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Do you support new restrictions on firearms in the wake of the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School?

Total Votes: 2,797

  • Samantha Picardi - 6 years ago

    Some of the above comments have truly made me sick, of course the AR15 was responsible for the
    17 deaths, he couldn't have bought a handgun remember, he wasn't old enough. But he was old
    enough to buy a weapon of war that kills many almost instantly and you still blame mental illness
    or the Politicized FBI for not catching him. Well even if they did send the warning on, there is no
    law in Florida that would take his guns away even if he was hosipitalized for mental illness. Also,
    Trump just cut Billions of Dollars from Medicaid in the recently passed tax bill. Medicaid is the main
    payer for mental illness or at least it was before the cuts. Also in Trumps new Budget, he made
    substantial cuts to the Background Check System that doesn't check for gun sales at GUN SHOWS OR GUN SALES OVER THE INTERNET. You people need to check your facts, obviously you don't know what
    you're talking about. And the NRA could care less about all these gun deaths, all they care about is
    selling guns for the Manufacturers that they work for so they can PAY OFF our Politicians. These

  • Janet l Coffey - 6 years ago

    We have lost two children to gun violence. Though our only son (37 yrs.old) died 10 yrs. ago and our youngest daughter (37 yrs.old) died 4 yrs. ago the pain never goes away.When things like this happen it brings it all back. NO ONE needs to own an assault weapon. The same people who are fighting for the unborn should be fighting for the lives of children everywhere. My heart ♥️ hurts for all the families who lost a loved one. R.I.P.

  • Steve - 6 years ago

    I myself will never understand why so many americans are raised with the movies, TV shows, and video games that are all filled with violence and then wonder why the disturbed or angered act out with violence. What ever happened to The Brady Bunch , Hershey in the Chocolate factory and Pac Man? This day and age Americans would rather watch and play violence while teaching the young violence is cool by allowing it in the household. Wishing our future Americans would be raised with walking on trails and beaches , playing in the snow or oceans or working out late nights and early mornings in the gym instead of a flat screen in their bedrooms with violence on it. Its so sad and disturbing that so much of the anger comes from what the parents allow , teach , and live .

  • Peter Eckel - 6 years ago

    I won't repeat, but agree 100% with Hilda Burllinguette's comment.

  • Hilda Berllinguette - 6 years ago

    My condolences go out to the families and friends of those dear souls who were hurt or killed at Douglas High School. Many are against gun restrictions. I am not. Funny how most developed countries have significantly fewer death from guns than we do. They have mentally ill populations as we do, so it can’t be that. They have gun restrictions, such as no automatic rifles or semiautomatics, stricter requirements before purchase, etc. it seems worth it to me to reduce these mass shootings. In Connecticut since the Sandy Hook killings, stricter gun laws have been enacted and gun deaths have gone down. It is time for the NRA to stop putting words in the mouths of the advocates and the politicians. And money in politicians’ pockets.

  • David Haskett - 6 years ago

    Everyone is so quick to blame the gun. First any weapon used for these crimes is an “ assault weapon “These nut cases use vehicles also. The AR style gun is no more dangerous in these close quarters than a hand gun. Just because they look like a military firearm they are not assault rifles! The fault if you have to point fingers, is the kids that knew this guy was a whack job and didn’t tell authority figures until someone did something. The NRA has volunteered to train teachers, retired police or veterns to help at schools. If you want to keep your kids safer home school and get them out of these government school run by ill informed liberals.

  • David Strange - 6 years ago

    Obviously, the first word from the liberal media about a gun tragedy is to blame the gun. The people who really screwed the pooch was the FBI. Way too many signs were given about Cruz's instability, yet none were heeded. My heart goes out to the victims and their families, but gun control is not the problem. Enforcement of existing laws is the answer. Look at Chicago; or for that fact, the cities with the most restrictive laws, in America, have the most gang violence. Allow the police to do their job. Throw these felons and wannabe felons behind bars where they belong. And yes, clean out the politicized FBI leaders; they are a mockery of justice. Let us also not forget social media. They dropped the ball big time on this one; all in the name of free speech. Isn't it against the law to yell fire in a movie theater? Well so should someone on facebook who wants to be the all time leader in school killings.

  • Francis Smith - 6 years ago

    We are talking restrictions , not bans here. Assault rifles kill large numbers of people quickly without a chance. We do not want our schools to be prisons with armed guards or people afraid to go to any events. And yes we need the President and Congress to fund mental health in conjunction with the restrictions.

  • Ginny Elson - 6 years ago

    Guns do not kill without a person pulling the trigger! So sad for these victims but the fault is with the shooter. I suggest we Follow Isreal’s Lead with all schools locked and unknown staff legitimately concealing pistols for safe guard. No shooting situations have occurred there. Need to be proactive sensibly. Thank you!

  • yvonne koehler - 6 years ago

    Do as Australia did. Buy back guns and make possession a highly restricted privilege. Hunters do not use military weapons to shoot game. Skeet and target shooting use particular guns. It may be expensive, but the lives of innocent people are far more valuable than the right to bear weapons.

  • Robert Writer - 6 years ago

    Military weapons should be banned in this country .

  • JPA - 6 years ago

    Guns are tools...that's all. All the signs were there to follow up on Cruz and no one did. We need to fix the problem, (mental health) not the symptom (acting out with a gun).

  • JAMES B BUTTS - 6 years ago

    No because we do't enforce the gun laws we have now! People would not be allowed to buy guns legally if their names were entered promptly into NICS like they should be. Instead of new laws, more money should go to NICS and the ATF to stop these people before they do harm and greater enforcement in requiring names to be entered into NICS. Our current gun laws should be enforced before adding new ones.

  • Pat Grenville - 6 years ago

    This poll is flawed as I was able to vote more than once.

  • The Punisher - 6 years ago

    Guns aren't the problem, letting these psychopaths integrate with normal citizens is the problem. The mental health facilities need to be opened again.

  • Peter P. Angelou Jr. - 6 years ago

    Let's see!! Another shooting and killing in a Gun Free Zone.
    Wonder what would have happened and how any lives would have been saved if teachers and school guards would have been. Armed???

  • Peter P. Angelou Jr. - 6 years ago

    Let's see!! Another shooting and killing in a Gun Free Zone.
    Wonder what would have happened and how any lives would have been saved if teachers and school guards would have been. Armed???

  • Richard Shea - 6 years ago

    This is a tragedy that could have been avoided with proper assault weapon restrictions. AR-15s and many other assault weapons have flooded our country due to NRA propaganda efforts and our politician's (mostly republicans) willingness to discard their honor for the sake of money and status. Here in Brevard, there are, no doubt, many overly propagandized "patriots" who see their own manliness and masculinity bound up in an ever escalating rhetoric of hate and fear mongering coming from arms manufacturers represented by the NRA - their lobbying group. Frankly, in this vet's opinion, only cowards carry their firearms around everywhere they go. $2000 from the NRA went to Posey to buy his vote and and his silence. Gun restrictions don't have to be draconian, but they need to be reasonable, and without the surrounding cacophony of 2nd amendment hardliners - they are not the majority, nor should their views be forced on the majority.

  • Steve veibl - 6 years ago

    Drugs & driving drunk are against the law! Legislation will not fix this problem. It is time for homeland security to control access to our schools nation wide. Secure premises and metal detect entry like airports. Only this method will secure & save the lives of students & faculty. Media needs to stop giving the shooter their 15 minutes of fame.

  • Elizabeth Stewart - 6 years ago

    There should be stricter gun control. Why are regular citizens allowed to go out and buy or order such high powered guns in the first place which should only be used by Military, Police etc. America is getting worse with this gun violence and unless you have kids of your own you will never know the fear this has put into kids afraid to go to school after watching what happened yesterday. Its crap that the blame should always be blamed on mental health this was well planned of course these are sick but also very smart individuals who know what they were doing. But nothing will ever be done about this so all I can do is pray for my family and their safety. My heart go out to the families and loss ones.

  • Jay Henry - 6 years ago

    The United States is the ONLY country that allows citizens to own these guns. The United States is the ONLY country dealing with this epidemic. Wether you’re on the far left or right anyone with a hint of intelligence, yes, some hillbilly and rednecks included, knows this is not some odd coincidence. This debate will rage on and sadly it might take a loved one of their own eating a bullet to acknowledge this reality. Fourteen school shootings this year, it’s only February.

  • David York - 6 years ago

    My condolences to the families of the students and teachers of the school during this time of great sorrow.
    The gun should not be blamed for the killings, any more than cars are blamed for the deaths of persons killed by vehicles. The psychopath using the weapons is the one responsible for the demise of our citizens.
    stricter gun control won't work because any person wanting to commit a crime will not care if the gun is legal or not, they are going to commit the crime anyway. Question, How did Nicholas Cruz get in school with a weapon the cannot be hidden, where were the video cameras, wasn't anybody watching them.
    God bless the students and their faculty families.

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