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Who Has The Best Love Story of 2018

Total Votes: 1,187

  • d - 7 years ago

    Whoever felt the need to lie and use my name in what looks like a mess I have contacted the station about this. I only knew of this after getting calls today about someone using my name. Anyone that knows me including the people that brought this to my attention know that I would not be involved in this mess.Someone from the station will be getting back with me today after they check the persons e mail that did this.

  • 4 fingers down and 1 up - 7 years ago

    I was sitting back reading these comments and everyone has there own opinion I say they all messy and fucked up I was laughing we were laughing we even said damn yall getting yall ASS kicked shoulder shrugged no sleep lost but to whomever the THE FUCK HOW DARE MAPLE HEIGHTS is STEP UP or STFU my people never said they had a perfect marriage but evidently you feel they the shit cuz there name in yo mouth U need to bend over look between your legs and spell R U N........

  • HOW DARE MAPEL HEIGHTS - 7 years ago

    Cheryl, How stupid can you be. You old miserable hater . Why lie If you were going to use your real name. Cheryl Brandenburg Daniels! Which Is Jewel Turner Daniels Sullivan’s mother . You people ought to be Ashamed Of Coming on here bothering these kids accusing them of Cheating! When the cheater Is y’all, why they act like their marriage is perfect. The votes speak for theirself you All Are Messy! I know y’all in REAL LIFE!

  • It's me. - 7 years ago

    Cheryl, have a seat. Jewel is your daughter. So, stop trying to act like you don't know them, when they're your family. Shame on you. You too old to be lying like that. Smh.

  • The Voice - 7 years ago

    When you are a woman you will carry and conduct yourself as such. So to the young lady stating she’s been sleeping with that young man for 7 years. It shows a lot about why he’s with who he’s with. 7 years and you can only get 1 day out the month. Shows how low you are in both esteem and intelligence. Because no real woman will settle for less than her worth. You came all the way here to say your sleeping with this man once a month and have absolutely nothing to show for it. You should have several seats and ask yourself your worth. The sad part is you don’t even qualify to be a side chick your just a pressed chick. Clearly his big D* isn’t the only thing you can’t handle! You can’t handle the truth that’s he’s in love with this young lady and he’s gonna marry her.

  • Queen - 7 years ago

    ???????????????? wipe yo tears there is no way to cheat. You mad cuz you been cheated on yo whole life. How about stop being a side, and maybe you can have a love story of your own.

  • RideorDie - 7 years ago

    Cheryl sit yo ass down somewhere if yo peeps didnt make the ✂ stfu & be happy for that young black love!

  • RideorDie - 7 years ago

    Cheryl sit yo ass fown somewhere if uo peeps didnt make the ✂ stfu & be happy for that young black love!

  • BIG SEXY 1 - 7 years ago

    When u big ???? & its just a contest... THE VOTES DPEAK FOR THEMSELVES so y'all keep rhe votes coming 4 Mariah GOOD LYCK BOO!!

  • Londyen - 7 years ago

    The reason i voted for mariah and her guy story is because u can hear n their voice its honest wasnt rehearsed or nothing like those are words they meant although the other couple is lovely as well their story just seemed rehearsed to me but good luck to both n FyI for negativity all couples have outsiders that’s begging to be inside so who really look afool

  • Do the Right Thing - 7 years ago

    I’m hoping that 93.1 does the right thing and allow the couple with the most votes to win regardless of the negativity that some people are showing. If the winner doesn’t matter to you haters then why comment? Mariah has a very big family and we rallied together and passed the word to try and help them win. Why should we do anything less? They are a couple in love they broke no rules and deserves the prizes if they get the most votes. So hopefully 93.1 will do the right thing and shut the haters up with a victory for Mariah and Antejuan! To the haters get your own man, create your own love story and next year maybe you can enter and have someone hate on your love!

  • Ms.B - 7 years ago

    Candy girl: Side piece, I’m sure you look ???? just how you sound ( STUPID AF) Cheryl Daniels: Your truly are a hater! Have servral seats ma’am ????

  • Rip legend - 7 years ago

    That’s my lil cousin and she been busting her ass on social media to get them votes... y’all big hating.. and if it is letting you vote more than once I am ???????? Go Riah

  • That One - 7 years ago


  • That One - 7 years ago

    Man whoever Candy Girl is Bitch you miserable af... I guess you happy about what you posted, you pressed af for real and you just made yourself look real stupid... But don't trip baby we all laughing at you and Mariah most definitely laugh at you, I just wish you were woman enough to say who you are... Who would just hate that much... And even if you are sleeping with him this just goes to show you what you lean to him he showing her off and you are sitting in the background wanting some attention... Bitch get you some money and a hobby cause hating ain't working for you

  • Cheryl - 7 years ago

    My niece was in the first round out of the 18 couples and she didn't make it to the final 2 I was just waiting and seeing how the last 2 couples did. Like I said that I'm neutral and I'm not voting for either one of these couples because I don't know them. I voted for my niece because I know her story but she didn't make the final 2. Good luck to both of the finalist They both have a great story of love

  • Kmarie - 7 years ago

    Candy girl are you that pathetic and sad that you have to hate on someone else’s happiness ? Are you that low and bored with your life that you took time out your day to comment some dumb shit . Smh you need a life boo . And to Cheryl honey nobody is cheating she just has a lot of support and family and friends that love her . You can take a seat too .

  • Princess E - 7 years ago

    At Cheryl have you ever heard of support system abd social media? That young couple have been going hard on social media. Hard work results in great effort.. Besides it doesn't let you cheat. I tried voting twice! As Far as candy girl how you been a side chick for 7 years and still ain't got no where. Sounds bitter to me. Let them be great! Their love speaks for itsel. #younglove

  • TheSun - 7 years ago

    Side pieces be too PRESSED!!!! ???????? &
    Ppl act like other ppl don't have 2 sides of a family or coworkers and friends not to mention she and he has these said ppl in their lives. So why wouldn't the votes be authentic?! If it let's you vote more than once then it must be allowed. The hate be real man....

  • live2learnn - 7 years ago

    What did either one of y’all comments mean for real doe? Sounds like a bitter side chick “if your even real, could be just a hater like everybody else” and it also sound like somebody mad that they nieces relationship just ain’t as interesting as the other couple!! Bringing the hate down on the young couple for what?

  • None yah - 7 years ago

    Candy Girl find you something to do boo boo!

  • Candy Girl - 7 years ago

    Funny thing is i been fucking Antejuan for over 7 years now. So how tf is yall fake ass love genuine girl stop it. Lmao he only with you cuz the d so big i can only take it once a month! I would reveal myself but that would be going against the grain! Have fun looking silly . This shit just sad niggas will do anything for a couple gifts cards lmao!

  • Cheryl Daniels - 7 years ago

    Something ain't right here. How do you get over 300 votes overnight? I'm neutral on this but I heard there was a way deleting or cleaning cookies that would allow a person to vote over and over again. Cheating isn't winning. I was waiting to see who got the most votes and something isn't right and they know that it isn't right.In the first round of voting I was voting for my niece and just knew it was gonna be very close between the last couples but like I said that cheating isn't winning. I'm hoping that the people at the station will look into this because it's not right.

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