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  • Gilbert Zendejas - 6 years ago

    You have the wolf investigatng the hen house and it has been nothing, but a joke. The only reason it continues is in the hope that the Democrats take over the house so they can try and impeach the President.

  • Jvo - 6 years ago

    Since the left seeks to turn the U.S. into a third world shithole, those involved in this coup should meet the same fate as they would in Uganda, Argentina, or Cuba....

  • John - 6 years ago

    Deamoncrats are the ones guilty of all the scandals. Fire muller and sessions. It's time that Americans put cuffs on treasons hillary, obama, and holder.

    Deamoncrats hate America. It's time conservatives take this country back!!!

  • Sean Connery - 6 years ago

    Curdled menstrual chunks are not tasty

  • Stop wasting time and$$$$$$ - 6 years ago

    Stop wasting tax payer money. He is wasting our money when he could be helping get stuff done that’s actually important.

  • Ron W - 6 years ago

    They're doing just what Hillary Clinton's political guru advised:

    "Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion, cloud the issue, and inoculate voters against any evidence of your guilt." --Saul Alinsky

  • Gertrude - 6 years ago

    I am a brain-dead liberal....

  • BigWild - 6 years ago

    The IG report will this the FBI wide open.

  • Dave Joyce - 6 years ago

    He should be fired. But not by Trump. Let him self destruct. The longer he goes on the worse he looks. If Mueller wants to self-immolate, let him.

  • Daffy Duck - 6 years ago

    At the very least Rosenstein must set boundaries for the investigation. The trump org is way out of bounds

  • Osi Winston Mixer - 6 years ago

    Of course he should fire him. That's a no brainer just like Mueller. Mueller received plenty of money on the Uranium One kickback, and now he is moving so slow like a constipated old fart who's shit can't come out, because he knows he benefited from the illegal transaction. He is grabbing every thing in his path to throw at Trump, and if Trump has the power, and authority to fire him, what is he waiting for? If Trump ever created a panel of advisers who could actually create a law that could investigate the DOJ, Trump would go down as one of the greatest presidents in history. The DOJ can not investigate DOJ. That would stipulate self incrimination, and we all know that Mueller, Hillary, and Obama are all guilty.

  • Pepe Lives Mattrr - 6 years ago

    It's time for the 'Muh Russia' meme needs to stop.

  • Joe - 6 years ago

    We need a Solution to Liberalism. We should start by firing mueller and supporting our Leader DJT! MAGA!!!

  • Dan Harden - 6 years ago

    The army of the right is with the potus. Never fear a socialcrat, lets work to remove the criminal regime of Obama once and for all.
    America does not need a rogue government! "We the People" are the Government and should require absolute obedience to the Constitution of the United States.
    A warning to all you men and women who sit in elected seats in Washington DC. An think you are chosen to make or change law according to your selfwill are going to have a rude awakening.
    Your job as mere representatives of the people is to represent priorities and the will of "we the people". At no time are you empowered to change or alter the Constitution of the United States. This document restricts and binds you in self power.
    An to the supreme court of the United States, you have one duty to fulfill. An that duty is to weigh any case or argument as to its validity under constitutional restraint. If said case or argument does not pass this restraint, the case or argument is null and void.
    So wake up America and stop the false representation in your states and Washington DC.

  • Sam - 6 years ago

    Mueller's noose is tightening around the neck of the crooked Trumps as we speak. There will be no escape. Sorry, boys and girls.

  • Deeks - 6 years ago

    Mueller has nothing but bogus obstruction. He wants to get fired so all hell would break loose and the whole constitutional crisis thing with possible impeachment bs.

  • Frank - 6 years ago

    We all know that the president donates his paycheck he doesn't even take a check whatever Trump does as president it is been cheaper than Obama ever did everybody knows it so quit trying to say it's a thing

  • Dave - 6 years ago

    How stupid are the Republicans that they allowed an open ended investigation, with no end date? No common sense! Yes, it is time to impeach or end this investigation!

  • Jon - 6 years ago

    Give Mueller an ultimatum. Tell him he must update the American people on the status of his investigation in 60 days. His investigation started on the concern of Russian interference in the election coordinated with the Trump campaign, A.K.A. collusion. Mueller must state he believes there was or was not Trump campaign collusion with Russia. If Mueller says he believes there was collusion, with the exception of process crimes, all non-collusion crimes found during the investigation will be pardoned if no collusion is ultimately found. Mueller will then have an additional 10 months to complete his investigation. If Mueller believes there was not collusion and wants to prosecute any other crimes found during the investigation he must terminate the investigation and move forward with prosecution. Trump should privately tell Mueller this ultimatum and publicly announce it at the 30 day mark. This will give Mueller time to set up plea deals without loosing leaverage. Also pardons will be given at Trump's discretion, since people may use the ultimatum as a free-get-out-jail-card for serious crimes that are unrelated and unnecessarily voluteered.

  • Ernie Kotsos - 6 years ago

    Thanks Matt Drudge! One of my true heroes. President Trump is also a breath of fresh air. Mueller doesn't understand that people that love Trump don't care if he is a criminal. He's on our side and you are weakening the Presidency of this fine nation. For appearances sake, Trump would score huge points with his fans and then any subsequent impeachment would be squashed. For what it's worth, Russia is Russia. Anyone that reads Russian literature knows that Russians stopped Hitler and deeply care about the Homeland. I say VODKA for everyone! Fire Mueller!

  • R Coward - 6 years ago

    Enough of this garbage. Shut Mueller down.

  • Randy - 6 years ago

    FIRE and Investigation into Mueller's role in uranium asset sale to Russia in 2010

  • Pontus - 6 years ago

    Fire all the politician criminals in DC.

  • Ingrid - 6 years ago

    Funny how conservatives are so concerned about the coat of this investigation. Yet no complaints about Trump's golf outings, which cost what? Fifty times as much? Great to see that golf outings are worth more to you than truth, justice, or the nation you claim to love.

  • A.C. - 6 years ago

    No need to fire him, the pawns are starting to fall, soon nothing left to save the Queen then the King falls ...Thanks "Q" the future predicts the past.... right on schedule

  • Jason S. - 6 years ago

    Not only should he fire Mueller but completely disband and eradicate the FBI and at least ten other useless government agencies.

  • Richard - 6 years ago

    Jessica are you a brain-dead liberal?

  • Bernie Voter - 6 years ago

    the bogus RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA theme being pushed by the Clinton campaign is exactly the same as the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA theme being pushed by Twitter and Facebook, and it is the same as the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA theme being pushed by the British Prime Minister.

    All three are the same false flag being waved because the neocons and Never-Trumpers desperately want the war with Russia that Hillary Clinton was supposed to give them over Ukraine.

    We all know that the Bush and Blair governments lied their way into the war with Iraq. It's extremely important to make sure that the US and British people do not permit their governments to get away with the same damn thing with Russia. Remember, there is stupid, really stupid, and war with Russia stupid

  • Don Touchton - 6 years ago

    Of course. He should have been fired the day he was hired. If he does not there will be no end to his mischief. If Congress had appointed him it would be a different story. But the deep state has weaponized the justice and intelligence communities. FIRE THE POLITICIZED SOB.

  • Miami CA - 6 years ago

    Send all the dems/liberals/commies to cuba, isn't that what they would like to have here, go over there and be happy. Leave is alone, we got away from communism and now you want to bring it here

  • Thomas - 6 years ago

    Janice are you a brain-dead liberal?

  • Steve - 6 years ago

    I like Trump. I don’t think he should fire Mueller.

  • Frank - 6 years ago

    I find it very interesting that the entire world knows exactly what Hillary Clinton did and we are all surprised that she didn't get a single charge nobody knows what Trump did he's had a special investigation for a year nobody knows anything probably because there's nothing to find nobody that's been indicted from the White House has anything to do with Russian collusion

  • Jessica - 6 years ago

    Bury your head a little deeper in the sand, conservatives. You're in for a rude awakening. Can't run from facts forever.

  • Steve - 6 years ago

    I like Trump. I don’t think he should fire Trump.

  • Dfoxy9 - 6 years ago

    Fire mueller , save the tax payers some money, try and get some of the money mueller got paid for wasting our time back

  • Kaznats - 6 years ago

    Thank Muller for vindicating him of Russian collusion and said his work is now completed. Then tell Rosenstein to fire him and if he refuses, fire them both.

  • NK - 6 years ago

    He shouldn't fire him. I am in favor of McCabe getting fired but when you stick it in the face of these FBI, CIA, DOJ guys, they use their contacts to go after you. Trump should stay quiet but put pressure on Sessions to open a 2nd Special Investigation into FBI, FISA, Clinton. By doing that, it would most likely involve Mueller at some point considering he was the Director of the FBI during the Uranium One scandal. Once pressure is put on him Mueller might lay off and they nullify each other. If Trump fires Mueller, you can kiss the midterm elections goodbye, which kills any chance of getting things done. You can probably kiss re-election goodbye. And most likely he would be under massive pressure by a democratic house to be impeached.

  • Chaz - 6 years ago

    I love the hypocrisy and how the double standard left piles on to the only guy that's been right in nearly 40 years since Reagan...
    A bunch of morons with nothing better to do!

  • Christopher - 6 years ago

    Wendy are you a brain-dead liberal?

  • Cool nt - 6 years ago

    Trump is crushing it. What a patriot and civil rights warrior. Time for Mueller to fold like the liberal scum he is!

  • Janice - 6 years ago

    I see a nice, comfy prison cell in Trump's future. Don Jr, too. And Jared. And Ivanka. Good riddance!

  • Nick M - 6 years ago

    Mueller should be arrested for obstruction and thrown in prison with the Clinton's.

  • Paul - 6 years ago

    Trump is a traitor to his country. Hmmm... What's the punishment for treasonous again?

  • Jerry - 6 years ago

    Totally Love how the Drudge haters are spending their Saturday night studying all the Good making America Great again with Tje Drudge Lovers!! You can stay with us. Everyone needs friends and we feel for you!!!

  • Buck Turgenson - 6 years ago

    Hey left scum. WE won. YOU lost. Get used to seeing Trumps face until January 2025, when President Pence is sworn in. If you can't deal with it, kill yourselves.

  • Jonathan Dough - 6 years ago

    Sally are you a brain-dead liberal?

  • Michael - 6 years ago

    Mueller shoulds keep his investigation open but should turn his attention to Hillary Clinton and the DNC as there is actual physical evidence that they worked with the Russians both on the dossier and he should also I investigate the Russian lawyer they used to try and set up the Trump campaign.

  • CNTDF - 6 years ago

    Congress just needs to defund Mueller's investigation, now that the intel comminity has closed their investigation. This is the way to end it without Trump or Sesssions having to do anything.

  • Gertrude - 6 years ago

    Go ahead and force out Mueller. All those sealed indictments against Trump and his cronies will simply be unsealed. You can't win this, Trump. You might as well just confess and resign.

  • Moi - 6 years ago

    Don't just fire Mueller, arrest and hang him for treason and leave his corpse to feed the birds as a warning to the rest of the treasonous deep state trash.

  • jay - 6 years ago

    fire his lousy treasonous arse

  • Miami CA - 6 years ago

    Fire him, literally, or better yet, send him to cuba. He will kill himself

  • Brandon - 6 years ago

    It's been 2 years Sally. The only thing that is coming to light is these conspiracy theorists are insane.

  • Hehehe commies in their jammies sad! - 6 years ago

    You liberal mo fos so butt hurt lol

  • Sally - 6 years ago

    Trump is a treasonous snake. Deny it all you want, but the truth will come to light.

  • Steve Paul - 6 years ago

    should have happened a long time ago, this investigation was a set up to find a crime or gather evidence to impeach at some point. It was started under false pretenses by Comey and others. they knew damn well there was no Russian collusion with the trump campaign (they were spying on them the whole time so if it was there we would have heard about it 14 months ago, they've been on a fishing expedition from the start in search of a reason to oust him.
    the only reason he has not been fired is because of the lying to the general public from the main stream media working with the co-conspirators trying to overthrow the president. they have been broadcasting everything and anything to they can to mislead the uninformed general public.

  • Frank Hufnagle - 6 years ago

    As President Nixon said, "one year of Watergate is enough".
    End it.

  • jay - 6 years ago

    Why do liberals ALWAYS support the criminals. And Mueller is a criminal lawyer

  • Chris Cha - 6 years ago

    Don't fire Mueller. Appoint another special counsel to investigate him and the corrupt officials at the FBI, DOJ, and State Department.

  • BigWild - 6 years ago

    Jeff Sessions is responsible for all the garbage that is happening to President Trump.

    Sessions just resign already.

  • z - 6 years ago

    Why do you Russ-publicans hate America?

  • Drudge - 6 years ago

    Matt Drudge is a homo who has all you crackers bent over his propaganda barrel and loving it as he reems you up the ass.

  • Jason - 6 years ago

    Money laundering. Obstruction of justice. Computer crimes. Conspiracy against the U.S. If Trump finishes his first term, I'll eat Drudge's fedora.

  • Brandon - 6 years ago

    All dems have is their tired old "half a brain" and "hillbilly" jokes. No wonder people say the left can't meme. They're basically San Fran liberals who tell low-effort jokes and smell each others farts all day. This is why Trump won in the first place, and their perpetual rage is the most satisfying part of it.

  • Wendy - 6 years ago

    Face it. Trump is going down as he should

  • SJ - 6 years ago

    How jealous are all the soy boys in the media, and both parties of Trump lol .. They can’t handle it. #MAGAAGAIN

  • Steve B. - 6 years ago

    I agree - those that think Trump is guilty do have half a brain.

  • Drudge - 6 years ago

    Matt Drudge is a homo who has all you crackers bent over his propaganda barrel and loving it as he reems you up the ass.

  • Joshua - 6 years ago

    Lots of comments from delusional Trump supporters, I see. You're on the wrong side of history, bozos.

  • JM - 6 years ago

    Fire Him,
    In my approx 24 years as a police officer I learned that you’ll rarely get two attorneys / Lawyers to agree on anything! Including the law even when there on the same side. Then at the end of the day there all having drinks together and the judges are right there with em. They all claim they want the truth, but only if it supports there version of how they want things to end!,

    Yep Fire Him! We don’t need another special investigation,,,! We just need an honest no nonsense AG to prosecute the criminals & a honest judge to preside over the case with a real jury made up of real Americans.

  • Sean D - 6 years ago

    This whole thing is a farse. An investigation in search of a crime. Mueller and all these other orgs have had their chance. Show your cards! End this. And if they have nothing to show, then Trump should call their bluff and pull the gun away from his head. Fire Mueller!!! Let’s see then try and impeach Trump for exercising his authority under the constitution. He would love it. I would love it. Dershowitz would love it lol!

  • American Girl - 6 years ago

    Fire the creep. It’s all a scam. We know Comey and Hillary and Obama are the real criminals. Go after them instead. Deep State’s occupation is over. Free America!

  • Steve - 6 years ago


    MAGA Libtards! Eat it!!

  • Blackwoman - 6 years ago

    I voted for him to fire him because that will be the end of Trump. All of you who think otherwise are crazy. That red line that Trump talked about is also a red line for the Republican party. They will turn on him and ask for his resignation. Remember, they have Pense locked away in a bunker safe and sound and ready.

  • Don - 6 years ago

    The wretched Mueller figure is nothing short of repulsive in both appearance & purpose. I have fully supported the president at every turn & believe the entire media narrative against him is bogus & unmerited; however, firing mueller is a snare & precisely what they want him to do. Be patient as other critical dominoes fall in succession to events of the last few weeks & set the stage for the revelation of unprecedented subterfuge at the highest level in fed gov't squarely perpetrated by the demoRat machine.

  • Charlie Kingston - 6 years ago

    Even if Trump is totally innocent, firing Mueller would make him look guilty as hell. We'd be screaming from every mountain top if a President Hillary fired a special counsel investigating her.

  • Brandon - 6 years ago

    Trump is obviously innocent. All the evidence is imagined conjecture, and all the "convictions" they have are for completely unrelated events. Collusion is a crack-pot fantasy inline with flat-earthers. It's time to grow up and accept reality.

  • Ed - 6 years ago

    Re: Steve
    Half a brain?
    You've just excluded 90% of the hillbillies who've commented here.

  • betsy - 6 years ago

    Trump and his family are going to rot in prison where they belong. Sorry to disappoint you, Drudge readers.

  • AR-15 - 6 years ago

    It’s obvious that Hillary and the (((deep state))) wanted a war with Russia and to smear Trump with false charges post-election. These (((traitors))) need to be eliminated.

  • tfann50 - 6 years ago

    It is an illegitimate investigation without predicate and VIOLATES the RECUSAL code of ethics in that it does NOT maintain the appearance of impartiality.

    The investigation should be dissolved on its face value and due to FBI corruption (Comey, McCabe, Page, Strozk, Priestap, & Ohr) and Mueller & company should be shut down ASAP.

    Rod Rosenstein, by virtue of installing Mueller, should be fired for attempting to undermine a legitimate Presidency. Fire Rosenstein when there is a replacement that will shut Mueller down after he/she assumes position.

    The President should NOT do it.

  • Connie - 6 years ago

    OBAMA was the worst president EVER !!! He hates this country!
    Thank God for TRUMP MAGAAGAIN!!!
    Hoot hoot!

  • Mike - 6 years ago

    This whole investigation is based on a dossier that Hillary Clinton paid for. Nobody gave it credibility. Not even John Kerry. However, liberals and deranged NeverTrumpers (like John McCain) pushed it like it had credibility. Think about it. The D.C. establishment does not want an outsider like Trump shaking things up.

  • John - 6 years ago

    Trump should not fire him, Rosenstein should. Pressure needs to be brought on Rosenstein that any findings will most likely be dismissed anyway, since the whole investigation is based on a politically paid for lie to disparage Trump. It's like a police officer arresting a guilty criminal, and not reading him his rights. It won't stick. Right now, it is just a waste of Taxpayer money. Mueller is now in such a hurry to try to find anything, because a second special counsel could wind up finding him dirty in the Uranium One mess. They are now very afraid. Sessions needs to grow a pair, unrecuse himself, and get a handle on his department, or HE needs to be fired as well.

  • Steve - 6 years ago

    Trump is guilty as sin. It's obvious to anyone with half a brain.

  • Omar Becerra - 6 years ago

    For the demorats out there who say oh if Trump has nothing to hide he should just let it proceed. Right and there is no such thing as corruption in our government! You are a lame as worthless sheep! Jump off a cliff!

  • Douglas A Brasse - 6 years ago

    Fire him

  • Laura - 6 years ago

    No, it shouldn't be shut down. If he didn't do anything wrong, then he has nothing to worry about. If he did, then he should have to face the consequences. It's not a partisan issue, it's an American one. If he was working with the Russians to subvert our democracy and elections, that should bring out the patriotism in ALL true Americans, and be condemned by all. If he's not a criminal, then he shouldn't worry and attack everyone for doing their jobs. It really is that easy.

  • FREDERICK LANE - 6 years ago


  • Dan - 6 years ago

    Now more than ever enough.

  • Manny - 6 years ago

    I'm looking forward to the Manafort trial. I just wonder how it will turn out.

  • Jimmie - 6 years ago

    Mueller investigation should never been authorized. It all started on FISA warrents obtained with false information

  • Regular American - 6 years ago

    The Jew endgame is white genocide. Even if Trump removes a pawn, the (((deep state))) has more pieces on the board. Stock up on arms and ammo.

  • Ed - 6 years ago

    On behalf of all the American's who are able to think...."Thank you Mr. Mueller.

  • Bethany - 6 years ago

    This whole thing is such a horrible waste of tax payer money. I’m beyond pissed about that as well as the fact that they have dragged the president and so many other innocent people through this farce of an investigation.

  • FU Obama in your mandals - 6 years ago

    Obama and Clinton will rot in hell and so will all their cronies

  • Andrew - 6 years ago

    The whole investigation was to be about collusion with Russia. On Trump's side, they found none. On the DNC/Hillary's side, they have ignored it. Now Mueller is truly on a fishing expedition, and he appears to be putting his own 'golden reputation' that we have heard so much about, above US interests. He is just embarrassed that he can't find anything on Trump. He actually should be happy that Trump is the only non-corrupt person around, which doesn't include him. Fire him, and then investigate him for his many illegal activities as FBI head, including the uranium deal.

  • John Meade - 6 years ago

    Mueller had his opportunity, and then some, to investigate possible collusion. Time to shut this shit show down NOW! Bad for optics? What's new??

  • Dave - 6 years ago

    Fire the S.O.B. this is a witch hunt, we all know it....

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