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Are you mad Bruno won them Grammy's?

Total Votes: 86

  • Kiara Colon-Torres - 6 years ago

    Im not mad at Bruno, but I am mad that Cardi B went home empty handed. While I realize that her star is just now beginning to shine, in hopes that she continued to shine, but I was really hoping that she got the recognition that she has earned over the last year. Bodak Yellow took over every radio station there was. And while she had hits that were not my personal forte, I know that she worked hard to get spun on the radio. I hope she continues to win!

  • ROCC STAR - 6 years ago

    I can't hate on Bruno Mars. Why, you might ask? Cuz, T-Pain ended up getting writing credits for a lot of those songs if not all of them. I fuxx wit T-Pain and I'm happy he's still getting his money. So, if Bruno Mars has to win something in order for T-pain to get some shine, I'm all for it.

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