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How much time do you spend in Nashville traffic every day?

Total Votes: 320

  • Anissa - 7 years ago

    I think you should have more options. I live 14 miles out and spend about 3 hours daily in the car.

  • JoSixPak - 7 years ago

    Megan Barry continues to LIE about anything she wants. She is a total whackjob. She still says that this 10 BILLION dollar waste is really only a 5.8 billion dollar job. Right.

    This transit plan is absolutely nuts, proposed by a Nashville mayor from California who helps other people's nuts get pleasure. She is disgraceful and mentally ill.

  • StopThePropaganda - 7 years ago

    Ch2Pollster. These crooks drive me up the wall with their self-enriching schemes. We hold our nose and push a button for a crooked capitalist republican or a socialist/communist democrat. I go with the crooks every time. Bredesen is a piece of work alright. A New Jersey/New York Yankee transplanted in TN. He said we cant have Massachusetts benefits on TN taxes. Here is a man who stole over $200 million from the TN Transportation fund and put it in the General fund to pay for his socialist agenda. We then promptly get an increase in the TN gas tax to make up for this shortfall. Upon leaving office Bredesen sent his top aides, Kisber and I forgot the other one to start a solar company with the Obama give away of tax dollars like the failed Solyndra $500 million dollar fiasco. Upon leaving office Bredesen then became CEO of the SiliCON solar ranch. Isn't that amazing? Bredesen is now back with his Northern views to get some more pig slop from us dumb southern taxpayers. Wouldn't surprise me if he won!!!

    Then we have the wonderful Corker/Alexander RINO's who I could write a book on their shafting of the TN taxpayer. I don't think Alexander has EVER held a job outside of politician. Corker then sits on his rump while Obama bankrupts the nation with over $10 TRILLION in added debt and is absolutely mute. Trump gets elected and little Corker starts spouting what an incompetent fool Trump is. The incompetent fool is Corker. I have written Corker/Alexander over 30 emails EACH over the last 8 years complaining about Eric Holder running guns to Mexico, Lois Learner spouting the 5th amendment, Susan Rice lying to parents of the dead regarding a Benghazi video, Hillary losing over $5 BILLION dollars at the State Dept, Clapper, Brennan, Comey lying under oath, Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton while Hillary under investigation, Obamas lies about the socialist Obamacare, just to name a very few and I get no response from these worthless representatives of the people of Tennessee.

    Heck it NEVER ends. Look at Haslam. While Mayor of Knoxville this liberal was a member of Bloombergs Mayors Against Guns. When he decided to run for governor he resigned and joined the NRA!!! These people believe in nothing, have no integrity whatsoever. They lie, cheat, get elected and then get laws passed to increase their bank accounts off the backs of Kroger sackers, burger flippers and anyone else who draws a paycheck. Lets get that light rail and drop your drawers Megan a new boyfriend an all will be well in Amerika.

  • Ch2pollster - 7 years ago

    Opps! Meant to say Phil Bredesen that would be running against Blackburn. for US senate than Carl Dean, who's running for governor of Tenneessee. Who's running against Diane Black, another repub WOMAN! Ch 2, we all know who your for in both races!, the MEN!

  • Ch2pollster - 7 years ago

    @StopThePropaganda, well said! On another propaganda topic on Ch. 2's bias, their claiming multiple sources of anonymous republicans, I think their inferring MEN, think Marsha Blackburn could not win the 2018 senate race and encouraging Bob Corker to run against her in the primary. LOL, Ch. 2 is chomping at the bit to dump on Corker, not a women which is well like here in Tennessee, if he where to run again.

    Corker isn't running agian because poll numbers show he couldn't win, PERIOD! Gee, she must be out polling their favorite Mr. Yankee MAN tax and spender ex-mayor Carl Dean. Ha Ha. Nevertheless come campaign time Dean will be their MAN. and not the woman. Sounds like Ch 2 maybe engaged in a WAR on WOMEN? So who's meddling in our elections? It's the media, of course!

  • StopThePropaganda - 7 years ago

    Every stinking day this liberal news source, ABC, gives us one or two articles and a poll making sure that they try to sway the people into thinking a $10 BILLION DOLLAR BOONDOGGLE is a good thing. Socialists think all you have to do is throw money at a problem and the problem is solved. WRONG. Schools are a perfect example. Washington D.C. spends more per pupil than any other area in this nation. Guess what area has the worst test scores and highest dropout rates? That's right, Washington, D.C. Gun laws. If we just pass more gun laws then the murders will stop. Chicago and Washington D.C. have the strictest gun laws in this nation. Guess who has the most murders and gun crimes? That's right, Chicago and Washington D.C. Just give us light rail, any rail, and the congestion will cease. Ever been to Chicago with their light rail, New York with their subways, Los Angles area, with their rails? Worst congestion in the nation in these areas. Ever seen a tree designated as a public utility? Come to Nashville and look at our public utilities. What kind of fools keep electing these socialists/communists who confiscate your earnings for their lunatic programs? Meanwhile Megan is looking for new security but after hours bedroom time may be required. It does pay well and lots of overtime is guaranteed.

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