Do you believe that radio argument was a "prank gone wrong?"


  • Mrs.CT - 7 years ago

    This was a hurtful joke gone exactly how they wanted it to go, with the exception of her quitting on air. They wanted drama, they wanted discussion on social media, and they wanted attention. Whatever the cost was, to include the lady getting hurt and embarrassed, they did not care. They are ignorant and should be removed.

  • Cappadonna - 7 years ago

    Can I say its both? Yes it was a prank, but it was a terrible premise for a prank. This was a terrible "joke" by vulgar, ignorant dudes who were willing to embarrass and, I hate to use the word, "trigger" their woman colleagues over a private matter for the sake of a clicks and views. A Venn Diagram of disgusting sexism and desperation for ratings.

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