Both covers are fabulous. Cover B offers a little more depth and interest and I like the title font better.
Carol Addyman - 7 years ago
Are we dancing in the fire or evoking the fire, to decide the out come of your book? I find cover B more thrilling in its subtle tones then the gasping for breath in the cover of A.
Karen Radcliff - 7 years ago
I think cover A is more creative as there seems to be a mystery about it and the story seems to have a mystery hidden waiting to be solved, cover B looks like it's a story about a fire that gets out of control.
Cheri Miller - 7 years ago
Cover B includes more detail which fits the story well.
Both covers are fabulous. Cover B offers a little more depth and interest and I like the title font better.
Are we dancing in the fire or evoking the fire, to decide the out come of your book? I find cover B more thrilling in its subtle tones then the gasping for breath in the cover of A.
I think cover A is more creative as there seems to be a mystery about it and the story seems to have a mystery hidden waiting to be solved, cover B looks like it's a story about a fire that gets out of control.
Cover B includes more detail which fits the story well.
Cover A is definitely more colorful and will attract more attention! The cover is what attracts people to the book!