Did student leaders at Concordia College make the right decision to rescind funding for Ben Shapiro's speech?


  • Linda - 7 years ago

    My relatives and friends crossed Concordia-Moorhead off the future college list.
    They will no longer donate funds to Concordia-Moorhead.

    A sad day for the college.
    ~77 Alum

  • Kelly Suchy - 7 years ago

    Intolerance of opposing philosophies and cultural viewpoints is how Nazi Germany came into existence.

  • Dave - 7 years ago

    For years, decades, we, conservatives have tolerated without violent protest the speech of people we abhor and whose ideas we think are a danger to democracy and the future of the free world. Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Kennedy, Schumer ... the list is endless.

    The students who oppose Shapiro act out their disagreement with violence because they are as frightened of his ideals as we conservatives are of theirs. The difference is that conservatives understand the value of diversity of thought and are not frightened by those with different ideas. We believe that an open and peaceful discussion about the many ideas out there will result in many people realizing the soundness of conservative ideals. If not, then we believe our ideas need to be presented better or re-evaluated.

    The liberal left is afraid, plain and simple, to hear an opposing view. They want uniformity of thought and action. Exactly opposit of how conservatives see things. They want lots of debate and believe, rightly, that the best ideas will prevail.

    Liberals: cowards and prone to violence. Conservatives: committed to diversity of thought and to prevailing over liberal progressivism.

  • Jake - 7 years ago

    '01 alum and former adjunct faculty member. Very disappointed.

  • Mary Rice - 7 years ago

    The Forum article does not tell the whole story. The decision was made by the student government, not by the college administration. Concordia has hosted many conservative speakers over the 30 years I have worked here. In my opinion, the students made a wise decision. The issue with Shapiro is what has happened on other college campuses and the fact that he is a lightening rod for controversy. When he spoke at Berkeley, the university had to spend $600,000 for security to prevent rioting. If the Young Americans for Freedom want to sponsor a speaker who represents their point of view and who will not attract a lot of non-students and the potential for violence, then the Student Government is very likely to fund a different conservative speaker. The Forum article makes it sound as if Concordia is trying to shut down a conservative viewpoint, and that is most certainly not the case. Concordia is the most conservative of the three colleges in town. This was supposed to be a Tricollege effort, but neither MSUM nor NDSU want to host Shapiro on their campus.

  • Kelly - 7 years ago

    Take me off your mailing list. ~83 Alum

  • Ian - 7 years ago

    My kids won't be going to Concordia.

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