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Total Votes: 818,652

  • Dave - 6 years ago

    Mueller himself has committed so many crimes he was desperate to find something on Trump.

    Now that he has failed to do so, the tables will quickly turn onto the crimes of George Mueller.
    He is a deep state operative that has attempted to slow our president from draining the swamp he
    is part of.

  • Liz - 6 years ago

    Stop wasting our tax dollars Meuller! Drain this disgusting swamp

  • Herkluvr - 6 years ago

    Let him finish the investigation. If there is no proven collusion, then have him investigate all those who claim there is, and prosecute the living hell out of them. And that includes Hillary and all the other so called experts.

  • Micoz - 6 years ago

    Mueller ought to be fired because everything he does now is what is known as "the rotten fruit of a rotten tree," in legal parlance. The corruption and bias of those chasing Trump and those who demanded, screamed and orgasmed for this stupid investigation is all based on rotten lies.

    However the politics of the situation infer that if Trump fires Mueller to stop the crooked investigation, it is likely to be a huge campaign issue. Given the highly slanted nature of most American media, I'm not sure Trump can win the people over.

    If Democrats take the Congress next year, he'll be a dead duck. Why? Because liberals don't give a damn about what is Constitutional, legal, or even right. They play ruthlessly to win...and they are ready to destroy America to do it.

  • FU Obama and Clinton - 6 years ago

    Hope you rot in hell with all your minions

  • Ricky Vaughn - 6 years ago

    Ricky Vaughn lives!

  • Ekim Victor - 6 years ago

    No need to fire Mueller. Whatever he finds as a result of ill-gotten FISA cannot be used. There will be no plea deals and no convictions. Crap investigation.

  • James Howlett - 6 years ago

    Please do NOT fire Mueller. That’s exactly what they want. Mueller is corrupt and will probably try to bring an indictment to impeach Trump, but you’ve got the House. Stay strong, Mr. President. You’ve got the people!

  • Steve - 6 years ago


    It’s time to end this DEFLECTION the Demotard schemers have put the country through. If I had it my way... “KILL ALL LEFTISTS” would be chanted in every school in the nation and Leftism would be EXTINCT.

    Just imagine a country where we could all be on the same page, and our fellow WHITES were not race traitors, selling us and themselves out.

    It’s just about time for Civil War.....

  • Flyover Phred - 6 years ago

    Trump has legal authority to deal with the treasonous leftists in government.

  • MPC Dot Com - 6 years ago

    Go here for truth:

  • Trump voter 1 - 6 years ago

    Mueller will release what he has when its required, meaning if he believes he's in danger of being fired. Until then he's building his case, let it happen & allow it to finish.

  • Ed - 6 years ago

    Drudge is asking it's readers if Mueller should be fired? Really?
    That's like asking Fox News viewers if Pfizer should lower the price of Viagra.

  • David A - 6 years ago

    I am disgusted at Mueller’s investigation as it has drifted dramatically off course. I also think he is covering his own rear end. Once the IG comes out with his report there needs to be a second special counsel appointed to investigate the real crimes. There is something really smelly!!!

  • John - 6 years ago

    It is obvious Mueller knew all about the dossier paid and bought for by Hillary. He is a decieptive sleaze ball. He should be be fired and thenbecome the object of yet another investigation. Chalk it all up to the fake news who said he was above reproach. Just another reason to turn off CNN.

  • Zoso99 - 6 years ago

    Hey, Trumptards: If Trump is innocent, what you worried about? The answer lies deep in your hearts knowing he is soooo guilty. Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave knowing how weak Trump is on Russia.

  • Lerona Jenkins - 6 years ago

    Shut it down!

  • Sporelick - 6 years ago

    George is correct. In order to empanel a Special Prosecutor, there must be identified crime(s) to prosecute. The function is not to look for crimes, but to prosecute specific crime(s). During discovery, other crimes may be identified and prosecuted. There was NO crime for Mueller to prosecute.

  • T. Corbeau - 6 years ago

    Everyone here sounds like like they must have had multiple lobotomies. The ignorance and venom contained in these comments can take your breath away but unfortunately seem to be widespread and growing. It's the lowest common denominator of idiocy on its way to once and for all destroy this country from within. Should it succeed, then good riddance to purify the universe.

  • Sam Hyde - 6 years ago

    The Jews will never stop. They want you dead, your children raped and they think it’s funny. Wake up white man.

  • George Davey - 6 years ago

    No collusion, investigation over. You're fired.

  • Thor Gustafson - 6 years ago

    The morons who buy into the Russia BS to a man don't deserve citizenship. They are dishonest, corrupt, idiotic, or some subhuman combination thereof.

  • William Geoghegan - 6 years ago

    facebook = photos for my fam. I have never, not ONCE, clicked on a side add in facebook and I never will. It is a tool to keep in touch with people I like/love. If it weren't there, I'd resort to email or... :gasp: calling. Its the convenience and nothing more. If anything, I would argue facebook is a troll for the left.

    So please, mueller, quite with the obvious shenanigans and go home.

  • Kent - 6 years ago

    Give him two weeks to finish, then fire him. Enough of this harassment and waste of money.

  • George Davey - 6 years ago

    No collusion, investigation over. You're fired.

  • Aaron Sleezy - 6 years ago

    I’m surprised are (((elites))) haven’t shut this poll down.

  • Mueller is the dems bitch - 6 years ago

    the dems hate Americans
    Civil war is a brewing
    The quiet ones ..aren’t gonna take this much longer

  • Edword - 6 years ago

    This absurd, partisan investigation has become the most outrageous abuse of prosecutorial power in memory. I've never seen anything like it and the president has every right to shut it down.

  • Frank Newton - 6 years ago

    As soon as the New Prosecutor, going after the Real Witch, HELLary, is appointed,
    Trump should immediately fire the guy running the fake Witch Hunt.
    It amaze me that Mueller could run a witch hunt, when there was so much evidence of the crimes of the Real witch

  • Phids - 6 years ago

    No. Let this circus play out, or else the media narrative for the rest of history will be about how Trump was so corrupt he fired the person investigating him. Further, more special counsel need to be appointed to investigate the Obama FISA issue and possibly other issues.

  • Mark Spicher - 6 years ago

    America should require this investigation to stop. Present the evidence you have now Mr. Mueller and walk away. I see evidence of Democrat/Russia collusion will this be presented? Are you investigating this? Your mandate was to follow this wherever it leads. Have you? This reeks of vendetta

  • anon - 6 years ago

    Let the investigation run its course, and when mueller and his goons find nothing, claw back the taxpayer money they squandered. Take their houses, their bank accounts, their cars and the very shirts off their backs.

  • M D - 6 years ago

    Trump wants this investigation shut down as he should. He has plenty to hide and doesn’t want it to come to light. He’ll go down in the history books as the biggest stain on the US.

  • Matt - 6 years ago

    The probe is bullsh!t. However, if Trump fires Mueller then it provides a way for lefties to save face. Instead of lefties lying/spinning the conclusions of the probe (that will inevitably turn up nothing)--they will be able to say if it weren't for Mueller's firing, then the probe would have turned up something substantial; and the fact that Trump fired Mueller is evidence that Trump is hiding something. This is how these liars think.

  • Gregory - 6 years ago

    Give Mueller until April 1st or fire everyone. Clean house. Drain the swamp, fire hundreds of people if necessary. Signal your seriousness by accepting applicatiins for new leadership at the CIA, FBI, DOJ, IRS, the Spooks and in your own Cabinet. Make it known that the investigatory powers are securely in your hands and the deep state and every politician and media member who are involved in the anarchy agaist Ameruca will soon face the Constitution head on, like it or not, here comes sweeping Justice!

  • Cleveland1776 - 6 years ago

    Fire dirty SOB and all his cohorts. See ya suckers. Trump train running over your a**

  • Ace Jackson - 6 years ago

    Keep it going... DT gets things done while the dems are on a witch hunt. Brilliant maneuver. Greatest President in my lifetime.

  • Bob - 6 years ago

    So McCabe took notes while talking to Trump....LOL He Got fired for lying so who is going to believe him but liberals and they will say anything to further their agenda. Go Trump go!

  • G - 6 years ago

    Mueller is up to his eyeballs in 911
    Find out the trutb
    Where did the buildings go
    Top secret syper weapon
    Ck out Dr Judy Brown - you tube

  • Phillip Huff - 6 years ago

    These taxpayer unlimited funding witch hunts need some parameters laid down that require exacting results or a penalty be placed on Mueller removing that unlimited money status. Results or lose funding. No one else would get paid that kind of money for not producing results.

  • Jonas - 6 years ago

    Obama, Clinton, comey,Lynch,holder,Maccabe and on and on .... all the dems LIE and CHEAT I’m so tucking sick of them getting away with everything!!

  • B - 6 years ago

    What exactly is the target of this investigation again? Looks to me like Mueller is just fishing. Anything he comes across has no bearing on why this investigation was opened in the first place. Manafort, Flynn, Papadopulous and 13 Russians... yet there is nothing that indicates any collusion/ conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign. #TimesupMueller

  • Paul Wyatt - 6 years ago

    No. Another Special Prpsecutor should be appointed to investigate the obvious involvement of the Obama Adminiastrations abuses of the FISA Warrant process and the unmasking. In addition, a third SP to investigate the Clinton Crime Family. Whatever the result of Mueller’s sham against President Trump it pales with the target rich environment that is the Socialist Cabal.

  • Pete - 6 years ago

    Mueller is highly compromised He was fbi director when they discovered the Russian intrusion into buying USA uranium and kickbacks bribes and corruption and then let Hillary approve sale to Russia for big Clinton foundation kickback. Why is mueller not being brought up to testify ??

  • Shawn the Gentile - 6 years ago

    McCabe testimony to Mueller is like two reporters interviewing each other and calling it news. Mueller investigates Trump financing with DB prior to being president. Mueller obviously can’t find what he wanted. Axe him and immediately fire all Killary hacks in Justice and FBI.

  • Mike - 6 years ago

    Mueller is a crook, just like Comey, McCabe, the Clintons, Obama, Clapper, Brennan, and many others. Get rid of Mueller. He is pure poison.

  • Tarkenton Thompson - 6 years ago

    Nixon fired the Special Counsel, and it ended his Presidency. Let Mueller finish. He has nothing. If by chance he creates something, Trump will prevail. I'm 100% confident of this.

  • Bobert - 6 years ago

    How about we start future prosecutions with an investigation into a declared crime? Not just go looking for any and all possible crimes. And let's end this nonsense that one party is not allowed to lie to the other but the other can lie all day to them. If that's the only way you can get a prosecution, then you either aren't competent or there shouldn't have been a prosecution in the first place. And this over charging people with everything but the kitchen sink and then letting them make a deal if they play nice is also a racket. The FBI needs to look at itself and clean up it's own act before they pretend they have the credibility to accuse others. The real obstruction of justice was committed by the FBI.

  • BarbB - 6 years ago

    As much as I think the investigation is a witch hunt waste of money, Trump should let it run its course. Either that, or he should get rid of Sessions and put someone in place that doesn't recuse themself. Then, if that person decides to fire Mueller, whatever... If Trump does it directly, it will be construed as an admission of guilt (even though there is nothing there). Let the left keep wasting money and looking corrupt. It's what they do best.

  • Dave In Alabama - 6 years ago

    Remember, Comey was fired on the recommendation of Rosenstein and Sessions to President Trump, who then fired him. THEN, Rosenstein appoints a special counsel for what? Firing Comey? Collusion with Russians, which isn't a crime? General Flynn loses his house on a process crime. Paul Manafort, not even a friend of Trump but someone who was hired to work on his campaign for a few months, now face the rest of his LIFE in jail for things he did that had NOTHING to do with Trump? The whole thing is out of control and a grave injustice. END IT NOW!

    Like it or not, Trump won. The people have spoken. Try again in four years but the Mueller investigation is just hurting people.

  • Matt Tree - 6 years ago

    The media would have a field day if he is fired but would that really be so bad, they already despise Trump, his supporters & his plans so, nothing would really change. Muller is burning through money & resources for partisan interests & the whole sorry saga is nothing more than a distraction to shield REAL corruption.

  • LoL - 6 years ago

    Fire his ass, if he has something he will have to disclose it at this point.
    If anything is exist to this point it will then be known.

  • Bryguy - 6 years ago

    I agree with most of the folks in this poll. Why in the world would we want to continue with an investigation into the Russian attack on American democracy. It's much more important to get on our knees and lick Trumps balls. Let's get to lickin' folks!

  • Johnny - 6 years ago

    Yep fire the snake

  • John McNamara - 6 years ago

    Just do it!

  • Frank Allegro - 6 years ago

    It looks like McCabe is trying to organize a revolt against Trump.Fox News reports tonight " Fired McCabe kept notes on Trump, as Comey did, and gave them to Special Counsel Mueller.Rep. Mark Pocan, a Wisconsin Democrat, on Saturday extended a job offer to McCabe so that he could reach is length of service and get his retirement benefits.

    "Andrew McCabe’s firing makes it clear that President Trump is doing everything he can to discredit the FBI," Pocan said. "My offer of employment to Mr. McCabe is a legitimate offer to work on election security."

    McCabe released a statement Friday night suggesting his firing was part of the Trump administration's "war on the FBI." Is McCabe wanting to start a CIVIL WAR? If so he will find it! Bring it on!!

    There is so much proof how crooked the Democrats Deep State and Obama administration is and Mueller is not even looking at that aspect. All one way against TRUMP.

    Now a crooked lawyer and a prostitute stripper they dug up from 13 years ago are going on Fake News CBS?? Bring it on McCabe!! Real Americans have President Trumps BACK! By the way, we are keeping our GUNS as the Constitution calls for citizens protecting themselves against a crooked Government still running buy Obama's holdovers in the crooked Deep State agencies.

  • John Woodrow - 6 years ago

    I voted "no" merely because termination of Mueller would be interpreted by some as indicating that Trump is guilty of something, so the optics would be bad. But actually the special counsel's investigation has drug on long enough without any having uncovered the slightest evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to interfere with the election. That was Mueller's mandate - it was not a general warrant to investigate anyone and everything ever associated with Trump, Flynn, Manafort, etc. -- Mueller on his own should wrap it up and shut it down.

  • Patsy - 6 years ago

    Love you Trump!! ❤️ Thank you for saving us
    So pissed that Obama was ever elected he nearly destroyed our great country

  • david - 6 years ago

    This charade has gone on long enough, end it.

  • Paul - 6 years ago

    I hated seeing photos of Obama, then Hillary. Now it's that bitchy resting face Mueller.

  • Coach - 6 years ago

    Nope. Wait until the Inspector Generals report comes out and then the Congress the Senate and the public will demand it!!! This is Chess, not checkers!!!

  • Spud - 6 years ago

    Trump should not. Rod Rosenstein should, however.

  • Girard - 6 years ago

    A waste of taxpayer dollars!

  • Eric B - 6 years ago

    The whole investigation is based on FBI lies & corruption. The FBI was so indebted to Hillary Clinton that it was impossible for them to say NO to the Devil ! & now look where they are, trying desperately to save their own asses from the fire ! Good luck ! Hopefully mueller won’t try to hide the dirty facts that he’s uncovered about his partners in crime because I’m pretty sure that is also a crime .. what a mess . Glad our President is trying to weed these thugs out ! God bless our President !

  • brett - 6 years ago

    Fire The Traitor, The answer to 1984 is 1776 !!!!! Liberty or Death !!!!!

  • J - 6 years ago

    Trust God because He put Trump in the Whitehouse and He holds all of these things in His hands

  • Lee Cary - 6 years ago

    We've had enough of this nonsense. It's gone one far too long. It's damaging, by distraction, the nation. E

    End it. Now!

  • Avi R - 6 years ago

    Fire him. If someone in the private sector didn't produce anything of substance at work for a year... Forget that - after two weeks - they would be fired! Even for government this is absurd!

  • Johnathon - 6 years ago

    If it's a swamp critter, fire it! St. Patrick's Day massacre. Do it Mr. President.

  • Mark Breza - 6 years ago

    He could save us the trouble and just hang himself !

  • Jody - 6 years ago

    I see all the summer fags from The Donald reddit are all over this poll.

  • Rzzzz - 6 years ago

    With all the info coming out about Obama's spying on the Trump campaign using the fake dossier, funded by the Hillary campaign, as an impetus, it is obvious this whole "investigation" is a corrupt and treasonous attempt to undermine the will of the voters by the Deep State and the Democrats, with the aid of the corrupt media. All of these elitists did not want Trump in office because he is not "in the club". Thank God the military stayed out of it or there may have a been a coup and a potential civil war. The leftist are counting on us, the patriots, to lose our resolve. They are trying to wear us down with the constant attacks and lies, not only about our president but about us who voted for him. Its time to throw down, to end this scam and let the cards fall where they may. The end result needs to be jail time for interfering in an election, FISA abuse and treason. The offenders are Obama,Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Rice, Brennan, Clapper and many, many more. We have to take this where it goes, to save our country and to make sure that the left never tries to steal an election again.

  • James Myers - 6 years ago

    yes it is time to end this investigation . Not one vote was changed and the reason for the investigation was because Hillary lost.

  • Travis - 6 years ago

    Mueller is doing his job. He is the head of special counsel in the russia probe. He is required to investigate all options

  • T D - 6 years ago

    “Mr Mueller, the 80’s called and wants its investigation back”

  • Tad Ghost Hole - 6 years ago

    Fire Mueller, it's time to end the cult medias worship of Mueller as grand wizard of the faux resistance. No one voted for any of these corrupt officials yet they want to lecture us about interference with elections. America voted for Trump too bad. Also where's the special counsel to investigate the Harvard report that 5 million illegals voted in the election?? Or a probe into Obamas collusion for telling illegals you have a right to be heard and vote in the election weeks before. Or Vatican collision for being told by the pope that trump isn't Christian. Or Chinese collusion for their president telling us we can't have trump as our president. All of this to undermine the only legitimate president this country has had since JFK

  • William Wilson - 6 years ago

    End it now. Pretend is not a game for adults.

  • James Myers - 6 years ago

    yes it is time to end this investigation . Not one vote was changed and the reason for the investigation was because Hillary lost.

  • Oneirishman - 6 years ago

    This investigation was started because of hysterical claims of collusion, none happened, end it. Obviously, Obama weaponized American intelligence to spy on political opponents, let see a special council investigate that accusation.

  • JonathAn - 6 years ago

    The house needs to pull Mueller off of the case that is the most politically correct way that it can be done and it won't bring any harm to Trump

  • Shas - 6 years ago

    Investigation has gone on long enough and produced little if nothing. With all the media outlets the president has already been tried and convicted which is wrong. No good is coming out of this investigation it needs to end. If it were any other president you have to ask would the investigators be so zealous.

  • Jim - 6 years ago

    Makes Mueller a martyr. Sorry.

  • The Bogeyman - 6 years ago

    How about another poll? "Should every America-hating leftist piece of excrement (esp. gov't officials with a 'D' next to their name) self-deport to Venezuela?"

  • Alex - 6 years ago

    I think that Trump is in deep trouble and if he fires Mueller then he will be in way over his head.

  • Mike Jackson - 6 years ago


  • Jim - 6 years ago

    Let Mueller flail and in the end when he nothing call him the liar and cheat that he is. Trump will prevail. Firing Mueller makes me a martyr.

  • Jay P. - 6 years ago

    Given enough rope, Mueller will hang himself.

  • Jack Aubrey - 6 years ago

    Can any Democrat honestly tell me this is not a witch hunt when not one of Mueller's 16+ attorneys is a Republican?

  • GARY H. - 6 years ago

    Well Obama is gone,,Cleaning up his "DROPPINGS" will require time and effort.

  • Mike Jackson - 6 years ago

    G. Almeyda -- "the optics will be terrible" Who cares? The MSM is trying to make the optics terrible regardless.

  • Britt Koball - 6 years ago

    Fire him. Escort him off federal property. Over a year, nothing yielded. Get rid of him. Fallout will be limited to outrage by left wing media. Regular people know it’s a scam and a Trump Hunt.

  • Swisstoons - 6 years ago

    Firing Mueller will only blow up the November elections for Republicans, giving the House to Democrats and, hence, the means to initiate impeachment. Sessions should (and probably will) appoint a second special counsel, and THAT will give MUELLER and his rotten crew something else to think about beside their fishing expedition because somewhere along the line, they will probably be shown to be as corrupt as McCabe, Strzok, Page, Comey, Rosenstein, et al.

  • Paul morris - 6 years ago

    Every sensible person in this country knows that Murller and his team are part of the DNC machinery. He should be fired along with Rosenstein. Let them write books and go around selling it. The swamp must be drained ????

  • ross phipps - 6 years ago


  • Oger - 6 years ago

    Hillary should be in prison along with Baka and many others from his alleged administration.

  • George - 6 years ago

    I know most you really don't follow this but just to get your heads on straight the day Rod Rosenstein empanelled Robert Mueller the two of them violated title 28 USC 600. One and USC 600. For. Making the entire Inquisition invalid. I have given you enough information if you're not too lazy you can look it up to see that I am correct even Alan dershowitz agrees

  • Kittyanaspenelope - 6 years ago

    Ever since being conveniently appointed FBI Director one week before 9/11 he has been working against the American public. Time to go.

  • John D - 6 years ago

    Firing him would be terrible politically. It’ll haunt his entire presidency no matter how great of a job he’s doing.
    Let the investigation ride out and nothing will come of it.

  • Boom Shaka Lacka - 6 years ago

    Rosenstein is a little dweeb who thinks he's a puppet-master with a new branch of government he controls called the "special council." That loser needs to be locked up for his disgustingly unconstitutional behavior!

  • G. Almeyda - 6 years ago

    If Trump fires Mueller, the optics will be terrible and he will be crucified by the MSM and Never Trumpers, whether or not the campaign colluded with Russia. Aren't conservatives always touting the idiom "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear"? With tensions as they are, interference from the WH may lead to Trump finding himself on a stretcher, a la Reagan in '81...

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