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Did Steph Curry see this fan asking for autograph?

Total Votes: 5,965

  • Anthony - 7 years ago

    Message to Ralph: The Civil Rights Bill was passed for a reason. Like it or not it is the Law.
    Blacks are being violated as if the law doesn't pertain to us. We must reach out to society anyway we can to show that this issue must be addressed. Is the reason you don't watch the NFL anymore is because 70% of players are minorities?

  • Jimmy Hammonds - 7 years ago

    I don't really know. I don't think anyone can say that they do. But I do think that wife is nuttier than a fruitcake. Just my opinion, and just like assholes, every body has one.

  • Ralph - 7 years ago

    It appears that the ignorance of “some” black athletes has clouded their minds of what they started out to
    Accomplish, I.e. to be popular and wealthy. Many have taken up a cause that is not true, or just arrogant.
    The truth is where would we be without cops? Well with blacks killing blacks wouldn’t have Cops as obstructing
    Tools. They could do a better job, and Black athletes would lose their popular base. I’m not sure many are really
    Intelligent enough to understand this. I was an avid football fan for 70 years and you can rest assured I will never
    Watch another Pro football game in my lifetime. I los this pleasure, but as a man in the Army I was willing to
    Die for this country. Everyone regardless of race. Now I owe these ignorant athletes an apology for being
    Willing to do such a stupid thing. I hope military men and women think twice and stop doing that. They just aren’t worth

  • Warren Rutledge - 7 years ago

    Once you become a celebrity the world feels as if they own you. He's human he didn't sign his jersey the world didn't come to an end. Let's say he did sign it tomorrow people will find something else. You won't and you can't please everybody it just won't happen in this world. Nobody got hurt not even the young boy he just learned a lesson in life you won't always get what you want in life but it will make you a better person in the long run. Currys not a bad person because he may or may not have acknowledged the young man. I just hope his parents explain to him he's human and person like all of us. Have you ever ignored someone one walking down the street that was in need of a hand out and you just walked bye? People their are more important things to worry about then a autograph that someone else didn't sign not you but another Person. Stop fault finding and just keep it real. Next time if someone needs a hand out or just a positive word remember It's not an autograph it's truly a need. And if you don't help it's okay help the next person.

  • Christopher Horace - 7 years ago

    Of course Steph saw him. Idk why he didn't take a few seconds and give the kid his autograph. He took more time shaking the 2 men hands, than it would have taken him grant the kid his wish. At the end of the day, he can't please everybody, but it jus so happen to be caught by the cameras making it look worse than it probably was. He gets paid to play basketball and dats all dats required of him, but taking a couple extra seconds to please a fan would not have been that much of a big deal.

  • Jeff Stripling - 7 years ago

    Doesn't have tunnel vision on the court now does he! Even has eyes in back for 360 view!

  • Maerha Jordan - 7 years ago

    There have been so many incidents shown, and not shown, where Curry has gone above and beyond with fans, especially kids!! I have contnually been surprised at hoa much attention he gives to kids!! He is such a kid at heart and enjoys sharing and being with fans and children, giving them autographs, memorabilia, and attention!! I truly believe he did not intentionally ignore this child. He had to have been zoned in to something else and did not see or hear him. People should give him a chance. I have not seen Curry ever ignore anyone previously. Everyone has had a time where they are so locked in to what they are doing that they do not notice everything or everyone around them, so why can't Curry??

  • Erik - 7 years ago

    When u have fame like his. Everyone wants to get your attention. Kids.adults.everyone. im sure he does have tunnel vision when in public.. If not, how else could he focus on anything. He would lose his mind after a week. At the level of completion he is at and with all the skills that he that must keep sharp, id say he has to put the blinders on. Plus he was just winding down , looking for someone and talking to another person. It sucks that the kid got his feelings hurt but im sure he will make it up to him as soon as he can. Steph seems like a nice dude.

  • Mike - 7 years ago

    Pretty obvious that Steph ignored the kid. Not that it is a terrible thing. Steph has a lot of things going on and he can't possibly please everyone.

  • Tomas Escobar - 7 years ago

    Yes. His. A asshole. In grade

  • Tj - 7 years ago

    I understand other people comments , But IT WAS BARELY ANYONE IN THE STANDS,WHAT MADE IT BAD WAS OTHER PLAYERS STOPPED TO GIVE THE SAME KID AN AUTOGRAPH BUT HE DIDNT. If he was looking for family members why didn’t he just called them? Is his own family not good enough to have his number ???

  • Maja - 7 years ago

    Nobody's perfect--famous, or not! Tunnel vision is something everyone has on different levels. This scene looks like it was long after the game, Steph most likely was tired and was focused on looking for his family member theat was out of the cameras view. It was mainly focused on Steph and the kid, and not what Steph was looking at.
    I'm sure, that after the Dubs return to their home ground after a week long trip,, I'm sure Steph will try to find the kid to sign his jersey.
    I refuse to believe Steph Curry has inntentionally snubbed his young fan. Stephen Curry adores kids, does a lot for them, especially a Dubs fan!
    Kudos to Ayesha for defending her husbanD via twitter.
    So many haters trash Stephen Curry out of pure envy! Stop envying, and do something constructive with your lufe! Stephen has worked very hard , and beat his drawbacks to where he is now! My goidness! He deserves all the good and happiness he has!!!
    Go get a life, Stephen Curry/Golden State Warriors haters and trashers!!!

  • LAURA CLARK - 7 years ago

    With all the things Curry does in and out of his community, it is a shame that anyone with a lick of sense would think he would intentionally ignore or hurt this young fan feeling. Why is it we hype up small things when there is so many big things that a person does? No one is "PERFECT" but "GOD" and the last I heard Curry is not claiming to be 'GOD" even if you critics thinks he is. While you defaming him, ask yourself have you ever done something you didn't mean to do, but someone else perceived it the wrong way? I don't blame the CURRYS from sticking together because if they don't, who will? These social media addicts will crucify anything not perfect even though they are not perfect themselves, hadn't done nothing for anyone else compared to the people they slander and crucify. Until you walk in the shoes of the person you are slandering, crucifying, and defaming, why not keep your mouth shut unless you are his eyes, brain, and heart. DON'T BE STUPID! because you have nothing else to do. I know this that I'm writing going to upset the 'PERFECT ONES".

  • Missy - 7 years ago

    Haven’t you ever appeared to be looking directly in someone direction and they would say didn’t you see me? And they would say had it been a snake it would have bitten you

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