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Who won the Aqib Talib trade?

Total Votes: 1,819
1 Comment

  • greg - 6 years ago

    The Broncos got something for nothing. The Rams locked up a respectable NFL player for a 5th round pick and a bunch of money. Saying "if the Broncos had waited they would've gotten a 4th" is just silly. There's no reason to believe that would've happened. I don't know why people always think they can just make a trade for whatever they want. Like Elway said, "you have to have someone to trade with". Who was going to give them more? As Nancy Grace said "I want answers!". Who? Who's going to come in and give them their fourth round pick? The longer the Broncos waited, the less valuable Talib would've become. I have a friend (Dolphin fan) who was on the trade Tannehill bandwagon. He was talking like they would get three first rounders if they did that. This is the NFL, not basketball. You don't get anything for pricey veterans. Every trade I've ever seen - this is a fifth rounder. In fact, when I saw they made the trade I immediately thought, "well they probably got a fifth rounder for him. That's better than releasing him for nothing." And lo and behold when I read the article.....

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