowing the USA to allow products that create these problems. More people are dying from their healthcare than any gun or bomb or killer. Companies, insurance companies, politicians allow millions to die from something that could be fixed in a nation of the most unhealthiest people.
    We have millions dying. What about the millions of people or children that have horrible lives because of drugs? Where is all the protest or people in communities or leaders making changes? How come people are not protesting in front of drug problem areas or clinics or hospitals or at the drug companies? We have the worst drug problem in the world and we don’t have an outcry or protests or people trying to shit down the drug companies. We don’t have people in bad drug areas trying to shut it down. We have the opposite silence. We have sanctuary for criminals. We ignore the rich people responsible.
    Cars! We have to many people dying from vehicles. Let’s make changes and more safety rules. Oh we are fine with buses not having seatbelts, we are fine that car companies don’t install more features that save lives because they won’t make as much money. I don’t see people fighting to have breathalyzer to be able start vehicles. No outcry because people don’t care.
    I suppose we only care about certain ways that people die. When our system can prevent and stop deaths in cars, drugs and health then maybe come talk about guns. You people should be concerned about a lot of other things which you won’t fix. I swear it’s like everyone wants to complain about something but really does nothing to fix it. How many decades does it take to fix Chicago? How long until we can stop drugs from pouring into this country? When can we start going to the root of the problem with powerful rich people so they will stop getting away with handing out pills or not putting better safety mechanisms in cars that save lives? It’s been a decade of our education system getting worse. How long until our education system gets better? Democrats you had eight years and it didn’t happen. Sure glad, Iran got 100 billion for Nuclear program, just like Korea. Thanks Democrats. I don’t blame just those Democrats though. Both sides fight and nothing is happening to make this country better. Americans are so lazy all they have is tweeting about how to get rid of guns or other things, that nothing gets done. We are going down the drain and it’s not because of the President. It’s because people just want to complain but they don’t do the right things to really make a difference.

  • Ron Hollis - 7 years ago

    Making all law abiding citizens defenseless sitting ducks to benefit the thugs who will still be using guns is the liberal lunacy that an unbelievably large number of people are stupid enough to subscribe to. I won't be a sitting duck for any political agenda.

  • Anthony Stallings - 7 years ago

    Someone send me a copy of the “Bill of Needs” I’ll wait.

  • George Owens - 7 years ago

    Since 1993 gun ownership in the United States has grown exponentially. At the same time, homicide and violent crime in general is down to the lowest it’s been in decades.
    Reform of Concealed Carry laws which removes issuing authorities ability to illegally discriminate has resulted in significant increases in minority participation in Concealed Carry Permit programs. It has also resulted in expanded participation in permit programs normally reserved for the politically connected and financially affluent.

    Meanwhile the anti-gun crowd continues to forward a false narrative by linking suicides and accidental deaths from guns into what they deem as “gun violence” while trying to sell the idea that they favor the Second Amendment. If that were true then they would not be in complete opposition to nations wide Concealed carry permit reciprocity. Think about it, they want draconian background checks for a Father to hand a rifle to his son at a rifle range, calling it an illegal transfer, yet get all cow eyed at the thought of a person who got a permit by going through a comprehensive background check for a carry permit being able to have a gun for protection on a business trip.

    My Alabama pistol permit is good in 22 States, yet I have never found a soul who can explain to me how the public safety of those other states is placed in danger by extending me the same privilege.

    Only one gunman walked into that church in Texas and killed those people, but a good man with the same kind of gun is being credited by authorities for preventing more deaths. If I am traveling to a state that does not recognize my permit to carry, and I get caught up in a mass shooting, is my best chance for survival going to hinge on somebody else having a permit and a gun to protect me....

    If you don’t want to own a gun, don’t buy one. If you can’t accept responsibility for your own safety maybe if you get caught up in a shooting you will look up and see me standing there with my pistol protecting you.

    George Owens
    Legislative Affairs Director
    Alabama Gun Rights

  • Kay Janosik - 7 years ago

    You people!!! How can you say gun laws don't need to be stronger?? Why in the world does ANYONE need an AR-15?? Deer going to attack you?? Those wild boar hunt humans now?? Oh, it is those pesky Wiley coyote!! That's it!! WE NEED TO OUTLAW AR-15's unless you live on 200 acres or more or are law enforcement. The public does not need to own 1) Silencers; 2) 50 Caliber rifles; 3) AR-15; 4) Body Armor piercing ammunition. AR-15's have caused white men to be the greatest terrorist threat to the United States in 16 years. Within the last 10 years we have had NINE mass shootings in America.
    2012 Newtown, CT 27 people killed with AR-15;
    2012 Aurora, CO 12 people killed with Smith & Wesson version of the AK15;
    2013 Washington Navy Yard 12 people killed with AR-15;
    2015 Charleston, SC 9 people killed in a church with AK-15;
    2015 San Bernadino, CA 14 people killed with AK-15;
    2016 Orlando, CA 49 people killed with AK-15;
    2017 Las Vegas, NV 50 people killed with many AK-15’s,
    2017 Sutherland Springs, TX 26 people killed with AK-15.
    And your argument is guns don’t kill people, people kill people. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH

  • Trigglypuff - 7 years ago

    When the government starts rounding us up like cattle to be slaughtered let’s not save the liberals

  • Bryan Bratcher - 7 years ago

    This question is misleading. It is asked as an either or. This is simply not the case. Less gun rights don't decrease gun violence. It simply disarms the good citizens and makes them venerable to criminals.

  • Sandy - 7 years ago

    Criminals will always find a way to get a gun! They don't follow the laws regardless...No matter what laws are put in place, criminals will break them.
    Honest people, are the ones that follow the laws. If there is a sign on the door that says "no weapons" the law abiding citizen will not take their weapon inside the business. Which by the way makes it a "soft target" an "easy Target" for a criminal wanting to do harm!

    So all the folks that want more gun control, you are only controlling the law abiding citizens! Not the criminals, There are more than enough gun control laws, they just need to be enforced,

  • Sherri - 7 years ago

    both! Yes, I whole heartedly support the protection of gun rights. I conceal carry, even to church! Do I think that we could do a better job of keeping guns out of criminals hands? Absolutely! Tennessee should require the guns be registered to the owner at all times. That way, I would be held, somewhat, responsible for who has a gun registered to me, and I would think twice before selling my gun to someone else!

  • Charles Burdick Jr - 7 years ago

    As we found out in Europe and now New York, bad people will find a way to kill people and the weapon itself is no more dangerous than the vehicle you drive. I think we should outlaw vehicles because stupid people drink and drive or text and drive. Let the Nanny State protect us from the idiots in the world. #Sheeples.

  • Elise - 7 years ago

    *correction of first sentence* So we shouldn't have laws because criminals wouldn't obey them?

  • Elise - 7 years ago

    So wouldn't have laws because criminals won't obey them. Boy, is that a lame excuse.

    At least the gunman in Texas, the 18-month old baby, and the pregnant woman, and so many others died with their 2nd Amendment Rights fully intact. I guess that's all that's matters to some "Muricans.

  • Mark - 7 years ago

    Don't be fooled people. We have common sense gun laws right now. And yet, people still die. Did yall know of this common sense law that says it's illegal to kill people!?!? It's also illegal to shoot up school houses...still done. It's illegal to shoot up churches...still done. It's illegal to run over people with a car...still done.

    Shocker: laws don't protect you. Laws are merely there to punish the criminal AFTER they have done the act.

    Here's the biggest shocker...brace yourselves...criminals don't obey the laws.

    Taking away your gun doesn't make you safer.

  • Elise - 7 years ago

    I understand people who are Originalists in their interpretation of the Constitution, but they can't have it both ways. If someone truly believes that the right to bear arms is an individual ones as stated by the Founding Fathers, then this should apply to 18th century muskets with a 1-2 minute reload time. If you want the right to carry forward with the change in technology, the right to needs to be modified accordingly.

  • Marion Youngblood - 7 years ago

    We have done it the NRA way for far too long and look at the results. It is now time for common sense gun control.

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