Which Main Character was Best in Season 7?


  • Maud Pie - 7 years ago

    This comment section is just depressing. It's one thing to dislike Starlight and bash her character, but attacking her fans and deriding them as "mindless sheep" or "apes**t crazy" is a whole new low and entirely unnecessary.

    Back on topic, though, If we're defining best by character development, then I'd have to hand this one to Starlight. No other protagonist this past season experienced as much growth as she did. Glimmer aside, I would probably go with Fluttershy or Rarity; both had strong episodes in season 7.

  • Anon - 7 years ago

    I Just Get the Giggles for see Anti-Starlight Fans write the Comments :)

  • Kaleb Arellano - 7 years ago

    What the heck! Spike receives no love. That is soo unfair.

  • smp - 7 years ago

    @Ben Russell-Gough

    How exactly did Mane 6 got sidelined? Quite few characters have around similar amount of episodes, plus plenty of supporting role appearances. Twilight had plenty of episodes, Fluttershy had quite lot of important appearances too, same goes for Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, Not all got same amount of focus, sure, but overall we got each of the member of Mane 6 in action through the majority of the season, with maybe 5 episodes as exceptions tops.

  • Ben Russell-Gough - 7 years ago

    Difficult to say as the Mane Six were pretty sidelined in Season 7 and I refuse on principle to treat Scrappy Starlight Glimmer as a main character.

    Nonetheless, Fluttershy impressed me in two of her three focus episodes. She was never stereotyped and did an impressive job of problem-solving throughout the Season. So she gets my vote.

  • Derp - 7 years ago

    I've been watching the show since just before Season 2 aired, I don't care much for the Drama that goes on, there is always. ALWAYS. Something that people are outraged about

    Derpy being censored
    Cadance and Shining Armor
    Discord being reformed
    Twilight becoming a princess
    Equestria Girls
    Starlight being reformed

    Actually hasn't been many big events since Starlight so now shes the focal point for these people, the last thing they got outraged about so they keep being outraged.

    They ignore all the good Starlight brings to the table for the sake of being outraged.

  • Derp - 7 years ago

    Wow, the anti starlight crowd sure are triggered.

  • Romuska Palo Ur Laputa - 7 years ago

    Though this may be off topic (plus trying to change the subject I was talking about and move on) I just want to ask one question: would a poll called "Which New Character was Best in Season 7?" be a good idea, considering we got a bunch of them this season?

  • Romuska Palo Ur Laputa - 7 years ago


    Well, I'm just trying to call how I see it, that's all I'm saying.

  • anon - 7 years ago

    @Romuska Palo Ur Laputa
    That doesn't justify anything though. you're trying to antagonize pro-Starlight people and acting like a victim but this comment section is living example of both side's quality. we know who's rational one and we know who's whiny manbaby one.

  • Hakirayleigh - 7 years ago

    I see all comments and people hate Starlight at these comments, they said Glimmer fans are sheeps and idiots. I didn't look a simple valid critic in this poll and after accuse of being treated like victims. I wouldn't care more Starlight if that people continue with madness and trigger.

  • Romuska Palo Ur Laputa - 7 years ago


    I'm not delusional, we must have just not been in the same place or something. We must have been seeing different situations or something. I actually have been told I was "whining/get over it" by some people, and I got the impression they were treating me like an idiot wasting their time or like a kid not knowing what I was talking about, because I was expressing my opinion, I'm probably just frustrated dealing with past experiences like that.

    It was about a year ago though, so the situation might have been different than it is now.

  • anon - 7 years ago

    @Romuska Palo Ur Laputa
    That's a complete bullshit though. I browse EqD, Derpibooru, MLPforums, /mlp/. and situation is complete opposite of what you just described. Starlight fans never trying to start shit, it's the anti-Starlight folks that one who always shit on her or shit on her fans in unrelated threads or images. Starlightfans don't go apeshit because you just simply hate her or gave them """valid critism""". they usually trying to discuss with their haters about why they hate her or explain what makes her likable, great character, or just simply refute their critism with a fair argument. just check any of anti-Starlight images on derpibooru and tell me I'm wrong. hell, why don't you just look at this poll's comment section? Starlight fans are just saying that she deserves to win this poll, no insulting of other at all. while anti-Starlight folks are insulting her and her fans calling them "sheep"(lmao just how fucking old are you?), fucking up the comment section. seriously, Starlight fans are the uncivilized one? are you delusional or what? I don't belong in both camps. so here's my """neutral""" $0.02.

  • Romuska Palo Ur Laputa - 7 years ago


    It's true, but one problem is (from my experience) for a lot of Starlight fans, if I and others mentioned how we dislike her or I'm concerned about what she'd do, they basically would insult/rage at us, treat me and others like crap or attack us personally (and act like they didn't even read what we said), just because I didn't like their favorite pony, or go apeshit over valid criticisms. They were acting like rabid fanboys/fangirls (fanboys and fangirls can't take criticism for something they like, even if that criticism is perfectly legitimate).

  • Stone Prophet - 7 years ago

    I have been watching MLP since Sisterhooves Social (and have been on the internet since '95/'96). Most of the fandom drama is self-created by "loud" individuals and exists in pockets on the internet. If there is drama outside of the internet...it most likely came from the internet. Simple mob mentality.

    The show is doing well...are there people who like the contrary? Who are the people that want Starlight to explode THEN fall of a cliff twice before being sucked into a pulsar star? If the show has any problems...all problems seem to end when we stop thinking about them. What average working man or woman voices their negative opinions about Starlight Glimmer to the world? That person thinks too much about Starlight Glimmer or whatever character or thing that disturbs them deeply.

    It's better to say how much one loves a character than how much one hates another. Starlight is in my Top 3 behind Pinkie, Trixie, and tied with Rarity...is someone telling me that I should not like one of my favorite characters? It's just like a JH coming to my door saying my complex religious beliefs are "unfortunately" wrong...who loves to hear that!?!

    Maybe we should just learn to love what we make ourselves despise. No one person can speak for the majority. Instead of airing out dissent about some character in some cartoon, let's create our own character or be better "characters" in life itself...I have made 4 pony villain characters and multiple others from over a decade ago. It takes something special in order to create a worthwhile character, and it is difficult to create one when so many people are involved in all of the steps.

  • Idiot - 7 years ago

    Some of the people on here, you need to look at yourself and see that you aren't much better, if any, than the people you try to bash. Even if you are, you really aren't showing it on here. If you get angered by this poll then move on.

  • SickOfThisCrap - 7 years ago

    Look, guys, I get that some of you aren’t fans of Starlight, and this is probably really disappointing for you. But that’s no reason to start fighting and insulting her fans. It’s uncalled for and totally ignores the message of the show.

  • Spartan Prime - 7 years ago


  • anon - 7 years ago

    Glimmshit should not have been included. Glimmerfags are braindead sheep.

  • Romuska Palo Ur Laputa - 7 years ago


    Understood and I apologize.

  • Anonymous - 7 years ago

    @Romuska Palo: you know, debating other people's opinione doesn't make you a better person than them, because by the way you talked you're saying it Was kinda offensive. You said it like "whoever likes this show is dumb" included the ones who appreciate it genuinely. You don't like the show? Fine. You're here just for the fanarts related to it? Very well. But please I invite you to not make that kind of statement and doing what you're doing without bothering the ones who still like the show ok?

  • Romuska Palo Ur Laputa - 7 years ago

    I agree with ya. I don't hate Starlight as much I used to (now it's Twilight) but she's still overpraised.

    Frankly in my opinion for the show (which I've stopped watching but I still check out the franchise and fanart every now and then as a somewhat casual fan, never was a "brony") and looking at it overall, all I gotta say is, how could anyone rate this show, all seven seasons overall, above mediocre? It and the fandom from my experience have become an absolute hellhole, with people being toxic (like anon here) and there is much negative energy coming from this them that it's a miracle that it's even still running...

  • *chanting* - 7 years ago


  • Katie - 7 years ago

    Oh and you would be 'whiny' to if you were in my place.

  • Katie - 7 years ago

    Moment doesn't equal episode. My cousin said Applejack had the least episodes this season than earlier and she had little from before and people always hate them. It's not an enjoyable fanbase to be in, especially with lucky people like you who apparently gets what you want if you're satisfied. You must have a popular or well developed favourite. Besides I've already stopped watching the show, I've seen none of season 7 except one episode (because curiousity). I'm just lurking the fandom once in a while to see if a change to fix it all happens.

    1. Tried. It doesn't work like that. Favourites aren't simply chosen.
    2. Done. Last full season I watched was the sixth.

  • Anonymous - 7 years ago

    Also writers would be unfair toward AJ? HOW ABOUT THIS? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=85Jk_DcK43g

  • Anonymous - 7 years ago

    @katie I don't fucking care about you being so whiny about AJ being mistreated by writer (which is bullshit by the way). If you don't like MLP just because don't like the way one of the characters is treated just leave, or otherwise you would be like that moron of Doctor Forester who pans any episode in which Celestia is kidnapped, or like that idiot of Raffaele Lanza who overdramatized for about an entire year because the treatment the Mane 6 got in the S6 finale (at least the latter had the DECENCY of leaving). If you don't like the way your favorite character is handeld there are two options: 1)Find another favorite character in MLP; 2)Just stop watching MLP already and don't whine about it.

  • Katie - 7 years ago

    Just so you know I'm just waiting for the show to be fair for Applejack and her fans, I'm no longer a fan because Hasbro doesn't deserve me when they keep it unfair. I no longer buy their merch which is their loss because when I love something and it makes me happy I buy a LOT! It's MY choice whether I like MLP or not, my opinions will always be the same unless it'll change. And that reminds me! People used to tell me I don't like MLP anymore because I don't like change-WRONG!!! I LOVE change, but only fair/good change. Bad and unfair change is just despicable. Change doesn't automatically make something better, to be better the change needs to improve, not the opposite of that.

  • Anonymous - 7 years ago

    You're all so pathetic. Whining because such a stupid reason... Larson might even not like his own episode, but he has no idea of how much he actually got things right in Fame & Misfortune. You bronies are some of the most shameful people in the world, AND MLP DOESN'T DESERVE PEOPLE LIKE YOU AS "FANS".

  • Webber - 7 years ago

    Dang. Some people are getting really upset about this.

  • Blob - 7 years ago

    This poll is stupid. We have the most boring and pointless character leading just because Glimmer Lovers are sheep. I'd bet you ask anyone who has stopped watching the show in the last two years, 90% would say it's because of her. Shes not a main character. She never had the measured and developed characterization the others had. She was just tossed in our faces after being "reformed" and we were expected to like her even though there was no reason to.

  • Romuska Palo Ur Laputa - 7 years ago

    Fluttershy to me, she's grown the most of the Mane Six. I'm just gonna say it: Starlight Glimmer is so goddamn overrated (and just seems to be hogging spots where she's not needed), she still hasn't improved at all to me (like why did she smash the seal to the Mirror Pond? That was stupid, and how come she can change herself into an infant, something Celestia and Luna can't do? Once again, she's too overpowered) and still seems to be hogging the spotlight in the fandom like what Luna used to do, Twilight's become an unlikable, boring asshole and doesn't seem to have anywhere else to go, which saddens me because she used to be my favorite along with Pinkie. The others were fine/OK.

  • Que sera sera - 7 years ago

    Of course starlight will win.
    This poll is meaningless.

  • Katie - 7 years ago

    @Swash: If I favored Spike over Applejack I'd be really happy because he's been treated really well the last couple seasons. Applejack hasn't yet... I'd be grateful if I were you, I'm still looking for the day Applejack will be treated that well.

  • Gabo - 7 years ago

    Yeah, to be fair, Starlight DID have the most interesting episodes this season. She's come a long way from her rough start. I get the feeling most of her backstory isn't appropriate to show on a cartoon rated TV-Y, hence why we didn't get to see it, but the character she's grown into is genuinely lovable and one of the most relatable on the show. I felt for her so hard during a lot of her episodes, and I really want to see her grow and find happiness.

    When you've spent your entire life submerged in darkness, the light is a scary and confusing thing until you find your place.

  • Lion - 7 years ago

    “Starlight Glimmer”...yeah, the thing forced into the toon because Hasbro wanted Twilight to be a princess and DHX wanted to keep a purple magic user in the cast. Starlight is the most boring, unlikable character imaginable. Just a very poor, very dull Twilight knockoff without any of the personality. What absolute garbage. ????

  • Seriously? - 7 years ago

    Starlight is not a main character, and thus is disqualified. The End.

  • Peter - 7 years ago

    If Starlight wasn’t on this poll I would’ve voted either Fluttershy or Twilight.

  • Swash - 7 years ago

    From a Spike fan: cry me a fucking river.

  • Defender t - 7 years ago

    Why is Applejack here? She's a background character.

  • Hakirayleigh - 7 years ago

    Good by Starlight, but she isn't a mane character yet. I voted to Rarity cause her punk phase and her ties with Sweetie Belle were great.

  • Emptybee - 7 years ago

    Honestly, much as I love spike and Applejack, this season's clear winner was Fluttershy. With "Fluttershy Leans In", "Discordant Harmony", and "A Health of Information" she really got the chance to shine for once.

  • John - 7 years ago

    Obvious glimmerbots are obvious.

  • smp - 7 years ago

    Starlight Glimmer on top? I do wonder what's the reason...Sorry I don't understand that. I don't say she's terrible, and she had some nice moments here and there this season but in she rarely shined in episodes focused squarely at her.

    If I were to pick I would choose Twilight who had some great episodes this season, as well as Fluttershy who knew more driven personality was a joy to watch each episode she was in.

  • Daimando - 7 years ago

    Now all we need is a best Starlight episode overall.

  • Katie - 7 years ago

    Of course Applejack is still underrated as heck and still treated like crap, no wonder why I don't enjoy the show anymore.

  • PlanetEater - 7 years ago

    Starlight, definitely. She’s really come into her own this season, with some of her best post-reformation episodes yet. It’s great that she’s finally gotten a real chance to shine.

    If I had to pick another though, it’d either be Twilight or Fluttershy. They did really good this season too.

  • Swashbucklist - 7 years ago

    It's just another damn popularity contest. They should all be about even. Maybe Starlight, Rainbow, and Rarity would be slightly higher than the rest if everyone were being honest, but that's all.

  • ME - 7 years ago

    Of course Starlight will win.
    Most bronies now are post Starlight Glimmer so obviously they all idolize her :(
    The sudden OP pone strikes again
    My vote goes to Twilight, even if she is not my fave, she really did well this season.

  • Frith - 7 years ago

    While Rainbow Dash went the extra distance in Campfire Tales, Pinkie earned her Yak Status in Not Asking For Trouble, and Fluttershy was supportive in Discordant Harmony, it's Starlight Glimmer who was generally the most levelheaded and best at rolling with the punches this season.

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