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Would you use cryptocurrency to actually buy something or only as an investment?

Total Votes: 145

  • Howard Willey - 7 years ago

    While transaction fees created some problems, they are now lower than the 3% credit card charges. With the credit card, you must give out credit care number & PIN number, and it doesn't get stolen and used for unauthorized purchases. One can send Bitcoin transaction to anyone in the world, knowing that it can't be used for other unauthorized purchases. Try sending a small check to that Nigerian Prince and see what happens to your bank accounts.

  • Ted Baker - 7 years ago

    I believe all of the activity in the cryptocurrency markets at present represent speculators who intend to buy and hold for a higher price. Eventually, however, there is considerable demand in the area of payment processing, and providing quick, low-cost transfer of funds in parts of the world where traditional banking services may not be available. Areas that can benefit from cell phone technology and internet expansion may also benefit from cryptocurrency payment capability.

  • Hank Guichelaar - 7 years ago

    Thanks for the poll. I answered all questions... in the future, it would be much more user friendly if all questions could be answered within a single poll.



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