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How far will the Titans go in the playoffs?

Total Votes: 1,569

  • I have rights too! - 7 years ago

    Everyone is talking about how Randy Matthews is a retard. People that know him just talk about him being a joke. Maybe that’s why he likes to call other people a joke. Sounds like the guy has some serious issues with different areas in his life. Maybe counseling will help him. Hope your reading what others are afraid to say to your face.

  • JoeSixpak - 7 years ago

    Could not care less, have not watched a single NFL game since the racist apes and their owners spat on the police and military. #BOYCOTT #NFL

  • Brad - 7 years ago

    Terrible coaching on both sides. They won't go far. Embarrassment to loyal ticket holders and all Tennesseans.

  • Matt - 7 years ago

    @Randy Matthews absence during the national anthem has nothing to do with disrespecting our military and country but more of making a stance against our joke of a president who thinks he can say whatever. As a veteran myself, I don't agree with anyone using the anthem as a form of protest but I understand why they are doing it. It's their right... Like it or not.

    Happy to see the Titans make it into the playoffs but I think it is going to take another miracle for us to go deep into the playoffs. Offense has serious red zone issues and we're not going to beat many teams with field goals alone. Defense has been consistently playing well all year. Would love to see more , random no huddle series to keep the D on their toes and let Mariota do what he does best. Go Titans!

  • Randy - 7 years ago

    Rishard Matthews has become pretty inconsequential in the offense lately. I'd like to see Any Adams either force him to abide by the player's handbook and come out of the locker room for the anthem, or release him. Obviously the team doesn't have to depend on him since his productivity has been almost zero lately.

  • Tommy Morrow - 7 years ago

    If they trust Mariota and let him run a lot of no huddle he will lead us to a wild card win

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