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Do you think Nashville is growing too fast?

Total Votes: 2,149

  • Nashville Resident - 7 years ago

    We can pave the entire city, but so long as there are idiot Nashville drivers out there sitting next to each other doing 10 under the limit, taking too long to get going after the light turns green and paying more attention to their phones than the road, we will always have traffic backups. Add in the complete lack of a cohesive traffic light timing solution and zero enforcement of driving behavior and you have what we have now - and no amount of paving is going to solve it. I have my doubts about the efficacy of the current mass-transit solution... it serves the wrong people in the wrong places and will not solve our traffic issues unless it is a regional solution that actually reaches out to where the commuters are.

  • JoSixPak - 7 years ago

    I do not know a single person who supports Megan Boner’s transit proposal. Vanderbilt’s poll is laughable and is leftist fake news.

  • Jere Sue Adams - 7 years ago

    Old Nashville is gone. The last 5 yrs brought in people who knew little or nothing about the City. The infrastructure is not sufficent. I am in favor of requiring 5 yrs continual residence in order to drive. Mayor's transit plan is based on assumption people are either headed to or from town. People travel across town to work, i.e., from Hillsboro Green Hills to Metro Center or East Nashville. Vans taking people across town more efficient than buses requiring people to go downtown then board another bus to transfer to go out of downtown to work. The spoke & wheel plan is outdated. We will probably not be driving cars in 10 yrs. Some other type of car. Smaller, maybe no wheels. Do we even know direction auto industry foresees? Transit plan too expensive. And traffic isn't anything when compared to most cities. Let's test something like trolleys. I think we'll be in wheeless cars in 10 yrs. Express buses might help if ridership enough - like for Vanderbilt employees and hospital personnel St Thomas mid-state, Centennial, Vanderbilt & st Thomas west.

  • NICK DAYTON - 7 years ago

    I had to move out of my "home town" due to the sky rocketing prices.
    What can be done to lower prices when our love for money is more

  • Yeah I said it - 7 years ago

    Growing with a bunch of whites and foreigners. Nashville is a country bunkin place.. Take a look at downtown Nashville where all the honkie tonk bars are.. I don't see how anyone lives here. Boring city with nothing to do.. Not everyone enjoys country music BS!!!

  • Delilah - 7 years ago

    The city should use the transit money to add more lanes and build more bridges to help with the heavy flow .

  • Cjrmltascp - 7 years ago

    Something has to be done pronto about the interstates. They are not built to withstand as much traffic that they are taking. An expert in the field needs to be brought in to come up with a long term plan and It needs to start now. These little fixes on these interstates do help but obviously they ar not enough. If you want all these big companies to bring their businesses here well then how about accomodating with the roads. The big trucks need to be controlled better & the compact cars need more room. This problem will only get worse if not dealt with & It will not look good on Nashville.

  • Haywood - 7 years ago

    Megan Barry...please resign. Now.

  • Haywood - 7 years ago

    Megan Barry...please resign. Now.

  • Larry Hester - 7 years ago

    No this city is not moving to fast. Think of all the jobs that have been created. Also, if this city does not approve the transit plan, then this city will go backwards, and a lot of you idiots who voted yes, just might lose your jobs. So we want Nashville to continue to be the it city.

  • Michael A Hester - 7 years ago

    No, we are not moving to fast. We are so behind Atlanta, and even Chattanooga it is pathetic. We don't t grow we lose a hell of a lot if new jobs. And people that voted yes are idiots!

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