Should have had a line for iocal and regional companies who bait Drivers with a 1000 a week salary then purposley stuff them with 2 or 3 loads so every day was 14 hours. Then drive an hour home and a hour back and do it all over again. Thats not the way life is supposed to work fellows. I,d drive overhours back in the day when it was my choice. Then take time off to recharge before you got sent somewhere else or home, boss would put you up in a room even if you had a sleeper. Those were good times back then.
Steven - 7 years ago
Question is misleading.
Run 6 hard days & you’re done. Need a 34.
I have plenty of opportunity to go over, but I plan my runs not to do so. Limited hours means limited time to make money, period. Time equals opportunity to make money.
Now don’t get me wrong, we still need our rest & sleep. I like not having dispatch breathing down my neck anymore & pushing. I have been described as a get it done guy. In the truck, I drive from A to B. Once done, you need to have my next one ready. I now have a long dedicated run & the office only brokers out one leg for the week. Other than that, I just keep them updated. Runs about 3000 miles in the 5.5 days.
Should have had a line for iocal and regional companies who bait Drivers with a 1000 a week salary then purposley stuff them with 2 or 3 loads so every day was 14 hours. Then drive an hour home and a hour back and do it all over again. Thats not the way life is supposed to work fellows. I,d drive overhours back in the day when it was my choice. Then take time off to recharge before you got sent somewhere else or home, boss would put you up in a room even if you had a sleeper. Those were good times back then.
Question is misleading.
Run 6 hard days & you’re done. Need a 34.
I have plenty of opportunity to go over, but I plan my runs not to do so. Limited hours means limited time to make money, period. Time equals opportunity to make money.
Now don’t get me wrong, we still need our rest & sleep. I like not having dispatch breathing down my neck anymore & pushing. I have been described as a get it done guy. In the truck, I drive from A to B. Once done, you need to have my next one ready. I now have a long dedicated run & the office only brokers out one leg for the week. Other than that, I just keep them updated. Runs about 3000 miles in the 5.5 days.