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Vote for your favourite male icon! (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 172,602

  • Michael Jackson: Best singer, dancer, composer, best in everything! King of Pop!

  • Cecilia - 6 years ago

    O)-+> Love4oneanother

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson dedicated his life to charity work, he taught me the true meaning of love. Because of Michael Jackson, I do not criticize anyone else at any time. I only defend his reputation, because this is the only thing I can do for him. False rumors should not be passed on. First of all, there has never been any evidence that he was guilty. At least in the United States, there were many official organizations that investigated him but no body has ever found any criminal evidence. Second, there is a lot of evidence to show that he is innocent and that you are only willing to know the truth. Third, anyone who had been in contact with Michael Jackson told me that he had a beautiful soul and that he was never the one in tabloid.He is completely innocent. Finally, I am grateful to me for living in a Michael Jackson era. I am grateful to all the information he has brought about his love. Thank you for writing many beautiful works. His beautiful song will be my life. Only hope that all unreasonable hatred of him can stop.

  • PeaceInPurple - 6 years ago

    Thank you for your kind words and I hope we (all of Purple Army and MJ fans) all can start moving forward in peace and compassion in celebration of two worthy musicians, respecting their individual marks on the world. All Prince fams know he wanted only for us to walk forward in respect and consideration of others and I hope they keep his wish in mind. It is very clear to me that both MJ and Prince stood for the same principles and one day, today even, I would like to see us walk forward hand in hand. NO ONE IS PERFECT and so let it be time for forgiveness on both sides. We can do so much together, if we stop fighting each other over negative things that only tear apart our humanity. You are so right when you said If there is hatred and negativity inside you it is reflected like a mirror to show outside. It is this negativity that we need to refuse to follow and release. Wise words. Today I hope is the day we start. Peace in Purple to you, friend, and thank you for celebrating MJ with us. I hope you enjoy learning more about Prince. A song that he wrote and sang that is perfect for right now is Song of the Heart. We have lost two iconic musicians among so many others alive and gone. Let's celebrate them!

  • DalyPYT - 6 years ago

    PeaceInPurple, I totally agree with you. I do not know Prince's work but I respect the artist and the human as I also hope respect for Michael whom I admire and love. It is very easy to fall into the insult when you are behind the computer or cell phone and nobody looks at your face. Unfortunately the negativity of people is sold in a place where it can lead to free expression. But as I said before, what it expresses is what is inside you, it projects you to yourself!! Michael Jackson has always been the mirror in which people look at what they want to see, what is inside them. In life he suffered a lot because he was the target of a lot of hatred and even after death, he continues being the target of hatred and greed. Whoever investigates his work will understand that nothing resembles who the media drew. I apologize for the fans of MJ who have insulted Prince, believe me that these "fans" do not know Michael at all because if they were, they would respect everyone.

  • DalyPYT - 6 years ago

    To all MJ HATERS: Michael is a mirror where each one of you sees reflected what is inside you. If there is hatred and negativity inside you, that's what you will see. It is not MJ, it's yourself !!! Michael proved his innocence and until today there is no evidence that he has done any harm to anyone. Real evidence is his humanitarian work, his love for the planet and his messages of fraternity and love for all living beings. In his work are reflected the feelings of the creator. Analyze his work and put aside the unfounded hatred from your own subconscious that sometimes betrays you. Be more positive and give more love, this world needs light, not more darkness. Our world is ill ... Heal the world.

  • PeaceInPurple - 6 years ago

    I want to apologize for all negative comments made against Michael Jackson and Prince. This was neither the place or time to bring up something that was not relevant to our celebrating these musicians. I have not read all the posts and am not going to as I am sure things were said on both sides. However, I am a fan of Prince and I do know that he did not tell us to behave this way just as Mr. Jackson walked in God's light. They both did and this is not how they would want to see us. This poll is a great idea for celebrating the music ALL musicians gave to us, for letting fans express their support for their favorites WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. So please accept the apology and please any of those who wish to express a negative comment, write an email and then send it to your draft box. We need to move forward in positive spirit - Peace and Compassion. Peace In Purple.

  • Epi2me - 6 years ago

    ~~~ Kay ~~~
    Great minds! :-) Regardless of who wins this poll is a matter of opinion and it does not hold water. Even Mike and his family were Prince fans. Reba (Mike's sister) tried to date Prince. WHAAAAAAAT? Prince did some shady things towards Mike (like asking the limo driver to hit Mike with the car), it might have been a joke but still. Mike asked Prince to be in one of his videos (Bad), blah blah. I don't know how old you are but I have you were around to see the Thriller/ Purple Rain era. Both were amazing artists and hopefully this world can produce more of them. I am happy to say that I was around to see them in their primes. It was an amazing time.

  • wang - 6 years ago

    oh my god you make me laugh! You always saying you have the firsthand information,but are you a police ? Are you a judge? Are you Tom sneddon? or are you the victim of MJ child molestation case? Where did you get the first hand information? Stop talking about these bs, you are just trying to make your lies more credible, but we know you are a hater of MJ,and you refused to explain those adult magazines in MJ's room,you ignore his girlfriends,you ignore the FBI files,a lot of evidence shows that he is a heterosexual and he is not interested in children, but you pretend to be blind

  • Jr - 6 years ago

    Ariel, I'm afraid you misunderstand his words, Brett was saying he does NOT have a friend like yours to help prove his point, but he just think he had first hand evidence and somehow knew the truth, all he tried hard to imply is that he had lost his mind long ago, that's poor enough, so please stop arguing with someone who isn't even mentally functional.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    Tello,Why are you so convinced that Michael Jackson was guilty of the crime? When you have no evidence that he is guilty, you make a blunder.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    Kay,thank you for your advice, you are correct. Although Michael Jackson is innocent, people trying to hurt him never stop. They did not even know that the man in the mirror was not written by Michael Jackson but was able to make a fuss about the song.

  • Tello - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson was a pedophile monster. Jackson's case is very similar to Jimmy Savile's

    Mafia of pedophiles exist in Hollywood. They protected Jackson and prevented him from going to jail. The media conceals these things but anyone discovers the darkest secrets of the entertainment industry with a little research

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    Ariel, Michael did nothing to Brett or anyone else. Brett is part of a group that is trying to extort money against Michael by smearing his name. It's not going to work.

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    Ariel, again you don't have to prove anything to this person, Brett. He has no interest in the TRUTH. His agenda is to distort, smear, blackmail, manipulate and extort. He KNOWS that Michael did not abuse any child, however and the others are trying to extort money from Michael's family and relying to turn Michael's fans against him. These are the same people who have been doing this before Michael was murdered, and now that he is no longer here to defend himself. These are the same extortionist/blackmailers who are a part of the scams against Michael. I can guarantee you that Brett has no proof of anything. If he had, he would have given it to Sneddon and his clan/hoods. Don't trust Brett, he is ????.

  • vilma q. damasco - 6 years ago

    my dear friends, either who is ur idol, pls, don't fight just to destroy someone. if u'r not fan of Michael Jackson, then leave it but don't destroy him. Whatever, u heard or knew against him is u'r not the one involve in the story, then how u can prove things happened TRUE or NOT TRUE...WE the fans of MICHAEL, never tried to destroy anyone, we're only concern for our IDOL...WHY not do the same, whatever WORD or WORDS u throw to destroy MICHAEL this will NOT affect him but it will throw back to the person u'r idolizing because it will REFLECT the character of their fans...just vote as much as u want & be happy that u DIDN'T hurt anyone at the end. This is like a game...the WINNER TAKES IT ALL...sung by this is the proof that there's a WINNER & a loser. If u love ur idol, vote fairly without making unwelcomed comments or anything that hurts the ONE WHO'S INNOCENT because WE the fans are directly involved with this but NOT THEM...whoever they're & whoever will WIN or lost in this competition, they will welcome the result because they DIDN'T vote themselves...pls, we're all children of GOD... ALL alike. Let's leave in PEACE & HARMONY... DON'T HURT ANYONE because the more we want to destroy someone, the MORE we're HURTING OURSELVES...lets LOVE bind us ALL TOGETHER in GOD'S mercy... GOD bless all our idols, may the great man WINS.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    I have already told you what my first-hand information is, why do you evade answering your first-hand information, who do you mean by the victims, or what Michael Jackson did to you?

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    Kay, thank you for your advice, so I do not want to expose my friend's name. Because here I have revealed that he is from a broken family, I can not expose his name without his consent. He has told me countless times over the years: He missed Michael Jackson, who hated rumors that Michael Jackson was hurt. He hated those who spread rumors more.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    Yes, I can tell you about the mother's name, his name is Ma Qi Zhen, he said he was because the child is too young, the conductor is not willing to sell tickets to him, so he sent a fax to the hotel to Michael Jackson. After reading the fax, Michael Jackson sent him and his children a backstage pass and invited them all to Neverland and started his 17-year friendship with Michael Jackson. He has many photos of Michael Jackson with his children and presents for the children by Michael Jackson. His children also stood by his side as Michael Jackson sung the heal the world. He has said many times: Michael Jackson is entirely out of concern and love for children. Michael Jackson is absolutely innocent. As a mother, he was completely relieved to give the child to Michael Jackson. Because Michael Jackson has a pure soul.

  • Brett - 6 years ago

    Ariel, So you took the word of a man who said he hates the victims. Sad

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    Ariel, don't allow Brett to bait you. Don't give him any information. He is being paid to come on sites and spread lies about zmicharl. Defend Michael all you want; however, you don't have to prove anything by sharing info with him. Brett is also a blackmailer and extortionist. He is probably a friend or member of the Arvizzo family who tried to extort money from Michael. These scam artist have been doing this for years. What they are doing is nothing new. Again. Don't allow yourself to be caught in this BLACKMAILER'S scheme. Brett is not only an extortionist, he is insane. I don't know how old you are, but don't allow this creature to bait you into giving him any info. Ignore him and continue voting for Michael. Btw, that is Brett's agenda, he wants you to stop supporting Michael. He and others have been paid to spread lies on Michael. Don't allow them to change your mind, that's what these extortionists are trying to do. Brett, has proof of nothing. Just remember that. I am used to people like him for years. Don't fall for his blackmail and manipulation.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    At our party, in addition to this friend, there was another mother who was also a friend of Michael Jackson and his children, many times alone, with Michael Jackson, saying he was relieved that Michael Jackson was not what the tabloids said . But I'm not familiar with him.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    He told me many memories about Michael Jackson. Before Michael Jackson died, he also sent news to fans for Michael Jackson, and he also helped fans send birthday presents and letters to Michael Jackson. Until now, we will still celebrate Michael Jackson's birthday.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    I can also tell you specifically how I met this friend, it was a party, a gathering of Michael Jackson fans. He told me he met Michael Jackson in 1990, so he was a lot older and I was just a fan of Michael Jackson.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    You said I was a liar, but what I said was a complete fact. I would also send a message to my friend, but I am not sure if he is willing to talk to you because he hates people like you.

  • Katie - 6 years ago

    Meaning of love is Michael Jackson. Now I love mj more and more. He always wanted to make the world a better place but because of some sick people it won't happen. These people have garbage in their brains and they are mentally sick. They can't leave him all the mj haters may go to hell.
    Haters gonna hate Michael you are the best

  • Brett - 6 years ago

    Ariel like I thought you are a liar. You didnt have to give me his real name just the name that MJ called him.. no one but the kids who were there would know that so it wouldnt break your friends identity. You sadly need to stop your bs and stop witch hunting the victims the man was an abuser.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    By the way, you have been saying that you have first-hand information, where is your first-hand information? Are you a police or court staff member or a victim of the Michael Jackson case? I can not tell you my friend first name. Because I'm not sure if you're malicious, it's about my friend's privacy. He hates all those who hurt Michael Jackson because he says Michael Jackson is absolutely innocent. He's a good person.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    My friend once let us talk to Michael Jackson, while Michael Jackson was at rest in neverland. This is a wonderful memory.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    So what is your friend's name? I can ask my friend, does he know him?

  • Ariel - 6 years ago


  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    By the way, when Michael Jackson died, my friend told me he lost an important friend. When he was frustrated, there would never be Michael Jackson support and company. Until now, Michael Jackson has died for eight years, he still thank Michael Jackson. In addition, the man in the mirror is not written by Michael Jackson, he just sang the song.

  • Brett - 6 years ago

    Ariel, your friend is either lying or was not groomed by him maybe he was ugly child and not to MJ taste. I dont have a friend of a friend telling make believe. I know first hand. PS what is the name of your friend if they were there i could say. Or better what is the made up name MJ called them?

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    My friend met Michael Jackson when he was fourteen, and he came from a broken family. He said: Michael Jackson gave him much encouragement and support. He has seen many children like him in neverland. Yes, the kids love Michael Jackson because he's always caring about them.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    I also know first-hand information, I have a friend, he became a friend of Michael Jackson since childhood. He also met many kids like him in neverland, and he told me: Michael Jackson is absolutely innocent.

  • Brett - 6 years ago

    Wang and the rest YES i do know, yes the other families involved also know first hand. So unless you know what teally happened keep spreading your bs stories propogated by the Jackson family and the industry of his innocence. Time will tell the truth he WAS a pedo and a serial one at head or a ring. Due to preassure from the Jackson family, the court and industry the victims and family have been silenced but not for ever. So yes i do know. You people are truely sick for buying this crap the family has spread. If you know how american court systems work you would understand why he could not be tried again.. money buys you anything in this country. Ask O J Simpson

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    Perhaps there is no reason to hate Michael Jackson, only willing to live in the tabloid to write rumors, but also strongly reluctant to consult any truth. Perhaps hate Michael Jackson made him feel excited. But any rumor can not destroy my love for Michael Jackson, I will love him until I stop breathing. And I know all Michael Jackson fans will be so.

  • Pri Yanka - 6 years ago

    oh my god so much hate on MJ . This is really hurting . . . "Don't Judge a person,Don't pass Judgement ,Unless You have talked to them One On One". . . . (Mj)

  • wang - 6 years ago

    thank you so much,i feel so sad that Michael is misunderstood,my English is so poor(because i am a Chinese girl) but i try to make them understand what i'm saying,i don't want to see the cruel words against Michael,he is an angel,not a criminal

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    Epi2Me, strange that you say what you said. I was just thinking that I am going to call this poll fake if Prince wins. We feel that Michael deserves to win, nothing is going to change our minds. Keep fighting for your guy, and are certainly going to keep fighting for our guy, Michael Jackson.????

  • Epi2me - 6 years ago

    If Michael Jackson wins this (even though I love Mike) I am calling this "Faaaaaake News" if Prince, 0)-+>, wins (My boy) well then this is 100% accurate! But where are the ones that started it all? James Brown and Little Richard? I like all music from Classical to Disco. R&B to Club, but Prince better pull this off. ????

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    tello, forgot to mention that every time you haters lie, fabricate and manipulate, MJ fans grow stronger in their defense of an innocent man. There is no lie that you haters can spew that will change our minds. WE have the evidence of Sneddon's vendetta and the Arvizzo's extortion and false allegations. There is no way in hell that we would defend Michael, if we didn't know 100% that he was innocent. Your hate only makes us lo e and defend Michael even more. You have awakened a "sleeping giant" and there is nothing that you can do to change our minds. "Lies run sprints. The truth runs marathons." MJ fans will continue to expose your LIES.????

  • june nelson - 6 years ago


  • Austin - 6 years ago

    Wang plz don't bother yourself with this mj haters, that's all they good at, hate and just hate, they can't stand Michael Jackson greatness so they hate on him, but if that makes them feel better please don't deny them their little satisfaction, please let them hate, while the true moonwalkers keep on loving the great icon Michael Jackson

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    Tells, I truly believe that you are hiding a dark secret. Very, very strange that you Refuse to look at the evidence that showed that Sneddon and his hoods were liars as well as the grifters who falsely accused Michael. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that if you look at the transcripts you will see a case that even a person with limited intelligence could see through? The big question is why do you WANT an innocent person to be guilty? Do you get some type of pleasure or satisfaction from this perverse "want" of yours? Do you fantasize that these fake allegations are true? Are you hiding something that you want to deflect on an INNOCENT person? These are serious questions that make me wonder about you.????

  • wang - 6 years ago

    So you think you're more professional than American justice system? Who gives you confidence? You think you know the case better than the jury? You said that state agencies didn’t proclaim MJ innocent, but, the state agencies didn’t proclaim MJ guilty, too. The one who proclaims MJ is guilty is you haters, you don't believe the American justice system and the FBI, you don't believe everything, you only believe what you want to believe, unfortunately, you still can not find out any evidence against MJ, you’re just a TABLOID JUNKIE
    (sorry for my poor English)

  • Tello - 6 years ago


    Tabloids? Visit the website of the ourt of Santa Barbara, or Michael Jackson was a monster like Jimmy Savile who give a lot of charity too.

  • wang - 6 years ago

    We have not been brainwashed, we have our own judgment. On the contrary, the person who is really brainwashed is you, you are brainwashed by the media and the tabloids, you just believe what media says and the media only cares about profit, they just let you see what they want you to see.
    We say MJ is innocent, because the court and the FBI proved it, why people prefer to trust the tabloids rather than the courts and the FBI??? You’re so stupid and you think you’re smart,really funny.
    We all know that the police found out a large number of adult magazines in his bedroom, this shows that he is a heterosexual and he likes women, we also know that he was obsessed with some adult female stars, such as Diana Ross, Beyonce and lady Diana , I've never heard of any pedophile will be interested in adult women.
    If he can use money to do everything, his life would‘t be so hard, he wouldn't even let those lawsuits happen to him, and he wouldn't let the media release negative news about him.
    You are attacking a dead artist who has donated a lot of money to charities and wrote a lot of charitable songs. You said MJ fans don't want to face the truth, in fact, you don't see fourteen”NOT GUILTY” from the court and eighteen”NOTHING” from FBI, you don’t want to see them because you want him to be guilty ,so cruel.(sorry for my English again)

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    Tells, you are a liar. There is ZERO evidence that Michael was guilty of what you claimed. I would challenge your Fake evidence in any courtroom and you would lose miserably. It is pathetic that losers like you want to continue to lie just because you Want Michael. Thank Hod, the people on that jury saw through the transparent CRAP that Tom Sneddon and that grifter family conjured up. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to Know that these accusations were Bull S. Even a fifth grader could look at the transcripts from that trial and could come up with a not guilty verdict. It seems that some of you have serious mental issues and maybe That's the reason for your sick lies an pervisions of WANTING and HOPING that an innocent man was guilty. What is even more perverse is that you people don't even want to know the truth. You and others like you are too lazy, gullible and perverted to research the truth.

  • Cecilia - 6 years ago

    O)-+> Love4oneanother

  • Katie - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson will be remembered as king of pop , humanitarian ,and a beautiful human being.these haters will never stop. they will spread lies and hate. it's a shame that these people are still doing the same that the media and tabloid has already done even if the person is no longer here to defend himself. these are all jealous people. I will always love and support Michael Jackson till my death and I know all mj fans will do it too
    I am proud to be a Michael Jackson fan and always will be

  • june nelson - 6 years ago


  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    And what do you call the sources of evidence? The tabloids? Or have you looked at the archives, dossiers, and court records of the investigation? There is so much evidence that Michael Jackson is innocent, but you are unwilling to check it out.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    But too many U.S. state agencies have investigated Michael Jackson and they have found nothing

  • Tello - 6 years ago

    The jury proclaimed Jackson not guilty, not the state agencies. There is too much evidence that Jackson was a serial rapist; Unfortunately, the American justice system is a fiasco and is based on the opinion of people without knowledge and experience (jury). In most civilized countries there are no juries.

  • june nelson - 6 years ago

    The MJ haters hiding behind rationality can go to HELL, go and vote for your fave and leave us alone MJJ forever. By the way a lot of MJ fans are Prince fans so bug off!!!!!! Michael is ahead as he should be, yesss!!!!

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    Amy, Ariel and Raquel thank you for your intelligent and rational comments.

  • Ariel - 6 years ago

    In fact, there is enough evidence that Michael Jackson is innocent. So many official organizations in the United States have investigated Michael Jackson and never found any evidence against him. The rumors created by the tabloids can deceive people's eyes but they can not hide the truth.
    Jackson explored a variety of music genres, including pop, soul, rhythm and blues, funk, rock, disco, post-disco, dance-pop and new jack swing .Unlike many artists. His influence has been mentioned by many people and I will not repeat them here.
    Many of Michael Jackson's works have not been published because he does not consider art enough. Michael Jackson is the pursuit of the perfect music.Michael Jackson influenced all the world's skin tone, people speaking different languages. In many countries, those who are known as superstars are also crazy for him, standing on his stage, as excited as all his other fans. When Michael Jackson died, they wept on stage, recalling how Michael Jackson influenced them and made them musicians. Many people because Michael Jackson met the United States, to watch his performance is the dream of many people. His artistic achievements and influence are beyond doubt.

  • Amy - 6 years ago

    Okay do we all seriously have to argue? ???? We all have our own opinions on Michael and Prince which we are allowed to have but it doesn't mean we have to argue and call each other names and be nasty. There is literally no need for it! People are allowed to have their own opinions no matter how much you disagree with it. I personally love Michael and really want him to win it cause he is my idol and I love him so much ❤️

  • Raquel Holmes - 6 years ago

    Prince ???? will always be #1 with me.
    But Michael Jackson will always have a strong hold on music history, and in my heart. NO, I'm not blind. But people will see what they want to see. MJ may you RIP

  • Brett - 6 years ago

    Im guessing you are from a country where sexism, abuse and looked over. The man paid his way out of it he was a known pedophile and was part of a ring with his music company which took children and groomed them, it was very lucky that some got out before the damage was done. He was a sick evil vile creature that should never be looked at the same as every other pedophile.. wipe his music from history the sick bastard. You have been brainwashed by this pedophile ring.. it has been exposed but his tribe and money shut people up.. time will expose his acts. MAN IN THE MIRROR is very telling of a sick addicted man who knows he is ill and hopes he can stop.. he didnt.

  • Val Brown - 6 years ago

    For all these people who can't get there facts right Michael Jackson was NOT A CHILD ABUSE. He was found not guity of all counts jue to the child and parents continue liars in court. O and by the way it wasn't the first time they tried to get money out of a celebrity they even tried it do the same thing to Chris Tucker and other celebrities. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT BEFORE SPREADING LIARS.

  • Juji - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson is not a child molester, parents of children who preferred money than to see Michael in prison

  • Cheryl - 6 years ago

    Brett, thank you! These MJ fans refuse to see the truth!

  • Brett - 6 years ago

    Im sorry but you people are disgusting making light of the victims of child abuse and other victims of abuse. This is why people dont report abuse as idiots who never meet the man believe his evil lies. Where there is smoke there is fire with abuse cases AND with enough money he could pay his way out of anything just like OJ Simpson did guilty as fuck. Its 2017 stop supporting a child abuser he was known in the music industry hence why no one in the industry will even talk about it. Stop believing the BS he abused children and paid a shit load of money to get out of it and continue to make his record company rich.. freak dangling babies out windows.

  • Juji - 6 years ago

    @Feikje ahahah I can't stop laughing, who is Prince? Michael Jackson is the best of all time and the most influence than any generations

  • Feikje - 6 years ago

    Prince is the most influential artist ever.MJ literally fell apart...

  • Lynn M. - 6 years ago

    George Michael is the best. No one will ever top his style. He could cover anyones song and sing it better. He was a genius! Amazing songwriter, producer, singer, performer, sexier than any singer ever and so much more. There will never be another like him.

  • Katie - 6 years ago

    Michael adored all children.he did everything for them. I can't understand why these people hate such a beautiful angel.he was proved innocent. he wrote such beautiful songs like heal the world,childhood,we are the world, black or white, what more can I give, will you be there and many more songs.i am feeling proud to call myself Michael Jackson fan. there will never be another Michael Jackson .his music still lives on.nobody can ever be compare to him.and no words can describe how amazing artist he was

  • DalyPYT - 6 years ago

    Matthew...In what dimension? In what parallel world? the one in your mind, sure.

  • PYT - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson dear You're My Angel !!!!!

  • Azeb Tamrat - 6 years ago

    No one compares to Michael Jackson!

  • Susie - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson is the best,he is an icon

  • Susie - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson is the best,he is an icon

  • Susie - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson is the best,he is an icon

  • wang - 6 years ago

    so sad that Michael is still misunderstood,he is NOT a pedophilia,stop attacking him!He was proved innocent by the court and FBI,Why you trust the media so easily,but never care about the truth?and why people hate a dead great artist,and keep slanderring him?Did he ever hurt you? Why are you so mean to him? Have you seen him sexually assaulting anyone? If your answer is no, then stop insulting him(sorry for my English,i don't know if my grammar is correct,i am a Chinese )

  • Wes - 6 years ago

    Kay, please get help I dont think you be right in the head I didnt state anything like that. Oh girl you gone cray cray.. and reading your other comments best to keep off the wine while on internet. It's all okay, no one is attacking you or MJ and no it wouldnt have been a great idea to leave any child with him.

  • Kim - 6 years ago

    June Nelson the 60+ year old is my mother not my grandmother and as I said she liked the Jackson 5 back when MJ was with his family as to this day she despises MJ and has ever since the 80's when he went solo he was a great singer when he had the help from his family. And if I followed my mother who thinks Elvis is the best of any singer who ever lived personally I don't like him either only because everything Elvis was shoved down my through my head as a kid everything from his music to his movies which she still watches in marathon form one after another for days and who still believes that he is alive. So yes she liked the Jackson 5 but not MJ as is the same for me. And out of everything that I said this is the only thing you had to say from my comment.

  • Dennis - 6 years ago

    Kay, you sound out of your mind.You say you wouldn't trust Jonathan around your kids or loved one just because he debates that MJ wasnt the best. I can see, you'd be one of those parents that would of left your kids at Neverland with MJ. Get some help lady. Also, my vote wasnt for MJ or Prince, just so you know.

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    Wes, boy I didn't say that I only liked one genre of music. FYI, I love jazz, blues, classical, pop, funk, classic rock, neo-soul, R&B. Reading IS fundamental. Just because I said that I didn't like a LOT of Prince's music doesn't mean that I only like one type of music. BTW, I can't stand easy listening music. Just thought I would correct your ASSumptions.

  • Wes - 6 years ago

    Kay you have lost your mind, I never once said due to him releasing more albums then Mj. And to answer your question yes I have listened to the 40 plus albums and own a great deal more the the 40 you speak of and will say you are very wrong they all brilliant. For your Insecure comment, in not sure how mature you are but girl get Dictionary as that is not the correct word you should be using and with justifing your lack in musical taste. It is fine that you gush for MJ just let it be known that your kind of people are the reason why the music industry has died and Bieber and other over produced crapo people are famous... your need to listen to easy listening uncomplex harmonies..just like a nursery lullabys.

  • Peter - 6 years ago

    *wes, I would have to agree with your comment and say I am not a fan of either but will say if I was forced to listen to either one all day and go through their back cataloge I would choose Prince. Michaels music hasnt dated at all well which shows it was just mass marketed pop product of the time, while you hear some of Princes music now and you think oh yeah I get it. Also as a musician I can assure you that Prince has more musical credibility then the kiddy fiddler not only for his genius but his ability to inspire, so many professional musicians can appreciate Princes work and he has impacted on Funk, Rock, Pop, Country, Metal, Reggae, New Wave, Synth, Electronic, Dance, Under ground and classical with his sound while Michael hasnt. Give me Bowie any day but even Bowie agreed Prince was the man. Also i do know a lot more of Princes work due to other musicians and he was a more natural musician that wasnt a forced production which stands.

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    Wes, reading comments from you Prince fans, let's me know that despite all of your bluster about Prince being better because he released more albums, plays more instruments, etc, that you people are desperately INSECURE about your man. Have you even really listened to the music from some of these 40 albums by Prince.? A LOT of it is pure crap and cringe worthy. It doesn't matter that is so-called "different", a LOT of the music on Prince's albums makes me nauseous. Btw, I am not some teenager, I am a mature person, who also happens to be a classically trained musician. IMO, Michael's music is more palatable to the ears, Just as I prefer Mozart's music to Bach's complex rhythms, I prefer Michael's melodies, lyrics, compositions over Prince.

  • Kay - 6 years ago

    It's people like Johnathan that is what's wrong with this world. He is ignorance personified. He doesn't have a rational bone in his body. This person has tabloid mentality. He can't think for himself.IF he was smart or intelligent enough, he would do research and see that the TWO accusers( not dozens) who accused Michael were all about money. The evidence is there to see. Of course Johnathan is too stupid to do research, because he WANTS this to be true. How sick and pathetic for a person to WANT an innocent person to be guilty when there are actually real child abusers walking around, maybe even your family or your next door neighbor. I challenge Johnathan and any other perverted person like him to show proof of your assertions. Of course, me and millions and millions of other MJ fans know that you ignorant people have no proof. However, we can show you transcripts, recordings, videos of the accusers and their families that point to their false allegations in order to get money. I would challenge you people in any court with your false information against FACTS. The bottomline is that even with your smear campaigns, Michael is STILL beloved. Finally, I am extremely suspicious of people like you and wonder if you are the one who has a deep, dark secret to hide. I know I wouldn't trust my children or loved ones around you. Just saying.

  • Matthew - 6 years ago

    Prince had more hit songs than MJ had songs in his whole discography. Let alone adding the hits he wrote for other artists. Prince is know by a color and a symbol. The greatest musian and live performer of all time. Prince first. Daylight second.

  • wang - 6 years ago

    If all Michael want is just money, he would not release an album every four years, he has a lot of unreleased songs, why he didn't put these songs out to make money? Imagine that if you put your heart and time into an album, I’m sure you'll want it to sell well,too. Because sales volume reflects people's acceptance of the album. People won't buy a crap even if it has a great advertising campaign. In other words, if the album is trash, even it appears in the advertisement every day, no one will go to buy it. For example, you won't buy an MJ ablum even if MJ walks up to you and advertises his ablum to you, beacuse you don’t like his music at all. MJ objected to SONY because he wanted to protect his album and music,have you ever seen a picture of MJ holding a card and "SONY KILLED MUSIC" is written on it? SONY killed music, yes, that's why MJ is against SONY. And the one who really want money is not MJ but SONY, look what SONY did after he died, they released the songs he didn't release just to make money, the reason MJ didn't release these songs is that he has a strict standard of music, obviously he cares about music! He put his life and feelings into music, listen to the angry songs of history album , that’s the expression after he was falsely accused , his music is his story and heart,and also art of course. By the
    way,you misspell my name everytime…

  • Wes - 6 years ago

    Reading comments here and I do think that a certain insanity run in common with MJ fans. His music was terrible over produced radio crap made for the brainwashed masses, he wasnt a great dancer nor could he play every instrument he was a product that went pairshaped & his music is only ever heard at weddings.. ie for people with no real musical taste. Some cray MJ fans bashing Prince like they always have as he scared them out of their comfort zone with music as he always did. I would have to say Prince is a much more talanted whole artist who could sing and dance and produce music much better then the shite MJ pumped out for the brain dead. Anyway i suspect the loons of MJ will attack but to the Prince fans speaking the truth here - Dont bother trying to argue with them they as as cray as their man abd just let the music stand Prince made complex music/art for adults (such as Bowie or othwr real musicoans listed here) and MJ made music for children who like kiddy pop and to sell products while jumping threw hoops being a puppet.

  • Pri Yanka - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson Forever :) :) :) :) . . . love you Michael dear . . .

  • Jonathan - 6 years ago


    You forget that Jackson's records had a huge publicity campaign. Prince's records had very little publicity, at Prince's request.

    People prefer Jackson's record, because they know Jackson better. People know Jackson better because their albums had a great advertising campaign.

    Jackson recorded albums with the sole purpose of selling, he was not interested in making good music, he just wanted to be the best selling artist in the world. You have to read his autobiography Moonwalker, he says he wanted to have the MAS SOLD album in history, not the best album. In his autobiography, he also says that he wrote the figure 100000000 in his mirror, that is the figure he wanted to SELL from his Bad album. That is, Michael Jackson always kept in mind that his goal was to sell.

    Also, I remember that in 2001 he protested against his record label due to the low sales of Invincible. Obviously sales were important to him.

    In contrast, Prince was not very concerned about sales and did very little to have a bestseller. Prince was interested in creative freedom, not sales. He wanted to be one of the most Prolific artists, not the one that sells the most.

    Prince and Michael Jackson protested against their record companies (Warner and Sony, respectfully). But Prince protested because his label did not give him freedom.

    However, Prince managed to separate from Warner and make independent music (independent music has less publicity, therefore, it is less known among the crowds). Jackson never managed to separate from Sony, all his music was controlled by Sony since 1979.

    As for Grammy's, they do not represent anything in the world of music. Many great artists have never received a Grammy or have received very few Grammys. They only reward when someone has commercial success; even Prince was awarded only when he had a hit but they never rewarded his independent work; Michael Jackson was rewarded only when he was chart successes, he was never rewarded when he released less successful albums in sales such as HIStory, Blood on the dancefloor and Invincible.

    On the other hand, to say that someone is better just because it is more popular is a lie, a logical fallacy called Ad Populum. You can search for the term Ad Populum in Google. If the most popular is ALWAYS the best, then Justin Bieber would be better than Prince or David Bowie; obviously we know that this is not the case.

    In conclusion: Michael Jackson sought to be the most sold artist in history; Prince was looking for creative freedom.

  • DalyPYT - 6 years ago

    Dennis, what really brings your character into question is the fact you are defaming dead man, proved he was innocent and you have not a single prove (because cant be proved what never happened) and showing a great ignorance about the topic. Shut up and accept you cant stand him because you are a loser MJ hater.

  • DalyPYT - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson is the king because of all in the list, he is the most complete artist. Being a composer, dancer, choreographer, singer, tenor, director, producer, draftsman, humanitarian, philanthropist, and beautiful on the outside and inside. King of kings.

  • wang - 6 years ago

    You are always saying that MJ is commercial, but what does “commercial” really mean? His albums sell best, so he is commercial? It's a Logical Confusion ,you’re putting Prince in a weak position. The music of MJ sells well, that's because of his music value, that's the only reason. Everyone has to work hard to make money, especially for a person with a poor income, why people buy MJ’s album rather than Prince’s album? Because they think MJ’s albums are more valuable. I think you already know that MJ won eight grammys in 1984, he also won a lot of other music awards, and Prince has only seven grammys which has taken him a lifetime, so you think you're more professional than the raters of grammy? You think you are the only one who know what art is? You're just trying to make excuses for the low sales of Prince. Have you ever heard of “childhood” “little Susie” “will you be there”? Aren't these songs artistic? These songs are composed by Jackson himself! You said MJ was trained from an early age, but don't you know “Jackson5”??? All the young Jacksons were similarly trained, but only MJ is successful, and the other Jackson brothers did not, all of this is due to MJ’s talent. A complete modern works of art including composing, singing and dancing, MJ can do these things at the same time, and he was the innovator of mtv and fashion, so he is a complete genius, no doubt about it.

  • Katie - 6 years ago

    people know very well that Michael Jackson is a legend and they can't prove it wrong. so they say about pedophilia and all the shits which is stupid.they know nothing about him.they don't know that he was acquitted of all charges.and thanks to all moonwalkers for telling the truth.keep it up and vote for mj

  • june nelson - 6 years ago


  • Cecilia - 6 years ago

    O)-+> Love4oneanother

  • Dennis - 6 years ago

    All you folks voting for MJ knowing he sexually abused chuldren really brings your character into question. You folks are in some serious denial.I sure hope you all don't have kids! Shame on all of you for voting for him!

  • Cecilia - 6 years ago

    O)-+> Independent music

  • june nelson - 6 years ago


  • Riot - 6 years ago

    Sly Stone should be in this poll based on the other lesser artists in here. Really should be kept to the truly talented artists like bowie, prince, peter gabriel, stevie wonder, people of that ilk. Some dubious options in here. Stevie all the way

  • Vitoria lima - 6 years ago

    Michael Jackson te Amo ❤

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