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What's Your Choice For Reading?

Total Votes: 44

  • Margot Kinberg - 7 years ago

    Thanks for the kind words, Ellen. I'm very glad you enjoyed the post. I think you make a very well-taken point about space considerations. When you live in a small space, you do have to limit your possessions, and that includes books. E-readers can be very useful for that, if you have one. I love it that you re-gift your books. I always think that books should be made as widely available as possible. And, of course, re-gifting clears up space for you.

  • Margot Kinberg - 7 years ago

    There's no dobut, Alice, that e-books and audio books can come in very, very handy for trips, for outdoor exercise, and more. I don't blame you for loving them at those times. But there definitely is something about a paper book...

  • Ellen - 7 years ago

    So many choices for readers these days! I still prefer printed books, but because I live and travel full-time in a small RV, there's only so much space. I tend to re-gift the printed books I read (though I did tuck one under the dinette bench to save....) to RV parks, used bookstores, laundromats.... I have read a few on my laptop and that works out okay, but I find I'm in not in as much of a rush to read those as I am the printed books because they're not taking up space the want the paper books do. Great topic, Margo!

  • Alice Horning - 7 years ago

    I prefer paper, but on a long trip last year, I used my Nook and read about 6 books I would never have carried. I also am crazy about audio books for listening while I walk 4 miles a day. It's my newest addiction, and it is not immoral, illegal or fattening! Hooray! Digital stuff definitely has some advantages.

  • Margot Kinberg - 7 years ago

    That's a great example, Justine, of how a Kindle can be a really useful and effective way to read. I think if I were in hospital, I'd want my Kindle with me, too.

  • Justine Jones - 7 years ago

    I recently spent three months in the hospital. I was sent about 25 books from friends,and I had also brought my Kindle. I can tell you that I only read one print book but 35 ebooks. Lighting and weight issues were the reason.

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