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Do you think student walkouts across the country will have an impact?

Total Votes: 1,070

  • Chelsea - 6 years ago

    Geez, I thought Nashville was a progressive city but most of the people posting here are stuck in the 1700's! No one wants to take your guns away! They just want common sense gun laws like they have in other countries, you know, where they do not have mass shootings?!? I am so proud of these kids because they will make sure the future is bright for them all with no mass shootings and actual healthcare! They are voting out the scum when they turn 18! My generation was too scared to do it and let the politicians be bought. These kids will see that change! These kids care about others and not just for themselves!

  • Come get Them - 6 years ago

    The difference in Americans and other nationalities is we are born free. Government does not own us. We have the right to defend ourselves. This is not a government that GIVES us these freedoms. It is an inalienable right. I do not need a government to tell me I am the property of the state. I would rather die fighting for my freedom than on my knees bootlicking some damned bureaucrat. It is so sad to read comments where the fools of this nation are willing to turn their God given right to be free over to damned government officials. This is not about some AR15 but about being free to state our own opinion without a government putting a bullet in our head for opposing their boot on our throats. Want my guns? Come get them!!

  • Frank Schlernitzaver - 6 years ago

    Oh I sure hope not; these are children, naive children who have not a clue, who are in gov sKools where truth is forbidden by law!

  • Larry - 6 years ago

    Just watched the news in Nashville about school walkout, man how discussing kids tearing down the American flag and stomping it really makes me feel good that's what we got to look forward to running our country, it's not the guns it's the stupid people.

  • Red - 6 years ago

    I propose a new movement. I just went and bought 2 AR15’s to show Im against it. Unlike these spoiled brats, I can vote. I vote to keep my guns and I will buy more guns just to piss the libs off. These kids are being suckered. Its not even there fault, I suppose. Young minds too young to understand anything really. Thats why they cant vote right? Thats why they cant make life altering decisions right? Thats why they cant sign a contract, get a credit card, rent a car, buy a house, marry, or anything that requires their consent right? They are young being indoctrinated by these fools who are telling them to do this. They are disgusting human pieces of bile. If they were indoctrinating them into a cult, everyone would be arm in arm talking about how these young innocent minds are being harmed, but throw an agenda that they love and all of a sudden these young kids have a right to stand up for what they believe. Double standard much?

  • Ronnie - 6 years ago

    I wish the news media wo i ld get it right. The ar-15 isn't an assault rifle, never has been. It is a civilian version of a mitary issue infantry weapon. The bow and quiver was the first high capacity magazine, rapid fire weapon. It was never named an assault weapon. The trap door rifle was the first hgh speed infantry weapon, it wasn't named assault weapon. Then the lever action , bolt action, semi automatic rifles like the m1. The m14 the most devastating weapon made for infantry, its just a hunting rifle now. Never named assault. Rifle. Only those that want to disarm its citizens make these weapons look worse than they really are. The mental health issue, school bullying is the real problem.

  • John - 6 years ago

    For all the people stating young students will not have an impact in changing policy...just remember these young students will be coming of age to vote. If parents can't be rational, hopefully these young voters will. Some of the most memorable moments in their life will be what happened before the age of 18.

  • Nancy - 6 years ago

    I find it deplorable that there are shootings in our schools. The ONLY way it is going to end is if we put an end to "GUNFREE ZONES"!!! Our students are sitting ducks as long as schools are gun free. We need to hire retired policemen or veterans, arm them and let them take care of our schools and our students. The walk-out was only a way to get out of going to school.

  • Keep Your Guns - 6 years ago

    Now that the walkout has ended who is there to protect the students? These anti-gun groups are letting schools, universities be killing fields that Chairman Mao would envy. The politicians are being bought by left wing groups funded by Soros and even our own tax dollars. NEA, National Education Association (teachers union) ., Mayors against Guns, CAIR (Muslim PAC), ACLU, and numerous other communist groups that fund these groups and politicians. They have more money to buy political votes than the NRA can ever dream of.

    It is hard to believe that half the American public is so stupid that they are willing to become sheep and government property if we are ever disarmed. They are so dumbed down that they refuse to see the facts before their eyes. Venezuela, Red China, Russia, N Korea, and numerous other disarmed societies, These governments then determine where you live, where you work, and how much you eat. If you do not like it then your only recourse is to throw rocks at your oppressors. Red China just made their leader a dictator for life and not a damned thing the people can do about it.

    It is not the guns, it is the stupidity of a people who have been so dumbed down they actually think government control of their life is a good thing. There is no form of human life lower than a politician.
    Want proof? Haslam was a member of Mayors Against Guns while Mayor of Knoxville. When Haslam decided to run for Governor he resigned that group and joined the NRA. Why? Because he knew he couldn't get elected being in favor of disarming Tennesseans. Politicians believe in NOTHING but enriching themselves. They are slime.

  • James Smith jr - 6 years ago

    The change won't be immediate, but the student walk-outs will have a direct effect in how THEY vote in the future. I'm proud of them for speaking up, in order to protect themselves and each other. From some of the comments posted here, too many adults seem to stupid to care.

  • Kids are the future - 6 years ago

    You should not be mad that the kids are walking out, you should be mad that they have to! They have a right to speak out! So proud of them doing what Americans have a right to do and what truly makes this country great! Parents should be proud of their kids, so sad to see parents putting their own kids down today for taking a stand!

  • Haywood - 6 years ago

    Back to school tomorrow kids! Play time is over

  • Frank - 6 years ago

    Maybe when the ones who left school ,or walked out whatever you want to call it are working at McDonalds because the little crybabies didnt want to act like adults they will look back and ask “gee, what if I was more dedicated to my learning?”
    Fun fact: The Columbine Massacre happened back in 99 in the middle of Bill Clintons assault weapon ban. Soon there after and slightly before that other school shootings happened. Assault weapon ban failed then and will fail again if it ever went that far. Nobody wants kids to die. Also nobody wants to be bullied and ridiculed all day every day either. You know what? Instead of targeting the weapons, you should start looking inside the schools and punishing teachers who allow bullying to happen. Kids and teachers and parents are the reason kids kill each other. Parents dont care if their kid bullies another. Teachers look the other way and these poor kids are put into a prison like environment where only the strong survive. If they are not strong it stays with them into adulthood. Most adults can remember their fifth grade bully. What happens in a prison? People shank each other. It happens all the time. I propose instead of taking weapons away or raising age limits whatever, lets start fining or jailing these bullies/enablers.

  • Nope - 6 years ago

    Nope. I dont give a shit whether they learn or not. It affects me not

  • IEATBUBBLES - 6 years ago

    I sure hope so.
    Great job students!
    Keep standing up for your right to live.
    We as adults are supposed to keep you safe, but the politicians that have their hands in the pockets of the NRA don't listen to us.
    I hope they listen to you though.
    We won't have a future without you.
    You are so special, and together, our love will bring down these domestic terrorists who have a warped take on the second ammendment, and the politicians who are just in it for the power.
    They will stop putting money before our kids!

  • Linda Timbes - 6 years ago

    The walkout is insane! People who want to kill will find a way. Taking guns from law abiding citizens is stupid. Criminals will always find a way to get guns. PEOPLE with no regard for human life,with mental illness, with a lack of upbringing are the problem! Kids today have no morals, no manners, no respect. That starts in the home! Liberals took Hod out of school & look where we are! A bunch of Tide pod eaters who probably have no clue about the gun control laws we have are out protesting so they can miss school. Crazy!

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