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How do you feel about the Medieval Times change?


  • Bill - 7 years ago

    Patrick, how does the response "It's pointless. I wouldn't even notice", translate to "I disagree" ? To most reasonable people, the phrase "I wouldn't even notice" would mean: I don't care, it's not important, not a concern so who cares.... which is basically option #2. So, either the poll creator does not have a solid grasp of the English language, does not understand the purpose of a survey, or (most likely) understand all-to-well the purpose of a survey and has embedded their conscience or subconscious bias in the survey. A practice that is sadly very common.

  • Gene - 7 years ago

    Bravo! Another example of biased poll. Where is an option to "I don't like it. Keep the kings" feminism will end up this country (((

  • Jack - 7 years ago

    LOL! There isn't an option to say "I don't like it". So everyone who disagrees with this cannot express themselves. Great job at creating a pointless poll!

  • Katie - 7 years ago

    My vote is I will stop going. This politically motivated decision is stupid. I feel bad for all the kings who are losing there jobs... sorry phased out in the near future.

  • Patrick - 7 years ago

    Bill - the poll answer "Pointless - wouldn't even notice" kind of covers the "I don't agree" flavour. It's their business. They can do what they want. It's not like having a queen is unprecedented. . . even in Medieval times.

  • Rick - 7 years ago

    I agree - there isn't any choice to say you think this is a bad idea.

    Then again, I think this might actually work out okay, if the 'queens' are hot babes in skimpy outfits.

  • Bill - 7 years ago

    Very interesting options in your poll. Wouldn't one of the most obvious options be something along the lines of "I don't agree"?Your attempt to produce results that you would LIKE to see are painfully obvious.

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