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Are you satisfied with how your community protects you from flooding?

Total Votes: 168

  • G Styer PE - 7 years ago

    Most states require more planning.
    1. Many states require developers to conduct and file professional hydrology studies before altering the environment. Buildings, paved areas, removal of trees and grassland all increase the speed and level of flooding. Most states require Zero environmental impact by constructing retention structures.
    2. These plans need to be reviewed by county engineers with actual accredited Civil Engineering degrees. TN does not require hiring any county engineers. In fact the county engineer is an elected position without any professional engineering experience needed.
    TN needs to do better!

  • Communities try yet they will fail most - 7 years ago

    Experts have written how the Netherlands and others have focused on flooding prevention while the USA does not. We don’t focus on building that prevents but we focus building cheap from the ground up. We don’t have leaders doing more but they spend more efforts in the appearance of them trying. We can use methods that others have done to be more successful. How can we say that leaders care when we place lower compared to the rest of the world in so many areas.
    Maybe, part of our problem is our very low education system. We don’t demand better from our leaders as long as we have cell phones, cable or other shiny things. The USA ranks in the bottom compared to the world. Tennessee ranks in the bottom compared to the United States. How can we have smart people fixing things or making solutions when we can just let people stay dumb and pass through school? How can we make things better when we can’t get smart research? How can we prevent flooding problems when leaders don’t require things to be done that help us?

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