Do you support students who plan to walkout of class in protest?


  • Sylvia - 7 years ago

    Until we go back to parents teaching children to respect themself and others gun control will do nothing for controlling shooting. We have taken God out of our nation and do not teach children the value of life. All we are teaching them is to protest if it doesn’t suit us.

  • JoSixPak - 7 years ago

    Public schools are nothing but leftist/marxist indoctrination centers. They are filled with nutwhack liberal teachers who wear Che Guevara tshirts and attend antifa rallies.

  • DMcAfee - 7 years ago

    What is so moronic is once the 2nd Amendment is mentioned people go to guns. I am pro 2nd Amendment 100% but it says a right to bear arms. NOTHING about guns!! Arms can be any device used to defend or protect ones self or property. So if some are so hellbent on guns, why can't I have a grenade launcher, 50 caliber mobile mounted , M1 Abrams? Atomic bomb? all fall under the Constitutions ARMS. Why because any sane person would say that's ridiculous. I am for sensible gun control that is not a 2nd Amend confiscation! The school students should be given a grace period of the 17minutes because they are FORCED by LAW to go to school we should do all we can to have some safe havens for citizens who just want PEACE and safety!

  • Tt - 7 years ago

    I am honored and proud to live in a country that our forefathers fought for ALL, starting with the first ammendment, that some may have forgotten. This issue has been brushed under the rug due to politics for so long. In what way are we setting a good example for the next generation?! Respectfully, we all have our political, common sense opinion, including our children of the future.The future that most of us may not even see become fruition. Today, is not about political issues it is about life. Weather we are left, middle, right in the political realm, We as a Human Society, should come together for the betterment of the rest of the present generation and the future generation. We may not live in the days of Gunsmoke, Little House on the Prairie..but we all can learn from past generations for our future geneartions!

  • Sherry Roath - 7 years ago

    I definitely stand behind these students. To make a stand...These kids that was speaking out after the Florida shooting were so intelligent..No one except our military should have or own any automatic machine gun like the ones used in this mass shooting ...or similar..The government & trump needs to put kids in classrooms & people gathered for a concert, or people in churches ....innocence people caught off guard. ..being killed first...The government or any adults are doing nothing to help stop these killings...It’s like living in another country that has No laws ....

  • Rob - 7 years ago

    These kids need to stay in class and learn. Most of them are idiots anyway and cannot even make correct change at McDonalds. None of them have any respect for authority and most are the ones that are committing the crimes in today's society. Most of the time, It was their own classmates that do these terrible acts. If they raise the age of buying a gun to 21, then the shooters will only be older. The kids walk out just to get out of class, they do not care about those that lost their lives. Yes indeed, lets give guns to teachers that will snap, it has already happened. Let the adults fix the issues, kids do not have a clue!

  • Donna - 7 years ago

    Antioch high school kids were out BLOCKING hobsen pike now what is that proving

  • Donna - 7 years ago

    Antioch high school kids were out BLOCKING hobsen pike now what is that proving

  • Langston W - 7 years ago

    It is amazing how so many people commenting here are so entrenched in Ideology and partisanship that you can't see the forest for the trees. Look at history. Young people have always lead the way in civil rights and progress in general. News flash they are the future. Calling them "soft", "snowflakes" is a reflection of how bereft you are morally. The good news is all things being equal those clinging to days of America past, hoping it will be great again with segregation, lack of women's rights, lack of human rights for LGBT people will be dying long before they do. Try as you may, you can't stop progress!

  • Hillary Hater - 7 years ago

    These kids need to stay in class and learn that their actions have consequences. You aren't going to change the gun laws with your immaturity. What you can do is learn to befriend people you normally would not associate with. Be supportive of people that are truly victims of bullying and BE KIND.

    You are currently learning nothing but how to be a self-entitled spoiled brat that the hypocrite liberals want you to be. Do you see them accepting people that are not the same as them? NO, YOU DON'T. They are using you and you aren't smart enough to see it. The liberal party makes me sick. Using kids as pawns to push an agenda that doesn't fit within the parameters of the Constitution. I like my rights, leave it to a liberal and we won't have any.

  • I’m a student - 7 years ago

    I’m sitting here learning, while others walked out. They were just looking for a break from school, most kids just went home.

  • Walt Murphy - 7 years ago

    OUR youth are showing more intelligence than the adults who are charged with running our country. Too many politicians are owned by he gun lobby and their youth protection stops with birth.

  • Larry Hester - 7 years ago

    Time for the principal of each to suspend every crybaby that through a temper tantrum. Why didn't they do this under the illegal Presidency of Obama. Time to either suspend them, or better yet, bring back paddling there little butts.

  • Haywood - 7 years ago

    These kids are so soft these days, they are just looking for a day out of class

  • JoSixPak - 7 years ago

    This stupid "protest" will do nothing in the long run. It is just part of George Soros indoctrinating young minds of mush to globalism and socialism.

    Maybe these nimrod students should move to Venezuela to see how George Soros's socialism is doing. They will not walk out because they do not have schools, or food for that matter.

    America's snowflake youth are as stupid as pond scum.

  • Timothy Mena - 7 years ago

    Snow flakes being used by snow FLAKES, PERIOD!! TRUMP/PENCE until January 20th 2025.... Be safe my fellow Americans.

  • Daily - 7 years ago

    I support the second amendment if they up the gun purchase to 21 then the age limit to enter the military should be the same..

  • Daily - 7 years ago

    I support the second amendment if they up the gun purchase to 21 then the age limit to enter the military should be the same..

  • dotherightthing - 7 years ago

    I DO NOT support this liberal political walkout!! The issue is mental illness NOT guns. These students are brainwashed and should get an F if they walk out!

  • Greg Smith - 7 years ago

    Everyone is against gun violence. This walk out is a political statement. Local political groups using these horrid acts of violence, committed by mentally ill people, to promote their agendas. I stand against all gun violence and I’m for the second amendment. We must change people who want to kill and not concentrate on the tools they are using to kill.

  • Rachel - 7 years ago

    Let me clarify, we don't allow people to drink alcohol under 21 because their maturity physically and mentally is not there. We don't allow people under 21 to get a CDL license because their experience is lacking. Therefore it would stand to reason we should not allow them to own firearms. Let me reiterate, I support the Second Amendment. If you legally own/carry a firearm that's your Constitutional right. Kudos to you. But we need to reconsider the legal age to exercise that right. You would not let a 12 year old drive a vehicle or vote. Again we are American and we can disagree agreeably.

  • Thomas L. - 7 years ago

    AR15? Whenever you see AR15 in a comment, wanting it banned, you immediately realize you are dealing with someone who is ignorant of guns. You can lay 4 rifles on a table. Three of them "look like" regular hunting rifles. The 4th rifle is the AR15 which resembles a military weapon. All 4 of these rifles shoot the same ammo. All 4 have magazines that hold the same amount of ammo. All 4 shoot at the same rate, one trigger pull, one shot, semi-automatic. Yet they want the AR15 banned because of the way it "looks". It is just one more gun law, one more gun ban, that does NOTHING!

  • Judy - 7 years ago

    I support these children 100%. I believe in the right to assemble. I believe that these kids are our future. I hate guns. I think guns are bad and are only used to kill people. People who kill people are bad. I believe in banning ar15, ak57, and even the bb guns. You dont even need a gun to hunt anymore. You can buy groceries and eat McDonalds. Re write the constitution and ban these ancient tools. It is time to evolve as a species. Put away your false religions and embrace the new world order. It is time.

  • Adam - 7 years ago

    I feel that they shouldn't do a "walkout" because it's only putting them at more risk, say some thug decides to do a drive by while all those kids are doing their "walk out"?
    They should stay in and have 17 minutes of silence inside instead.

  • BFM - 7 years ago

    The hypocrisy of those who don’t support people’s right to protest, but insist on their own right to possess deadly force, is staggering.

  • Rachel Livingston - 7 years ago

    I believe in the second Amendment. If you are carrying or posseing a gun legally I'm all about it. But, we don't allow people to drink alcohol or obtain CDL license until they are 21. But we allow them to purchase an AR15? That seems very unwise to me. If you want a gun before you are 21 join the military, they even provide targets. Adults practice adult behavior, stop berating these children just because you disagree with them. Americans can disagree agreeably.

  • Cetta Bonetti - 7 years ago

    When 4 students were shot at Kent State University, a long time ago, there was a call for a nationwide walkout, called a strike then. There were alot of opinions and our principal told us if we walked out we would be expelled. Being an overly “brilliant” teenager, I signed myself out so I couldn’t be expelled. I think 5e important thing here is that we as “mature” adults listen to these kids so we don’t end up with the chaos that resulted back then. The violent demonstrations came about by a generation that wanted to be heard and didn’t get it. We need to listen, we need to love on these hurting young people. They hold our future in their hands.

  • Rusty - 7 years ago

    This generation of brats coming up can’t get any dumber. Guns are harmless without someone using them.sure glad they can’t vote! Need a wall around Mexico including California and put all these liberal demoRats in so we can save America. These brats are being used and brainwashed. People in safe zones or gun free zones are just victims.

  • John Webb - 7 years ago

    @Sid Garrison
    Please tell us what adults should have done years ago? Then Tell us how the NRA runs this country?

    Maybe while you are at it you can tell us how many mass murders have been committed by NRA members? Give us the statistics on how many murders have been committed by people with weapons permits?

    Then maybe you can explain how Democrat run hell holes like Chicago, Memphis, Baltimore, Oakland and 100 other cities with strict gun laws have the most murders?

    It is always easy to spot brain dead Democrats spouting PROPAGANDA in these comments. No knowledge of anything, just repeat what CNN and the left wing government tells you to think.

    I am on the edge of my seat awaiting you to tell us what the adults should have done and how the NRA runs this county comrade.

  • Michael White - 7 years ago

    I protested the Nam War. I protested in defense of Lt Calley. I protested against LBJ's war policies. All of this while I was in 8th thru 12th grade(1969-1973). It took 6 years to get results.(1975)Results take time and these kids are just starting out. With the Republicans in charge it's gonna take time to change things. It took 6 years when the Democrats were in charge for us to get out of Nam. Yes back then Nixon was POTUS but Congress was controlled by the Democrats and when they woke up to the fact that they were gonna lose control they sided with Nixon and John Q Public and got out of Nam. The kids might not be able to vote today but tomorrow is around the corner. We don't need stricter guns laws we just need to enforce the ones already on the books and strengthen the student protection in our schools.

  • Ed Hubbard - 7 years ago

    Anyone who has been convicted of a felony is banned by federal law from ever possessing “any firearm or ammunition.” Specifically a person “convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year” cannot possess any firearm in any location. 18 U.S.C. 922(g) is the federal law that prohibits anyone ever convicted of any felony to ever possess any firearm either inside or outside of his home. The federal punishment for firearm possession by a felon is 10 years in prison.

    That is 10 years with no parole. Under Obama NOT ONE felon was charged with a felon being in possession of a weapon. Eight years and not one charge. This one law could have taken over 100,000 felons off the streets. Every day in this nation felons are arrested and are in possession of a firearm. The local courts confiscate the weapon, give them 3 to 10 years for whatever crime they have committed and with good behavior, time served awaiting trial they are back on the streets within 3 years maximum. In many cases they are back on the streets, firearm in hand, committing more crimes within 90 days.

  • Sid Garrison - 7 years ago

    Yes, I support any walk out that will wake up these adults to do what they should have done years ago, The NRA, unfortunately, runs this country. Register to vote when you're old enough, if you're not you can show you care by walking out of school. Stand up for what you believe in.

  • JoSixPak - 7 years ago

    This "protest" is funded by George Soros through groups directly affiliated with Louis Farrakhan.

    We need to hand out "stupid" signs to these two-year-old social warriors.

  • Ask The Teacher - 7 years ago

    What the students should be protesting is being completely unprotected in their schools. Every day, in every class, a student should ask their teacher, if someone comes in with a weapon and starts killing us, who is here to stop the slaughter? Teacher do we have to wait 5 minutes or longer for the police to arrive? Teacher how many of us can be murdered in 5 minutes? Teacher how many of us will die if it takes 10 minutes to stop the criminal?

    These students are being used as pawns by the socialist/communist Democrat Party for a political agenda and everyone knows it. Ten thousand gun laws will not stop this insanity. This nation does not even enforce the hundreds of gun laws already on the books. You sure as hell do not see politicians, athletic events, the Oscars and other mass gatherings unprotected. Why are the children unprotected?

  • Gavin - 7 years ago

    Sarah, people like yourself is why our country has went to the dogs. With all your good intentions and willingness to “fight the good fight” and standing up for what you believe it has became apparent people like yourself feels a need to create issues to solve. People like you want others to look up to you as the one who got shit accomplished with your inflated ego and drive to dictate what you feel is appropriate or not appropriate. You tell these kids to walk out, its them who is at risk for being shot with “assault weapons” like its the first time in history. I feel sorry for you living in a fantasy world and state of fear. It must be exhausting.

  • Sarah Starpoli - 7 years ago

    If you are a student reading these comments, don’t listen to adults telling you all kinds of things about why you shouldn’t walk out. You are the ones in school being faced with the real possibility of having a military type weapons in your face. You have every right to stand up for yourselves and your fellow students. If there are unexcused absences or other consequences, take them. Those things won’t matter! What matters is making your voices heard. Stand up and fight back against all these old people with all their old greedy ideas. Tell them with your presence in the walk out that you won’t sit by silent why your classmates around the country continue to be murdered! Stand up, fight back, and be heard!

  • Ann - 7 years ago

    Extra/maybe confusing step for negative vote makes this poll inaccurate. Too bad

  • Monica - 7 years ago

    I support the walk out 100% The gun violence has to stop. The funny thing is, if you poll a walkout against abortion all of the No's would be Yes's because that would excuse them out of class. Bigotry!!

  • JoSixPak - 7 years ago


    Of course, you are a student. I had no doubt when I saw that your run-on sentence with poor punctuation and grammar.

    I say do it—walk out. You obviously learn nothing in school; might as well get some fresh air.

  • Easy - 7 years ago

    Most will walk out just to walk out. They are not of voting age, so why should we care if they want to walk out. Protests generally only work if it makes others take notice and raise questions. All the questions by legal voting adults have already been raised and combining that with the idea that more than a few will want to just get out of class, this is a waste of time. All that said, sure I support their right to walk out. Why not? It dont matter to me. It wont affect me one bit.

  • Michael Hester - 7 years ago

    You walk out you suspended the rest of the year, Seniors included. End of story.

  • Roslyn - 7 years ago

    Is there a proper time and place to be shot dead in a classroom? We the “adults “ aren’t protecting them so they’re doing what they think is best.

  • Jason Reed - 7 years ago

    I do not support these walk outs. I do support anyone’s right to protest in the proper time and place. I am sure there are many issues worthy of protest. Are we going to allow them to shut schools down for those causes also. Just like the NFL protests, I believe it is good initiative but bad judgment.

  • Frank Schlernitzaver - 7 years ago

    These clueless kids are just being used, and what is right is to defend truth and our nations Constitution! History confirms a disarmed people are an oppressed and more oft than not a doomed people. Look at european countries right now totally disarmed being overrun raped and pillaged by islamic immigrants and their governments are allowing it too- they are defenseless having been disarmed by law.

  • John Joseph Andersen - 7 years ago

    The thought that my grandchildren could be harmed at school thru means of gun violence is unacceptable ....I can only imagine what goes thru their minds each time a tragedy happens...reading, writing & arithmetic is what school days should be about...sadly it’s not...I can’t even begin to think of the burdens that we as a society have put on them...but I know this they are in some sense exhausted by these atrocities that we must simply accept as part of normal life...rubbish to that...I hope all these kids continue to stand no matter what grade level and remind us with the abibilty to do things now to change this mindset and help now...because the way I see it these kids are the leaders of tomorrow and I believe that things will change and I hope this continues to unify them and make them and all of us see enough is enough...

  • Margaret Tate - 7 years ago

    When I was in High School, we had a walk out against segregation in Maryland. We stood for what we believed in. Everyone should have the right to demonstrate for what they believe in.

  • SK - 7 years ago

    @Cyrian Nash....Have ever been taught about the history of what Hitler did to hus people? Hitler used the same tactics that the Democrats are using today by saying that we need more and more gun control law and gun bans so that the people will be safe from gun violence. And then he banned all citizens from owning guns and then turned on his people and killed millions of Jews in the Holocaust. Now today we have the Democrats who have been steadily pushing for more and more gun control laws, gun bans, ammo bans and their ultimate goal is to abolish our 2nd Amendment but what you students don't understand is that if our 2nd Amendment is successfully removed than all of Rights protected by the Constituion will be removed including Freedom of Speech and the Right to protest. Is this what you all really want!

  • SK - 7 years ago

    I don't support these walkouts because they are not just protesting against gun violence but they are protesting for more gun control, gun bans and ammo bans and none of those will stop criminals or terrorists from getting guns and committing murder. And none of these students are ever out to protest all the gun violence that happens every single day in cities like Chicago with the strictest gun control laws in the country, and all of their gun control laws and gun bans have not prevented crimiminals, drug dealers or terrorists from getting guns and shooting people daily, including kids.

  • Cyriah Nash - 7 years ago

    They should because I’m a student myself we should stand up for what is right students get the opportunity to stand up for gun violence in schools all around the world ????

  • Cyriah Nash - 7 years ago

    They should because I’m a student myself we should stand up for what is right students get the opportunity to stand up for fun violence in schools around the world.

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