Do you think the Edmonton Eskimos should consider changing their name in the future?


  • Tim - 6 years ago

    I have never viewed the Edmonton Eskimos as anything but the storied franchise that they are. Their name exudes succes and pride and the very thought of changing their name saddens me on how a change will erase all the excellence they have worked to achieve. It also saddens me how fast and far this once great Country has fallen. We should be ashamed this has even become a topic of conversation.

  • Peter - 6 years ago

    If people are so sensitised that a name which has been connected to much success and austerity that they are willing to erase all that positive recognition, I would suggest switching so something that reflects that former much celebrated glory and has a similar yet neutrality on it so it NEVER NEEDS to changed again.

    Welcome EDMONTON ECHELONS no need to change logos or even uniforms, Cost effective meets practical.

    Much Success ESKIMOS!!! May you always bring us the glory you always have.

  • Dave - 6 years ago

    Many ethnic groups have had names created by others which have become widely used.

    I am 54 years old and in my lifetime I have heard few if any slurs against Inuit peoples.

    They certainly must have faced racist views throughout much of Canadian history as has almost every ethnic group from the french, to the Italians, the Ukrainians and our indigenous peoples perhaps most of all.

    I have always been taught about the tenacity, strength, and ingenuity of the Inuit community.

    I did not hear the term Inuit until perhaps the 1980's.

    I would suggest that to the vast majority of Canadians the term Eskimo has zero negative conotations and there is absolutely no reason to change the name of this proud team.

  • Drew - 6 years ago

    The word Eskimo was never taught to me growing up as a derogatory slang word as it's become today. Quite the contrary in fact, it's meaning to me was one of resilience, strength, determination to live in harsh Northern climates and ingenuity to overcome obstacles. I look to these people in awe in fact for they manage to do what most of us living in modern cities take for granted thanks to stores like the Walmarts and such. Most of us wouldn't last 10 minutes let alone a year in such harsh Northern climates. Yet they manage.

    The word Eskimo for a football team was meant as a way to honor these people and respect them. Completely opposite of what it's devolved into. How did this spiral out of control? What a sad state of affairs Canada has become. Where is the backbone of this country?

  • Josh - 6 years ago

    Who wants to change the name? 10 people in the whole Edmonton area? Give me a break...

  • Morley - 6 years ago

    I was born in Edmonton...
    The "Eskimos" are a long standing organization and a Great Champion for disersity.....
    The "Name" stands for more than the people peotesting realize !!!
    Leave It Alone !!!!

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