How would you rate the Titans ?


  • Larry Hester - 7 years ago

    Until we can get a coaching staff that never worked anywhere near Jeff Fisher and his run all the time playbook this team will never make the playoffs. I also think Mariota is color blind because he is throwing way to many interceptions. Time for a whole new coaching staff that use the west coast offense where you use the pass to set up the run. So there is no way the Titans make the playoffs. So any fan stupid enough to show up Sunday, please bring paper sacks to wear over your faces. FIRE ALL THE COACHES NOW.

  • tnfan44 - 7 years ago

    No chance at all!! Mariota plays like is scared of making a bad decision. He lacks accuracy, and hesitates to sling the football! Yes, he will make interceptions, but he will also benefit if he would just take a chance in a tight window!! He needs to go back to “check down reads” 101 school, immediately if he plans on succeding in the NFL. As for the coaches-well, they need to go!! New chapter in Titantown 2018! If I saw my team play oranges to apples better in a no huddle offense, why not use this in the last 1:48 of a game?! Poor coaching!! Overall the team did ok against a good team yesterday, but Mariota will not get them anywhere if he continues with these flaws!!

  • Joe Sixpak - 7 years ago

    I hope the Titans leave Nashville. Fewer white-hating thugs on the streets.

  • Joe Sixpak - 7 years ago

    Never NFL. Cop-hating, racist thugs can pound sand.

  • Gary - 7 years ago

    My dogs have a better chance of winning and their just two of them. Plus one is younger than six months. Percy Preast will freeze over before the Titans will ever win a Super Bowl!

  • Randy - 7 years ago

    Better chance if Robiskie is NOT calling the plays. They looked better against the Rams than I expected. Why do they play good against a good team and roll over and play dead against the teams they should beat.....but don't ?

  • Haywood - 7 years ago

    Wait there was a game on today??

  • The eternal optomist - 7 years ago

    We have a better chance of a white Christmas

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