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Do you think Berrones should be deported?

Total Votes: 930

  • Jumpinjohn - 6 years ago

    Three strikes and you're out. He came here originally broke the law & he was deported under Obama and came back and broke the law again & he was deported again under Obama. Then he came back again and broke the law. Now Trump wants him to leave and Trump's the bad guy. Why is that?

  • Jumpinjohn - 6 years ago

    Three strikes and you're out he came here originally broke the law he was deported under Obama and came back and broke the law he was deported again under Obama and came back and broke the wall now Trump wants him to leave and trumps the bad guy why is that

  • Michelle - 6 years ago

    The boarder works two ways. Take your wife and kids with you. Work to support them in Mexico.its cheaper. All so much cheaper. You don't have to leave them behind and I agree we shouldn't have to pay for your 7 kids and wife or you. Not our job. We can't pick and choose what our parents do in their life time. So your not to get a special privledge because of it. I don't get special privledge because my parents don't make more than the neighbors. Believe me I wish I did. I make to much for state funding but not enough to pay insurance. So I go without healthcare. So free ride for my daughter that's in college getting her masters working with sml cases which is constantly working with Seriously mentally ill folks. People that aren't capable of caring for a family let alone themselves. Count your blessing. My heart goes out to you and your family but the world doesn't revolve around you alone. If you don't like that your family brought you here it's not your fault. Okay, well then why would you have 7 kids. Decision making is not a strong point in your family. First you get an education!!!! Then stabilize in a good job. Find a wife. Make a home. Have a very reasonable amount of children. Like one or two. And you should have been leagalizing yourself the many, many years you had the opertunity to legalize yourself but choose not to. Not your fault? It's not our fault either. I'm happy you got a stay. Prepare your family to travel back with you with the time you are given this blessing so you can take care of them on your own there next year. That's what a father would do. You have to adjust to your situation. Carpet rides coming to an end. Your an adult and father of 7. Suck it up.

  • Roper - 6 years ago

    Illegal is illegal my tax dollars should not go towards paying for illegals

  • Roper - 6 years ago

    Illegal is illegal my tax dollars should not go towards paying for illegals

  • Park - 6 years ago

    Deport him!!!!He is a criminal. I know several people that came here legally and is fighting like Hell with immigration, and he gets a pass. Hell No. It looks like he has several children and his wife is pregnant again. Ok ICE---get out your wallet, perhaps then you will think dfferently. All we Americans do is support illegals. How much are they getting in food stamps? How much child care are we Americans paying for? How much are they getting back on their taxes, assuming they are working legally, oh, she is pregnant, forget that! ICE- you are prejudice! The law is focused on illegals. Our country is falling apart. Shame on all of you!

  • Teri Wright - 6 years ago

    How is it you can come to America, Expect to take advantage of our health care system that is ALREADY at a really bad crisis breaking point then EXPECT us to continue to care for you? If we were in Mexico, or ANY country illegally -- We would NOT be getting the treatment you're receiving here. You are NOT A citizen, YOU SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED to have the same RIGHTS, or ANYTHING that we do. We have VETERANS who need the help more than the illegals.. Sorry but NOT sorry!

  • Roger - 6 years ago

    If we were in Mexico committing any crime, they’d throw us in prison and throw away the key. Just be glad he is only being deported for his crimes.

  • CARMEN E Schilling - 6 years ago

    It is not HIS fault he was brought here. He is not taking handouts. He works, or did work, until he was forced to the church for protection. The government is shooting itself in the foot. Now we the tax payers have to support his family of six, soon to be seven!!!! Wake up folks!!!! He was not costing us anything and was paying his prescribed amount of taxes. What a “ bass-akwards” country we live in. And for Trump to hold DACA hostage so he can WASTE tax dollars on an wall that will only stop natural migration paths for animals is STUPID!!! Ian so ashamed that he is the leader of this country and we have lost our world leader status because of him☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️

  • Gina - 6 years ago

    Very well said Sheryl

  • Gina - 6 years ago

    Maybe if there wasn't so much racism in are county things would be different and it doesn't matter how many children he has he is supporting them he's not on welfare I'm one to understand losing a child is the worst hope and pray you can stay

  • Sheryl - 6 years ago

    I believe he should stay that's crazy how people who aren't in his situation are so easy to say make him leave why don't you think he was using a false ID he has a family to support let alone a child with cancer he's tried to file for green card he has a lawyer he's not a drug dealer or any type of bad criminal if he had a opportunity to do things right and lawful to put food on the table or to drive a car I'm sure he would .this is all he knows are you guys reading the story he was brought here as a child this is all he knows his family is here he's the Bread winner and his wife is pregnant ...WTH why did he have kids that's crazy you people should be asking why the hell he isn't able to be there and support his family and be with his son . I would understand if he was a hard core criminal . Berrones I'll be praying for you and your family .God bless

  • Sandra - 6 years ago

    WHY do you have so many kids? If you wanted to live here do it legally don't hide behind the chirch.

  • Bill - 6 years ago

    Why has he been arrested several times for false identity and evading authorities? If you live here and follow the laws in place, then I’m open to a citizenship path. Otherwise, unfortunately you have to leave.

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