No comment just an "Amen" to Lyn. That was well put!
Lyn - 7 years ago
I absolutely think cultural appropriation is real as fuck and needs to be discussed but in this case I feel like the anger is misplaced since it always ends up being about society preferring black culture from non-black people (which is valid) rather than Bruno himself disrespecting the culture like a Miley wearing what she thinks is blackness for an album or Iggy's vocal blackface. I don't even check for him like that and even I know he has said there would be no Bruno Mars if it wasn't for what black people created. Isn't that what we always say we want non-black people to acknowledge when they do hip hop or R&B? So, then what's the issue with him as an individual if he gives credit where credit's due and has mostly black people on his team without treating them like props?
No comment just an "Amen" to Lyn. That was well put!
I absolutely think cultural appropriation is real as fuck and needs to be discussed but in this case I feel like the anger is misplaced since it always ends up being about society preferring black culture from non-black people (which is valid) rather than Bruno himself disrespecting the culture like a Miley wearing what she thinks is blackness for an album or Iggy's vocal blackface. I don't even check for him like that and even I know he has said there would be no Bruno Mars if it wasn't for what black people created. Isn't that what we always say we want non-black people to acknowledge when they do hip hop or R&B? So, then what's the issue with him as an individual if he gives credit where credit's due and has mostly black people on his team without treating them like props?