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Total Votes: 818,652

  • Paul Flagg - 6 years ago

    All this was started over a fake dossier.

  • Paul Flagg - 6 years ago

    All this was started over a fake dossier.

  • Prautine - 6 years ago

    No need to fire him. Just keep feeding g him rope, the details will work themselves out

  • Roberto - 6 years ago

    Also BTW dumbasses, Mueller is a REPUBLICAN.


    LIBERALS: ... Abortion is GOOD, Executing convicted Murderers is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Getting Robbed & Murdered is GOOD, Owning a Gun is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... High Energy Prices are GOOD, Drilling for Oil and Gas is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Islam is GOOD, Christianity is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Higher Taxes are GOOD, Lower Taxes are BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Communism is GOOD, Capitalism is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Protecting minnows is GOOD, Giving Farmers Water is BAD!
    LIBERALS: ... Gay 'Marriage' is GOOD, Traditional Marriage is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Black People are GOOD, White People are BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Welfare is GOOD, Working for a living is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... illegal Aliens are GOOD, Americans are BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Sharia Law is GOOD, The U.S. Constitution is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Homosexuals are GOOD, Christians are BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Teaching Kids about Sex is GOOD, Teaching about God is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Teaching Evolution is GOOD, Teaching Creationism is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Atheism is GOOD, Believing in God is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... The Mutant Federal Government is GOOD, Freedom is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Traitors are GOOD, Patriotic Veterans are BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Anti-American Commie Muslim Obama is GOOD, Trump is BAD!!
    LIBERALS: ... Burning Aborted Babies to produce Electicity is GOOD, Coal is BAD!!

    Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20

  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago


    Mueller doesn't have a leg to stand on as far as pursuing obstruction charges against Trump. LOL!! Mueller is Comey's BFF. He probably keeps knee pads with Comey's initials on them. I am still pondering why Trump allowed Mueller to head the investigation to begin with!

  • Adult - 6 years ago

    Oh, FFS!

  • Mell - 6 years ago

    Look at the senior executive services. This needs to be abolished.

  • Andy - 6 years ago

    Collusion no, obstruction? if he keeps firing investigators...maybe

  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago


    The poll is asking whether Trump should fire Mueller, but, if you've read my previous comment, I am suggesting that Patriots avail ourselves of our Tenth Amendment rights and make it clear to our lawmakers that we refuse to continue to foot the bill for this political witch hunt. If Mueller's probe loses funding and public support, I doubt that it will continue foreverrrrr or conclude in some bogus impeachment, as the Commiecrats would prefer.

  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago


    How is Trump going to be impeached by ending the Mueller investigation if Trump has nothing to do with ending the Mueller investigation? You confuse us.

  • Andy - 6 years ago

    So, I'm reading from this that 3/4 of my fellow Drudge followers WANT Trump to be impeached? I'm confused by these results.

  • Ned - 6 years ago

    The vitriol for this man knows no bounds. Trump haters gotta hate. They are the real bigots and human oppressors. We must drain the swamp AND defeat communism/socialism and leftism for the entire human race to be able to enjoy freedom and prosperity. If you are a liberal lefty, you are a true fool.

  • Charlie D - 6 years ago

    Lib trolls are going full force on this one. Their bosses should've trained 'em a little better.
    Mueller's investigation started out being based on a lie, a "dossier" fiction. The so-called "independent" investigator then turned to the good ole technique of Stalin's sidekick, Beria: “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”
    President Trump, the best defense is offense. When demonrats accuse someone of a crime, then the rats are committing it. Start out with the following Youtube Obumma open mic slip video titled "After my election I have more flexibility."

  • Hellcat - 6 years ago

    Mueller needs to go

  • Just a troll - 6 years ago

    Trolled your poll and voted many times. Your president reads Drudge and believes in polls. Here’s hoping he fires Mueller, then the world will be done with your president!

  • Fred - 6 years ago

    I was able complete the survey twice. I don't trust these results.

  • CAESAR - 6 years ago


  • CAESAR - 6 years ago


  • CAESAR - 6 years ago


  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago

    I am reading the back and forth arguments about why the Mueller investigation should continue. I've said from the very beginning that it is incredibly unfair to tax all Americans for something that only a small percentage wants.

    Mueller has racked up millions of dollars in expenditures during his feckless, open-ended probe and I, along with millions upon millions of Americans, simply do not buy the original premise of his investigation. I am not willing to pay for his and for Liberals' fun in perpetuity.

    If Liberals, and other tertiary people in this argument, want Mueller and his team to continue grouse hunting indefinitely, they need to pay for it EXCLUSIVELY. This is a democracy. Just like you don't have to pay for my NRA membership, I don't have to pay for your abortions. If you're strapped, get George Soros to donate.

    Congress needs to pass legislation immediately which will allow for a tax exemption for anyone who disagrees with this Mueller probe.

  • Arrest Muller/Comey - 6 years ago

    It's time the American people brought Obama, Muller, Comey & Rosenstein to justice! They have orchestrated a political coup against the people of the United States! Arrest them!!!!!

  • CAESAR - 6 years ago


  • CAESAR - 6 years ago


  • CAESAR - 6 years ago



  • Judith oberheim - 6 years ago

    No.....appoint another Special Council to investigate Mueller and his investigation into The Collusion! Perhaps Trey is available?

  • Trump Must Dissolve - 6 years ago

    The Orange GeeZus is a failure.. This poll is Bullshit at its finest. Why would you want an investigation to expose the truth about the world's biggest jackass Mindphucker to not show the truth? Only his nose blind idiot supporters believe in "Fool's Gold" snake oil selling pissed pants golfing dung spitter. This Devil must by all means be destroyed from the inside out. He hates people of color and is a white Supremacist NAZI. But you want don't want the truth because it hurts! Trump needs to go back to Hell where he came from.

  • Barack Johnson - 6 years ago

    Finally, we have a real President willing to take on the mooches and leaches, whether they work for the government or they have their hands out for freebies. Love to hear them whine. Bring on the whine!

    Trump 2020.

    Keep America Great!

  • Tommy - 6 years ago

    Trump should allow the rule of law to prevail, making his own rules and firing those investigating him is the exact thing a dictator would do. It sets a terrible and scary precedent. No one should be above the law, even if biased an investigative team can only make charges stick if they are legally valid, and then must prove them in a court. Though the system is corrupt we still need courts to be able to function or there is no fighting the government if it comes for us individuals.

  • Thank GOD for TRUMP - 6 years ago

    You snowflakes melt in the presence of a real leader. To bad the parents of these snowflakes didn't abort you. You should be grateful us trumpsters did the work to elect him. Oh that right you flakes don't like work

  • Waylon G Marlboro - 6 years ago

    Hey dawgs
    All good Amerikan like me loves Donal Tramp.
    He is fight for every mans and womans Number 2 amendments.
    All we good Amerikan hates Miller prosecutor and fake FBI bullshits. Amerika and Rossiya friends now yes. No confusion.
    No more war. Putin good friend Amerika and love Amerika. Tramp and Putin peace yes.
    Rossiya have good rackets to bomb Amerika now so peace is good and Tramp love Rossiya.
    No Rossiya kompromat or prostitution urine video is positive.
    Steel file is fake news yes.
    Presidyent Tramp is peace loving not piss loving haha
    Netflix and chill

  • Madison - 6 years ago

    To the person who said : Some ridiculous thing about doubting Trump and still cashing out tax checks- are you daft? Trump is NOT our entire government. Even thought he wants to be king. It’s We the People not he the King. What the hell does he have to do our checks, we’ve been getting them long before he reared his ugly head.

  • Evan - 6 years ago

    These comments are HILARIOUS!
    They prove that Trumpanzees really are the lowest form of life on the planet - the missing link has been found!
    Typical Trump voter: Zero intelligence, zero capacity for rational thought or logic, maximum gullibility and no idea how to use the internet to check facts or perform due diligence.
    Nope - these idiots believe ANYTHING.
    No wonder the Russian trolls at the IRA were amazed by the stupidity of Trump supporters - they got those suckers to believe all kinds of garbage.
    Hilariously they even believe Trump is a successful businessman and a billionaire ... the man is a fraud. A total fraud up to his eyeballs in debt to the mob.
    What kind of a loser can’t even make a casino turn a profit? Trump! Big fat, man-booby, bonespur pussy-grabbing pedophile pervert Trump.
    He’s not making America great - he’s making it a laughing stock, a joke, and an embarrassment.
    Like he can’t run a business, Trump is so frickin incompetent he couldn’t run an orgy in a brothel but red hat weirdos think he can run a goddam country.

  • I hired Trump - 6 years ago

    You really hate Trump then refuse to cash your tax return check. Or does being a absolute hiprocrite not bother you?

  • Rose - 6 years ago

    When do Redhatters die?

  • Steven Anderson - 6 years ago

    Who are the supposed 25 percent who don't think Mueller should be fired.... The vast majority are liberals attempting to distort the poll.

  • Ming the Merciless - 6 years ago

    Hilarious how Trumpanzees don’t actually know ANYTHING about Trump and just swallow all his lies as well as the BS fed to them by Fox Entertainment and its moronic hillbilly loudmouth crackpots. Trump is draft-dodger, a con man, a psychopath, criminal, pervert, whose entire career is one of FAILURE. What kind of LOSER can’t run a goddam casino FFS? Trump tried twice and went bankrupt both tines. Trump University? Trump Steaks? The Trump Shuttle? The only money he makes is selling his name as a franchise like McDonalds and royalties from the books he didn’t write. He has WAY more debt than assets - which is why won’t he release his tax returns and he owes it to Russian Banks bc NO respectable bank would lend to him (I worked in global banking - Trump’s been blacklisted for years). You MAGGOT idiots know nothing. The man is a crook and he’s conned you like all those poor suckers who lost their homes, life savings, everything when he bankrupted his first crappy listed company - DJT. Trump supporters are the dumbest suckers on the planet. Do some research morons and look at the filthy pig you elected.

  • Robert - 6 years ago


  • PESKY - 6 years ago

    The Trumps are exploiting the Office of the President of the United States, on a global scale, for personal gain. SOON, Mueller and true, respectable lawmen will lock them up.

    Donald Trump is a walking abomination.

  • Dan - 6 years ago

    Removing Mueller would be dumb. Not only will it energize his opponents, it will remove a convenient deep-state bogey man for which blame for everything under the sun can be heaped upon.

  • Gia - 6 years ago

    Ex. CIA Dir. Brennen said Russia has been meddling with Elections since 1960's. Stop giving Russia power and the reason why Trump got elected. Loony Alex Jones was the first to call Hillary & Obama demons. Russia didn't take & release viral video of Hillary almost fainting from the flu and saying she was on her deathbed-it was Drudge, MSM idiotic talk radio. Russia didn't force Comey to reopen Cilnton investigation days before election. Did Russia hypnotize BerniBots like Susan Sarandon to trash Hillary on Facebook & Twitter. Gary Johnson & Jill Stein got 6 million votes. Electorol College needs to be eliminated.Brennan also said Don Trump jr & Pappadopolis were just naive. Question is who asked Russian lawyer Natalie V. . to bait Trump jr.

  • Ben Hollingsworth - 6 years ago

    Mueller has found nothing, not even a hint of collusion between OUR POTUS and the stinkin Russians. He has exceeded his mandate long ago and needs to go. The collusion is obviously with the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration but he refused to go there. Do not let him spend any more of our hard earned tax dollars!!!

  • Chris Noruego - 6 years ago

    The Citizens stand with Trump, and in Europe the right wing once again look to the US for inspiration. We Will win this War, Deus Vult!

  • cornvelius daniel - 6 years ago

    This is the of the Trump presidency. He just like the other will all summit to Mueller will. There is noting Trump can do but hide under his bed until Mueller feel like taking him out.

  • JO - 6 years ago

    This looks more like a one sided Russian troll bot site than anything else. I don't think I will waste my breathe trying to talk common sense to these people. A crime is a crime no matter who commits it or what the crime is. It has been proven already that several people committed crimes and have plead guilty. Why would you plead guilty if you had not committed a crime ????

  • jjazznola - 6 years ago

    Wyatt: The Deep State hates Trump? A majority of American hate Trump! He is The National Embarrassment!

  • Mark O'Bannon - 6 years ago

    Disband the FBI !!
    Fire all of them!
    They are no longer police.
    The FBI is a political tool of the corrupt powers in government!

  • jjazznola - 6 years ago

    Timeline of a Racist

    1800s Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the United States, is a slave owner and Native American slaughterer; Two centuries later Donald Trump, the 45th U.S. President, would praise Jackson as a model president and display his portrait during a ceremony for Native American code talkers

    1920s Fred Trump, Donald Trump’s father who he says was a huge influence on him, was arrested at a KKK rally

    1970s Donald Trump and his KKK father Fred are sued by the federal government for discriminating against minorities in their housing developments; in light of damning evidence showing the discrimination happened and the Trumps knew about it, the Trump’s settled to avoid a trial

    1980s Trump doubles-down on falsely accused Young African Americans and Latinos in the ‘Central Park 5’ case by purchasing an $85,000 ad proclaiming their guilt for rape and demanding they get the death penalty despite DNA evidence that cleared them

    1990s-2000s Multiple accusations of business colleagues and acquaintances who accused Trump of making racist comments in his casinos and business, including a former hotel executive who said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

    Trump took out advertisements alleging that the “Mohawk Indian record of criminal activity is well documented.” At the time, he was fighting competition for his casino business.

    In a 1993 radio interview, Trump suggested that Native Americans in Connecticut were faking their ancestry. “I think I might have more Indian blood than a lot of the so-called Indians that are trying to open up the reservations.”

    Trump once referred to a Hispanic Miss Universe as “Miss Housekeeping.”

    Early 2000s Multiple reports Trump made racist comments and slurs, including the n-word, behind set at the Apprentice

    Obama Era
    Trump becomes key figure in Racist “birther” movement where he repeatedly, falsely accuses the first African American President of being illegitimate and really born in Africa instead of in the United States without any proof; Trump even suggests he sent “people” to Hawaii to investigate Obama’s birth and declares they found “interesting” things that he would reveal soon. He never revealed anything, and it’s wodely speculated he was lying about sending people there to look into it

    Trump falsely claimed that President Obama “issued a statement for Kwanzaa but failed to issue one for Christmas.”

    Trump calls for “shutdown” of all Muslims entering U.S.

    Trump pointed to one attendee and said: “Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him.”

    Trump says an American Judge presiding over his sham ‘Trump U’case is biased because he has Mexican heritage

    Trump begins presidential campaign by declaring Mexican immigrants are criminals and “rapists”

    Trump attacks a gold star Muslim family and says the mother probably “had to stay silent”

    After David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed him, Trump was reluctant to disavow Duke even when asked directly on television.

    Trump hired Steve Bannon as his campaign head and later White House chief strategist. Under Bannon’s leadership, the website Breitbart made white nationalism a central theme. It featured a section, for example, on “black crime.”

    Trump has trafficked in anti-Semitic caricatures, including the tweeting of a six-pointed star alongside a pile of cash. He has also been reluctant to condemn anti-Semitic attacks on journalists from his supporters, and he echoed neo-Nazi conspiracy theories by saying that Hillary Clinton “meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors.”

    Trump frequently offers false crime statistics to exaggerate urban crime, including about Oakl

  • enough is enough - 6 years ago

    The dems are infuriating Trump's base with nonstop smear tactics. We're not buying the lies. We do want an investigation that will send them packing or to jail. It's time. We've had it.

  • Bob Mueller - 6 years ago

    Lock Him Up

  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago

    It's incredibly hilarious and caustically ironic how baby killing, pot smoking, seditious, atheist Liberals are clutching their pearls and trying to nail Trump to a cross over moral missteps, a porn star; adultery, and a McCarthyesque Red scare.

  • CAMERO-ZERO-SIX - 6 years ago

    Anyone with a security clearance knows HRC got a pass. Double standard. Tyranny. The reason why the sodbusters had to kick the empire's.ass. Sanctimonious Comey and McCabe canned - hahahahaha!!!! The Swamp is not invincible. I did it for my cheesy pension. Nuremberg. Swamp rats, jump ship before it's too late. Lock up the intelligence community and the SES. Dereliction of Duty for allowing and supporting the Swamp.

  • Wyatt - 6 years ago

    The FBI and CIA pay trolls to spread lies on the Internet. The Deep State hates Trump. All of these "anti-Trump" people just showed up a few hours ago in a pack. They are most likely one or two FBI agents using different accounts to post under different names. Big Brother always uses dirty tricks.

  • Wa - 6 years ago

    So is stormy Daniels and talking with Russians obstruction of justice now. This is gonna drag on forever, just fire Jeff Sessions he's not helping anyhow and hopefully the next AJ will have enough seance to get rid of Rod Rosenstein so we can start a proper investigation of all of them. The don't like Trump and they never will so fire them and do what's right. Now McCabe is saying he kept notes, I wonder if he kept notes when he was letting Hillary off the hook. I wander who Hillary really is, look at the mess she's causing, all these people are loosing there jobs for her and it seems like they'll die for her, why are they so loyal to her

  • Mr. Big - 6 years ago

    I say keep reeling out the rope. Meuller and his gang of thugs lack the common sense to understand when enough bullshit is enough bullshit. Let them hang themselves on all that rope. Meuller, like Comey, Clinton(s), Lynch, Holder, Obammy, Wasserman-Schultz, Schiff, Schumer, Durbin, and the rest of the enemies of the state will go down in history as the biggest bunch of shit stains ever assembled.


    The right place for Trumps is probably a mental hospital in a federal prison. Stupidity has no cure.

  • Wa - 6 years ago

    If I were Rod Rosenstein and Mullier I would do what there doing now, i would try to dig up everything I can on Trump even if it has nothing to do with Russian collusion and at the same time ignore calls for a 2nd special council because I wouldn't want to investigate myself, hey by the way, aren't they obstructing justice.These people are worse that swamp creatures.

  • URDICKERS - 6 years ago

    This has mobilized the russian trolls. Best way to prove collusion.

  • ImpeachGOP - 6 years ago

    @Sharie Winn & @Mike,
    CNN is in fact, a RIGHT leaning network. I know you've been brainwashed to think CNN is liberal, but anyone who spends any time watching it, knows they clearly favor tRump. At least they don't peddle false conspiracy theories like Faux News... but most of their pundits are right wing nut jobs.

  • Taste Like Turkey - 6 years ago

    I've never tasted crow before. Would all you Trump / Russia lovers let me know what it tastes like when Donald and the rest of the Trump crime syndicate is being taken away in handcuffs and leg shackles?

  • Mike - 6 years ago

    Hey Sherie do you think you have all truth by listening the cnn's and the hate Trump and hate everything American media.

  • Sharie Winn - 6 years ago

    Anyone who thanks that Mueller should be fired is only watching Fox they will not look any farther than Fox and I'm feel sorry for them because they are not seeing the whole truth of what's going on with this scum of the Earth

  • Larry - 6 years ago

    The only, and obviously the most important thing, the Clintons are good at is getting everyone involved and profiting from their criminal actions. That's why the swamp is resisting the drain. Every swinging dick in D.C. has something to lose and are now positioning themselves for least damage. All swamps have an odor. This one makes a skunk smell like Chanel #5.

  • Hamish Morgenstern - 6 years ago

    Put Jill Stein on the Federal Election Commission, she can find lots of votes for the GOP in 2018 and lots of Trump votes in 2020. AIGA - America Is Great Again

  • common mont - 6 years ago

    Level the dam and drain the contemptible swamp.

  • Beian - 6 years ago

    Too early, although the bias is evident. Wait for the IG's report and the hopefull appointment of a special counsel. The new counsel, if he/she has even an ounce of integrity should have Mueller in the crosshairs of uranium 1, etc. And give trump cause to fire him at this point. This investigation will go on forever unless sessions does his job as AG. Sad....the swamp investigating the swamp.

  • Joshwa - 6 years ago

    The Russians turned on Obama by attacking Obama/McCain created ISIS. They were murdering Christians and destroying Christian heritage all over the middle east. This infuriated Hillary and Obama. Thwarting the plan in Syria. Putin is a force of good, Obama is the evil one.

  • Putin's Other Puppet - 6 years ago

    Hey, everyone! Trump's best buddy won the election! Look here to see the ballot box stuffing in action!

    We could be like them if we'd just keep pushing to let Trump get away with treason! Yes we can!

  • Davey Crokett - 6 years ago

    Patriotic Veteran said:

    ""“Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

    --Donald J. Trump ""

    Yes, Trump trolled little DeeDee feinstein and the rest of those CommieFornia hipocrites rotten...

    Then Trump went right back to business of Defending the Right to Keep and bear Arms with the rest of the adults, your point?

  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago

    @Patriotic Veteran

    Touché ! And I bet the soy boys creamed their pants when Daddy said that.

    He may be eccentric but, Trump has yet to march anyone into a gas chamber. Didn't he also say that Mexico was going to pay for "The Wall"? Don't hold your breath on either issue.

  • Mitch Miller - 6 years ago

    god, did u google stormy daniels and watch her sex videos? 294 different porno films she made, getting banged from the right and the left, up the middle, sideways, upside down, 69, etc.etc. she's a piece of work. but she doesn't do so good in the bj department. she needs to practice on Bill Clinton,.............or Hillary.

  • Leon Trotzky - 6 years ago

    "Wow, the Russkies are out in force tonight in this thread."

    --Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

  • Rick Stovarski - 6 years ago

    The Democrats and the lefty mainstream media's new HERO....................STORMY DANIELS.

  • val albert - 6 years ago

    that's funny, Ed. I thought the same thing about Mueller. Mr. Undertaker. What I like about Trump, and I will vote for him in 2020, is that he really is draining the swamp. The EPA bureaucrats are leaving in droves because of Trump. Global warming hoax, perpetrated by the old 60's hippies who finally went to work in the late 80's and 90's for the feds, and now they are all a bunch of old, gassy, pony-tailed greybeards and fat old ladies who want Bernie Sanders as the Prez so they can get free health care when they get Alzheimers and diabetis. Keep draining the swamp, President Trump.

  • Patriotic Veteran - 6 years ago

    Daniel Boone:

    “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

    --Donald J. Trump

  • Davy Crockett - 6 years ago

    "Steve", nice try plebe, Reductio ad Hitlerum

    Reductio ad Hitlerum (pseudo-Latin for "reduction to Hitler"; sometimes argumentum ad Hitlerum, "argument to Hitler", ad Nazium, "to Nazism"), or playing the Nazi card, is an attempt to invalidate someone else's position on the basis that the same view was held by Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party,[1] for example: "Hitler was against tobacco smoking, X is against tobacco smoking, therefore X is a Nazi".

    The moment you invoked HITLER you LOST the Argument, this, directly because you have no argument, just name calling
    THAT is what the LEFT does, name call, homophobic, xenophobic,misogynist,patriarchy blah blah nobody cares anymore, go watch cartoons.


    Stevies TYPICAL LEFTIST LIES exposed/deposed/trashed in under 60 seconds

    On September 4, 2013, James B. Comey was sworn in as the seventh Director of the FBI. by BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA

    FBI Director James B. Comey has named Andrew McCabe as the Bureau’s new deputy director.


    Rod Rosenstein is another deeep state Swamp Rat

    "President George W. Bush nominated Rosenstein in May 2005 to be U.S. attorney for Maryland, a position he held onto for 12 years, through the entire Obama administration. He was the only U.S. attorney appointed by a previous administration to last all eight years of Obama's presidency."

    when The American People Learn the TRUTH ALL these people too will held accountable .

    NO DEALS Treasonous, Seditious Traitors will Reap the Whirlwind

    Where we go ONE we Go ALL

  • edgar hansen - 6 years ago

    Mueller looks like a mortician. Hopefully this will be his last undertaking. He looks warn to the bone.

  • Defelice - 6 years ago

    Always a marine sir. We the silent are watching and waiting.

  • ANON On 8Chan - 6 years ago

    Trump 20202

  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago


    You are a cretin.

    How is Trump like Hitler ffs??

    I'll tell you who's like Hitler.. You Commiecrat pos Liberals and Progressives...That's who.

    I don't see Patriots demanding gun confiscation.

    I don't see Patriots causing the genocide of millions of non whites (via Planned Parenthood).

    I don't see Patriots forcing their children to walkout of classrooms like Brownshirts to demand "gun control".

    I don't see Patriots forming alliances with notorious Anti-Semites.

    I don't see Patriots restricting Free Speech or shutting down those with opposing views.

    I don't see Patriots rooting up the very foundation of our democracy and replacing it with fascism and communism.

    And do not get me started about the putridness of the Democratic party...

    You need to crack a history book, soy boy. Read about Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and the rest of the evil rulers of this sad world. Tell us how Trump resembles them. Who is he currently exterminating?

    You libtards are just globalist shills and most of you are too high on pot to even know or care...

    But your all time favorite thing to do is to project and to blame others for what you do and for what you are. It's not happenin' captain. We all see you.

  • CCCP - 6 years ago

    Donald Trump is glorious president. русский collusion is myth. As American, I wish Mueller investigation shut down. Amerikanskiye patrioty, remember your friends. Democrats are real evil empire, not KGB president and mother Россия. Trust me. I am Republikan from Wisconsin heartland.

  • C. Mueller - 6 years ago

    Every person involved from Rosenstein to Mueller to all their Deep State democrat partisan lawyers should be sent packing. It is nothing more than a fishing expedition now. A witch hunt. Call in the military and have them removed.

  • Roberto - 6 years ago

    The Deplorables would choose a Putin style dictatorship over our beautiful democracy. Reagan is spinning in his grave. We defeated the Soviet Union and now we emulate it. There aren't enough facepalms in the universe to cover it.

  • Ricky Redneck* (of the Siberian Variety) - 6 years ago

    Throw out congress! Woo! Send judges home! Hell yeah! DRAIN THE SWAMP! All hail Supreme ChancellorEmperorPresidentLeader TRUMP! And shoot guns too! Woo! Liberals bad!

  • Steve - 6 years ago

    Hitler used the same tactics and had similar supporters. All of you who support Trump are the same as the Germans who supported Hitler. As I hope you are aware, it did not end well then and will not end well now. Absolutely shameful that Trump supports accept his lies and exploitation of true Americans. You do not even know what that means. Try reading some history, so you do not facilitate the repetition and disgrace.

    By the way, Comey, McCabe, and Rosenstein are republicans and appointed by Bush. Obama has nothing to do with it. Try getting your facts straight. McCabe's wife is a democrat and last time I checked, ones spouse should have nothing to do with who you are except in Trumps case because HE IS GUILTY!

  • Pass the Wodka - 6 years ago

    Yo pass the caviar and vodka bitches! Drudge might as well named the poll "click YES if you're Russian" . This is so hilarious, watching all these comments from Vlad and Boris. Keep up the awesom bot party, Matty!

  • Boris Badinov@kremlin.sithlords.commie - 6 years ago

    Россия Россия Россия

    WE KNOW TRUMP ATE 2 scoops of ice cream!
    WE KNOW 2 sips of water Greedy Capitalist Peeg!
    WE KNOW Storymy Dangels is an Opportunistic P0rn Hag
    oh ..NO....therefore we can surmise!

    лося и белка должны умереть

    левые дебилы...

  • Hank J - 6 years ago

    The people stand by Trump. Read the book so Pro-Trump that even Reddit (and sub T-D) banned it, “KEK II: Trump year One, Hillary year None” (JUST RELEASED 2018), the sequel to the bestseller, “KEK: The Rise of Donald Trump”.

  • Sick of double standards - 6 years ago

    You are all sheep. Or Russian bots. We spent the second half of the 20th century defeating this communist fools, and you all bend over backwards to kiss their asses because of some lie trump told you. Grow up, man up, and be Americans, not Russian tools.

  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago

    @What do we know

    You don't know jack! If you want to waste this country's time and greatness speculating on boolshit, you and the rest of the dumbass brigade damn well better pick up the tab.

  • What do we know - 6 years ago

    We know Donald Jr received and answered emails from Russians

    We know Donald Jr met with Russians

    We know members of Trumps campaign manipulated the Republican platform at the GOP convention to favor Russian interests

    We know Kushner met with foreign investors seeking their investment in 666 Fifth Avenue NY while serving as a member of the administration.

    We know porn star Stormy Daniels was paid hush money BUT we still haven't found out where the money actually came from.

    Dots are being connected to get from Donald Trump to Russians. At most, he is only 3 or 4 dots removed. It is all being pieced together.

  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago

    FYI: This thread throws typos into text...js

  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago

    FYI: This thread throws typos into text...js

  • Daniel Boone - 6 years ago

    @Joe Patriot -

    Mueller has indicted no one of consequence...such as Russian social media trolls whom he'll never even meet. Hah! Hardly worth millions of dollars of Patriot tax money!

    Why is Mueller investigating Russian collusion anyway? His involvement with the sale of uranium to the Russians is a huge problem. As soon as it leaked that he was involved with Uranium One, his arse should have been booted from the probe. And of course, he is Comey's BFF so why, again, is he tasked with indicting Trump for obstruction of justice for firing Comey? Just plain dumb.

    Saying things like Putin has Trump's "nuts in a vice" is colorful but, it's also tawdry speculation. Where's your hard evidence? More importantly, where's Mueller's? If Trump is guilty, show us the hard evidence. Metaphors and strong hunches are NOT evidence. I might have a strong hunch that you drown kittens, but, if I have not seen you drown kittens, if I cannot place you at the scene of a kitten drowning, and if all the motive that I have to investigate you is what your disgruntled neighbor claims you've done... that you look like a kitten murderer and that you have done nothing to care for or to assist the stray cats in the neighborhood, I don't have a case. This happens in the real world, but, unfortunately, the political realm resides in the Twilight Zone. Here, evidence is not necessary to assume guilt. And this charade of a reasonable and justified criminal investigation will not go on forever...just so you know.

    If no one who has testified has answered more than a half a dozen questions and you good villagers with your torches are not enough to frighten them into a confession...I say, let it go, Joe. If Devin Nunes is blocking subpoenas then maybe he's taking his cues from Hillary Rodham Clinton who straight up ignores subpoenas and who does what she damn well pleases.

    Your advice to the GOP is ridiculous because, quite frankly, we are actually operating under an Oligarchy. There aren't two parties but, they do pretend to be separate. But, there is no pretense when it comes to the American people who have trusted these pos politicians and who have voted these bozos into office.

    There are some liberal Americans who want this farce to continue and I say FINE. Let's set up a way so that you are specifically taxed for the on-going expenses. Most conservatives don't buy into the Russia collusion bologna nor do we want to be taxed for dirtbag Mueller's expenditures .

    What Trump will do about his staff or associates I could care less. Probably nothing since he has nothing to hide. And, what I and others choose to watch is none of your goddamn business. You'd sound like you get 99% of your talking points from the Clown News Network because your understanding of this situation is a stone cold joke.

  • Patriotic Veteran - 6 years ago

    LOL, that's some great doublespeak, Bane. Blame Democrats for starting a civil war while you--and only you--issue a call to arms.

  • CAMERO-ZERO-SIX - 6 years ago

    McCabe fired for misconduct after IG report. Congressman colluding with McCabe to steal money from the People and give him a pension. DRAIN THE SWAMP! Lock up the intelligence community and the SES. Dereliction of Duty for allowing and supporting the Swamp.

  • Wendy b - 6 years ago

    I love how GOP says that liberals don’t care about the rule of law or the constitution. That is HILARIOUS coming from the party that all but accepted foreign interference in our most sacred democratic right. Tell me again what Patriots you are?

  • Bane - 6 years ago

    The Democrats are pushing for Civil War 2... it's obvious no liberals give a flying fuck about the rule of Law or the constitution at this point. Their plan is to wipe you out, white man. Wake up! Stock up on arms and ammo. Ignore GOP cucks who have lost every political issue the last 50 years. Make a note of all leftists in your neighborhood, town and city, for quick and easy "physical removal." The fire rises....

  • Joaquin Regardo - 6 years ago

    Barack Obama and his cronies tried undermining the election in Israel against Netanyahu. Hillary and Obama colluded with the Russians in using the fake dossier, in selling America's uranium illegally to Russian, and in using the Sec of State position to garner donations to the Clinton Foundation. Lock them all up. Arm every American with an assault rifle to protect against this Deep State threat from within. MAGA

  • achena - 6 years ago

    DAVID- 1 minute ago
    facts are, even after two years, there is NO, ZERO evidence of Trump wrongdoing in the 2016 election.
    How do you know? From your fertile imagination or you are privy to the evidence Mueller's team found?

    It is well-known (thee are pictures and documents) that many in Trump's inner circle had direct business/other connections with Russia/Russians, Manafort/Flynn/Sater/Cohen/Trump-himself/his-kids/etc

    Already more than 10 Russians and Russian agencies have been indicted. If you are saying these Russians are not guilty and the evidence against them are all cooked up then Trump/Sessions and the Republican congress should prove Mueller wrong. They have not.

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