Is Greg Schiano the best choice for Tennessee football?


  • Rob - 7 years ago

    You guys missed out on a great coach. Not only that but no decent coach is going to want to coach at Tennessee now after this dumpster fire. Tennessee will be mired in mediocrity for the foreseeable future and deservedly so!

    lets get to the facts, Schiano was a graduate assistant at Penn State when Sandusky was there. Schiano was not involved in the Sandusky coverup and never was called as a witness in any criminal or civil actions regarding the coverup.
    Schiano- took arguably the worst Div 1 college football program in Rutgers and turned it around into a perennial bowl program. When he left Rutgers for the Bucs he had just recruited his highest rated class and was on the cusp of taking the team to the next level. While at Rutgers he ran a clean and disiciplined program that achieved the highest rated academic ratings and graduation levels for Div 1 football program under his watch.
    Both Coaches Belicheck and Meyer vouched for Schiano as a good coach and a good person and he has learned things from all his stops on the coaching circuit. Tennessee could have had a really good young coach but pandered to the mob and now they deserve the mediocrity they will wallow in for the next ten years!

  • RB - 7 years ago

    He would fit right in!

  • Jerry Sandusky - 7 years ago

    Great hire!

  • Joseph Long - 7 years ago

    Fire Currie now...only worse hire than Schiano was bringing in Bob Shoop...Tee Martin or Kiffin should be the choices.

  • Jerry - 7 years ago

    Mr. Shiano has a track record of mediocrity. Maybe the Vols need a new AD.

  • Derek - 7 years ago

    Covered up for a child molester

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