Are silver prices going up in 2019?


  • Jerry Farmer - 7 years ago

    I've been hearing this same song and dance for over five years, when I got talked into investing in this stuff. Latest buzzwords, "silver is on the move", only problem is, it's moving lower. Don't pay any attention to these so called experts, they're just sleazy salesmen, trying to make a commission. Buy yourself a new car, at least you can take some pleasure out of throwing away your money.

  • robert - 7 years ago

    Yes silver will go up in next 5 years to approx.,39.00 a ounce world demand silver is being used in a lot more uses ,safe investment,clever to own,supply is shorting,Mines ae going to deplete in 2016 or less solar panels at 5 grams each will take place as future demands and millions made ,world supply is basically not there for the amount of silver coins and silver items made daily,SILVER IS A VERY SAFE BET I LOSS ALOT IN STOCK I ONLY GAIN IN SILVER I PLAN TO BUY OVER ONE MILLION NEXT 2 YEARS IN SILVER 100 OUCE BARS SO ARE MY FREINDS AND CHINA FRIENDS EVEN MORE ,BUY WHILE IT STILL CHEAP TO DAYS DOLLARS.AT LEASE WISE/ WISDON SPEAKS OUT LOUDLY OR BE LOSS AND LOOSE OUT.silver in 10 years up to $100 dollars a ounce in 20 years deleted mines supply no where near the upput who knows maybe like gold .also greed alone will make silver rise with all above facts.but in a ever growing world there is no everlasting supply some day we will be hard hit with little left maybe none in time except in private hands do you know of a silver mind with endless supply,s ano one has that and silver is the strongest bonding there is many many more reason to own.but most inpotant it,s in your bank safe growing interest more then you bank acount Robert

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