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Do you support the net neutrality regulations being rolled back?

Total Votes: 2,305

  • Nick - 6 years ago

    A No vote means you only want big corporations to win.
    A No vote hurts small businesses because the government gets to choose who wins.
    A No vote ensures only a couple internet companies can bypass regulations by paying off government officials.
    A No vote also means that new technologies/products will be limited.
    If a company is forced, by government, to sell a product at a predetermined price, instead of the price it needs to be, everyone loses.
    Net neutrality will be as good as Obamacare has been. Prices will start out low and will gradually increase while the product becomes less and less reliable.
    Competition is important, it will ensure that the best product, the best price, and the best customer service is given. If a company is forced to sell their product at a certain rate they wont care about customer service, they wont focus on new technologies, and they wont expand their services to outlying areas.
    If you want real freedom and choice a yes vote is important

  • Seriously - 6 years ago

    A "yes" vote gives corporations the ability to sell your data to any company they choose to.

    A "yes" vote gives the federal government the ability to harvest your browser data for anything if they provide an Internet Service Provider a search warrant without cause.

    A "yes" vote gives ISPs the ability to throttle your bandwidth at will for profit.

    A "yes" vote gives the internet to a select group of individuals, to do literally anything they choose to do, at will.

    Please - vote no. Your information is not, and should not become corporate property.

  • Nick - 6 years ago

    Actually a yes vote means you like freedom. With net neutrality you give up your rights to the government and the government gets to pick the winners and losers. If a company can't make it without being propped up by the government then they should go out of business

  • Seriously - 6 years ago

    A "yes" vote means you literally hate freedom.

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