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  • Christine E. Robinson - 7 years ago

    Oh, No, all those question marks before my name Christine we’re supposed to be Christmas tree emojis!

  • Christine E. Robinson - 7 years ago

    Nicholas, I voted for a marketing book. I also like the idea of taking on authors as clients. Also the children’s book idea appeals to me. If it didn’t require full time writing. I don’t think it’s realistic to be a full-time writer given the “who’s buying the bread?” question. It’s great news to read the update on your successes. I don’t know any other author with so many important connections in the writing/publishing/marketing world. That’s a monumental success. I don’t see failure as a writer in this past year. I see hard work connecting & moving forward in the book world. I’d do a spread sheet on the choices and break it down into time allotments, including time with Electra & the wee one! But then you’re already done that, and now gathering our votes! Merry Christmas! ???????????? Christine

  • john howell - 7 years ago

    You are the example of hard work pays off. I have watched your success and it gives me pleasure to see such growth. I have felt your pain in my own case. I have four books out there and still do not understand how to crack the Amazon code. I do social media but it is not enough for success. Thanks for this post.

  • Gwen Plano - 7 years ago

    Wow, Nicholas, I am impressed by your successes. I've enjoyed your books, and your blog consistently enlightens me about the writing world. Whatever you decide, I'm confident I'll be checking in to learn more. :)

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