Who do you think shot Bill?


  • Shirley Pye - 6 years ago

    Kill Bill Spencer off we are all tried of him

  • Edna - 7 years ago

    Where's Caroline? She should be on this list.

  • Sharon Orendor - 7 years ago

    Justin ! He was sure papers were signed and surprised detective said they wern't. He knows where he keeps gun, electricity. Person walked it, person did not bring a gun, could frame Sally thinking her prints were on gun, also why he went into detail why she wanted him dead and shot gun in office. What I don't understand when things are supposed to project as real WHY would detective not tell Justin when he's told papers were not signed to tell Justin he should not be in his office as he is not entitled to be but his sons, plus should be secured in case of evidence/clues. Plus you don't bring legal papers that are evidence out of police dept. They are secured there. Wish they would make it a little more accurate. Detective should be one to tell Liam and Wyatt that legal papers,were never signed and Justin has no legal right to take over. Hope this gets brought up. I saw tomorrow and Friday will not be shown due to NBA games, I don't think they makeup scenes, too bad.

  • Sharon Orendor - 7 years ago

    Justin ! He was sure papers were signed and surprised detective said they wern't. He knows where he keeps gun, electricity. Person walked it, person did not bring a gun, could frame Sally thinking her prints were on gun, also why he went into detail why she wanted him dead and shot gun in office. What I don't understand when things are supposed to project as real WHY would detective not tell Justin when he's told papers were not signed to tell Justin he should not be in his office as he is not entitled to be but his sons, plus should be secured in case of evidence/clues. Plus you don't bring legal papers that are evidence out of police dept. They are secured there. Wish they would make it a little more accurate. Detective should be one to tell Liam and Wyatt that legal papers,were never signed and Justin has no legal right to take over. Hope this gets brought up. I saw tomorrow and Friday will not be shown due to NBA games, I don't think they makeup scenes, too bad.

  • Jessica - 7 years ago

    I don't think it is any of them on the list.I think it's Billys sister,Karen.

  • Donna - 7 years ago

    So it's not deacon. Bummer

  • Joylene Reinsvold - 7 years ago

    I've ruled out everyone but Sheila, Justin has motive however Bill didn't sign anything to give Justin the company incase something happens to Bill, Justin has nothing to gain since Bill hadn't signed or made it legal through Court giving Justin his company. The Forresters wouldn't because their business would go bankrupt with that scandal, Liam doesn't have it in him, Wyatt as mad as he is with his dad wouldn't (they are way to much alike as his dad and his mom Quinn) I never read anything about Sally leaving the show,and she had already taken a shot at him with the gun in his office and is an excellent shot ,yet person that shot Bill didn't, If Sally shot Bill he would be dead and not in a Coma, Jarrett is to much of a softy and scared of Bill. Katie wouldn't because she would lose Will and end up in prison for her to risk it,As with everyone Else even Pam, So Sheila has nothing to lose. Now if Deacon was on that list I may have picked him since he shot at Quinn, maybe Quinn got him out of prison and did her a favor to shoot Bill and get back to prison before anyone noticed. So I believe its Sheila because her story is boring and its time to send her Packing and off B&B. They need more men on this soap,because too many women and they are all related in one way or another, Sure would be nice if B&B was an hour long like The young & the restless, The talk shows are so Over done and boring, I miss Guiding Light and As the World Turns, got rid of soaps for talk shows. I think B&B should be a hour long soap with Extra men and other women in other companies,instead of bringing the spectras back which isn't bad thing, But be nice to see other names besides Forresters,Spencer's,Logan's and Spectra, Person who shot Bill i believe Is Sheila, hoodie on and a wig.

  • ALL CAPA - 7 years ago

    I believe it was Jarrett, his character is expendable. They're not going to write anyone else off in the show. Bill isn't even going to die, he'll stay in a coma . On a side note, he never signed the papers, so it's null and void. Karen should give her nephews 12 1/2% each, since she's not really interested in the company.Then Bill couldn't fire them. The writers suck, only care about family bed hopping, it's sickening!!

  • Sharon White - 7 years ago

    I think it is shiela after all,but it could be ridge or Quinn,they hate him the most of everyone on the list,but everybody,s a suspect in this scenario?

  • Joellen - 7 years ago

    I think MARGARET GARCIA may be right. Bills former assistant, female. She always liked Deacon. No one would think of her. Besides, it won’t be a main character. If not her I vote for Justin. It won’t be Sheila, too obvious!!! Who really cares?? Whoever it was should have had a better aim!!! ????????????

  • Dani Thompson - 7 years ago

    Justin did it. I know electric knocked out, security down, and gate open, but the person knew how to sneak in. Anyone else--if they went with intent to shoot--would likely have used their own weapon. Justin knew the gun was in Bill's house.

  • Capt Jake - 7 years ago

    Aunt Sally

  • Gailann Slinkard - 7 years ago

    Eric Forester. He knows everyone else wants to kill Bill.. so being the hero, he does the deed to keep his family from getting in trouble, thinking if he gets caught he can claim temporary insanity.

  • Jackqueline - 7 years ago

    I think it was Sheila or Justin

  • Margaret Garcia - 7 years ago

    Bills lawyers assistant Cheryl Underwood. I don’t know her show name

  • Pammie - 7 years ago

    Thomas Forrester wasn’t listed. On Friday’s episode when Bill proposed to Steffy it was also stated during an earlier office scene that Thomas was there to see Bill, but Bill didn’t want to see him and Thomas was sent away supposedly. Thomas figured out probably about the scam Bill convinced his niece Caroline to be sick so Thomas would move to NY. I would have voted for Thomas if he had been listed. Guess we will see who shot $Bill!!!

  • Pamela Klemm - 7 years ago

    Sally, they are writing her off.

  • Helena Anderson - 7 years ago

    I don't see Steff name.couldnt surprise me if was her,she want him leave her alone so she can have him or Hope she love Liam.

  • Frank Gilberti - 7 years ago

    Saul is the one.

  • Minnie Webster - 7 years ago

    But then again, it could be Justin. He's fantasizing about having Bills seat and taking over the company. Bill never got to sign the papers, so he won't be able to have control LOL.

  • Minnie M Webster - 7 years ago

    I say it was Pam, because the shadow had shoulder length hair and besides Brook, she the only one with shorter hair.

  • Tracey dixon - 7 years ago

    Shellie I do not think so,Justin yes it could be it might someone in his past like Thomas what he did to him and Sally.

  • Chlotelia Bibbs - 7 years ago

    Shelia are Justin, no doubt in my mind.

  • Lillian Nosbisch - 7 years ago

    Is this gonna be like "who shot J R"? LOL

  • Kay - 7 years ago

    Ruth Banks is right, the shadow has to be one of the female's​ characters​! If it was someone​ else with short hair the shadow would've been​ spiky.

  • steve - 7 years ago

    Sheila's contract ends in may, enough time for her to be executed for murder

  • Nancy Howard - 7 years ago

    Thinking of Thomas Forrester. He finally found out everything Bill did.

  • Mixi Boern - 7 years ago

    Why isn't Sol's name on the list?

  • Patricia Simmons - 7 years ago

    Shelia or Jarrett

  • Pammy - 7 years ago

    Honestly i dont expect it to be anyone from the list but if i gotta choose id say justin motive means knew security was d9wn abd woulda knew about the golden gun ridge was with bill as power was being tampered with

  • Joyce Trembly - 7 years ago

    I believe it was Sheila Carter...just my thoughts ..

  • Joann - 7 years ago

    The shooter was wearing a hoodie!

  • Joann - 7 years ago

    The shooter was wearing a hoodie!

  • Katie Vanderford - 7 years ago

    It was a women. You could tell from the shadow. The person had at least shoulder length hair.

  • Ruth Banks - 7 years ago

    It was a woman look at the shadow

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