Are you expecting a raise in 2018?


  • Brian - 7 years ago

    Truck drivers need to get paid more fore the amount of crap that we put up with driving down the road not only do we watch what we are doing we have to try and figure out what other people are doing because people don’t pay attention anymore being a truck driver I very stressful people don’t realize that!

  • Steve Hughart - 7 years ago

    Why would these companies give you a raise when they are hiring guys from 3rd world country to work for them for nothing. But I will say this if ALL these companies would up the pay they would get better qulafid driver's and they wouldn't have to spend all this money training people and losing the driver's not to mention the equipment they tear up and accidents they have and there is NO DRIVER SHORTAGE OUT HERE I don't care what anybody says I been out here 40 yrs I see the problems that we have out here driver's can't backup they can't even park in truck stop Wright and about 50% of driver's don't run a radio and the other 50% don't speck English I think DOT needs to make it mandatory for ALL trucks have radios so driver's can camucate with each other that would cut down on A hell of a lot of accidents in truck stop AND out on Hwy .

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